Chapter 14

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(__) POV

The bath was just like a remembered. It was nice, warm, and relaxing.
"Ahh this feels so good."
"I know right." Baby 5 agreed.
"So how have you been?" I asked now facing her.
"Well you see..." She said blushing and poking her fingers to one another.
"Well what?! Tell me."
"I'm engaged!"
"Again!? What was it this time?"
"He said that he needed a beautiful women like me by his side."
"And you got engaged to him."
"I can't just leave him when he said he needed me." She defended causing me to face palm.
"Well whatever I'm sure Flamingo will probably handle it."
"What no! Not again."
"Sorry but yes. I don't agree with killing them, but you need to stop." I lectured.
"I know but I can't help myself."
"I know, I know. You are just a naturally nice person so it can't be helped."
"Anyways enough about me what about you?"
"Me? What about me?"
"You have been gone for a while, what have you been doing?" She asked curiously.
"Umm well I have been on my own for a bit since leaving but recently I have been traveling with a crew."
"Really!? So you decided to join a crew!"
"Well no I'm just traveling with them. For the time being."
"I'm surprised that a pirate group would just left you travel with them when you're not part of their crew but then again it is you."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked confused.
"Oh nothing, nothing. We should be getting out now or the young master will be mad if you're late to your dinner date."
"Date?" I asked even more confused. She doesn't seem to be talk about date as in months, years, and days, so what does she mean by date?
"Come on let's go!" She said pushing me out the warmth of the bath.
"Okay, okay I'm going." After a little while I was ready for my dinner date-as Baby 5- called it. I was wearing a short white dress that had a white sash around my waist. It exposed about half of my chest and had pearls wrap around my hips. My hair was tied into a high ponytail and I had one white heels.
"Guess I'm ready." I sighed.
"You look really pretty (__)."
"I guess but I don't want to look pretty for him." I sighed again. She the rushed me out of the bedroom and waved me goodbye. One I finally got to the door leading to the dinner I stopped and sighed to myself for agreeing to this but I opened the door anyways. I found Flamingo sitting down at the end of the large table waiting for me.
"Took you long enough. I thought I would have to pull you the bath myself."
"If you even tried anything like that I would have kicked your butt."
"You're to cold to me my little angel." He said with a smirk. From there we sat and enjoyed dinner. Well more like he enjoyed I was being bothered the whole time. I swear he gets some sick pleasure out of watching me suffer. After a while we finished eating and I left to "our room" to get the clothes I was wearing.
"Leaving so soon huh."
"Yup I got to go back to my friends."
"Or you can stay here." He said and then wrapped his arms arms over my shoulder.
"Nope got to go!" I said and bolted out of the room. On the way I saw some of the officers and waved bye to them but I was still running away. Once I got far enough away from the castle I walked the rest of the way to the Red Force.
"(__) you're finally back!" Yasopp said when he saw me.
"(__)!?" Shanks said turning to my direction.
"Took you long enough. Where did you go?" Benn asked. When I got on the ship the crew started to get ready to sail out.
"Nowhere in parti-." I was cut off by Shanks who wasn't too pleased for some reason.
"Where were you? Why did you take so long? Why didn't you first tell me where you were going? Why do the people here know you?" I swear dropped at all the question he was firing off at me. He is definitely not happy.
"Calm down Shanks, I'm fine."
"Answer the questions."
"Right. I was with the Flamingo, I took so long because he made me stay for dinner, I didn't tell you first because I thought it was going to be quick, and the people here know me because I stayed here for 3 weeks.
"Who's Flamingo?" He asked raiding an eyebrow.
"An annoying guy who won't leave me alone." I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"What!? Did he do something to you?" Shanks asked now getting angry.
"Yes he does a lot of things like constantly bothering me and calling me his little angel!!" I shouted now angry thinking about it all.
"Crew turn us around right now I'm going to go kick this guy's ass!!!" Shanks yelled but his crew ignored him and tried to calm him down.
"We really shouldn't be going to that island it creeps me out." Yasopp said.
"So does there King Doflamingo. He seems a bit off." Benn added.
"That's because he is a bit off. He gets some kind of sick pleasure from annoying me." I said causing everyone to look at me.
"Wait a minute you said a guy named Flamingo bothers you and Doflamingo is the king." They all said quietly and then it felt as if a lightbulb went off in their heads.
"Of course who else would I be talking about." I said bluntly casing the whole crew to look at me with their mouths open.
"And you called me Flamingo!!" Yasopp laughed amd Shanks joined in to.
"How do you know someone like Doflamingo?" Lucky Roo asked.
"I landed here a while ago and for some reason he wanted to see me so he kept sending his men after me. At some point I got so irritated I went to see him and after I did I headed straight back to my ship only to find it destroyed. So I went back to the castle to demand he fix it and he said he would only repair it if I stayed for three weeks in the castle." I explained.
"Why didn't you fix it yourself?"
"I was a little broke at the time." I said while rubbing my hand on the back of my head.
"(__) did he try anything?" Shanks asked while holding my hands.
"Try anything?" I repeated confused by what he meant by that. "What do you mean?"
"Captain I don't think he did anything to her. She's obviously to dumb to even know what that means." Yasopp said making me angry at his little insult.
"Did you just call me dumb!?" I yelled angrily and started to chase him around the ship. The tension from before seemed to be gone as now everyone was laughing while watching me chase down Yasopp.

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