Chapter 12

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(__) POV

I woke up the next morning on the deck of the Red Force. Everyone was still passed out from there crazy party last night. The only person who was awake was Benn so I decided to talk with him for a while. After a couple of minutes more people started to wake up but they seemed to be in pain. They were all complaining about their heads.
"My head hurts so much." Shanks complained.
"That's your fault you drank to much." Benn said.
"Wait what does drinking have to do with headaches?" I asked confused.
"What you really don't know!?" Yasopp said surprised and I nodded no as a response.
"When you drink too much you get hangovers the next morning that make you're head pound." Benn explained.
"Ohhh! Then why did they drink so much?" I asked.
"Because alcohol is the best!" Yasopp and Shanks cheered causing me to sweat drop at their childish behavior.
"You should know nothing will get these two stop drinking." Benn said.
"Benn is right they love alcohol." One of the crew said.
"Don't act like you you guys don't love it too." Benn scolded.
"Hey (__) join my crew, we could use a cute girl like you." Shanks said with a smile.
"You're not even going to think about it."
"Sorry but I'm waiting for someone else. We made a promise long ago and if he asks me to join his crew then I am, but if he forgot then I'll find another crew to join." I explained. He probably forgot though it was years ago.
"Damn that's not fair someone took you away before I could." Shanks complained causing me to giggle.
"If you're okay with it, I can stay for a bit." I offered which he immediately accepted with a smile. He's whole crew started cheering and Shank's decided to throw another party to celebrate me staying. I have been here for two days now and this is already their second party. They are a crazy bunch but they are kind and caring.

After another party everyone woke up the next day with a terrible hangover Again. Well everyone expect for me and Benn. I drank a sip or two but that was about it and Benn was to busy smoking to drink. After Shanks was feeling better he showed me to the room I would be staying in. It was little smaller the what I was use to.  Oh who am I kidding it was a lot smaller then what I was use to. The room was smaller then my closet but I didn't really mind. Over the years I have learned that bigger isn't better. I put the little amount of things I had into the closet and set myself down on the bed. Wanting to take a bath I asked Shanks where the bathroom was and he of course showed me.  Once there I quickly took off my clothes and ran excitedly to the bath.
"So warm." I said to myself as I relaxed. My mind immediately started to drift off to Flamingo and the times I took a bath with Baby 5. I really missed that. After a while I sadly decided it was time to get out. I went to change my clothes however when I looked at the door I noticed it was open just a crack and there was a pool of blood on the floor. Quickly changing into my clothes I opened the door to find three guys on the floor with there nose bleeding. It took me a while to process it all. I didn't really get why there nose was bleeding but I definitely understood that these guys were peeking at me.
"So you guys were peeking in me?" I asked with a cold glare to the three idiots in front of me.
"N-no we would never!" One guy said as we whipped the blood from his nose.
"So first you peek and now you lie!." I said while cracking my knuckles. The three idiots immediately ran away causing me to chase after them. We ran all around the boat moving well more like pushing people out of the way. I was able to catch up to two of them and when I did they definitely thought that Satan would be kinder to them then me.

*a couple of minutes later*

"Hey (__) have you seen Yukimura he was suppose to drink with me." Yasopp said with Shanks next to him, both of course already drunk.
"Wait, you fish?" Shanks asked right after.
"Nope." I began. "Can you hold on a minute." I said while finally pulling the line up. And there he was, Yukimura was attached to the bottom of my line like bait. I'm surprised that the fishing rod didn't break but hey I'm happy it didn't.
"You guys help me!!" Yukimura begged while Shanks and Yasopp just laughed.
"Hey you're not going anywhere until you get 10 fishes remember. How many did you get this time?" I asked.
"I'm grabbed two so that makes 10. Let me go please!!" He begged even more.
"Fine you're free to go." I said finally letting him leave. The moment he wasn't bait anymore he ran off to who knows where as long as it was away from me.
"You shouldn't be using our men as bait." Benn said knowing joining us. "And you shouldn't be laughing captain."
"How can I not laugh that's hilarious. I've never seen someone use a person as bait." He said leaning onto Yasopp so he wouldn't fall because he was laughing so much.
"Who would have thought you were so scary pretty lady." Yasopp added still laughing.
"They had that coming."
"They?" Benn questioned.
"Yes Sou, Yukimura, and Isaac thought it would be a good idea to peek at me." I said crossing my arms above my chest.
"Wait they did what?!" Shanks said now done laughing. "I'm going to beat their ass for that." Shanks said as he began to run but Benn held him back.
"Boys will be boys (__). It's not everyday a pretty little lady like you comes aboard." Yasopp said.
"Still." I said puffing my cheeks out.

*a few weeks later*

"Hey Captain!" One of the crew called out. Currently it was late in the afternoon. Shanks and Yasopp were drinking as usual while Benn was just relaxing, and me, well let's just say that I was annoyed that they decided to do all this in my room. I was about to yell at them but was interrupted when one of the crew came running in. "Captain we are near an island." However the poor guy was ignored. "What island I asked. "Dressrosa." The guy said which immediately made my eyes widen in shock; something that I'm sure Benn didn't miss. "I'm sorry can you repeat that." I asked praying that I heard him wrong. "We are nearing Dressrosa." I immediately started internally crying to myself upon hearing that. No not Dressrosa of all the islands in the world why there.
"What's wrong (__)?" Benn asked causing Yasopp and Shanks to stop there drinking party.
"Huh me. Oh nothing I'm fine. Totally fine." I said trying to act cool, but I knew that it wasn't working. I'm a terrible liar. "I think we should skip this island for now, don't you think." I said nervously hoping they wouldn't ask more questions. Sure I missed Baby 5 and the others but I don't want to have to see Flamingo again. Who knows what he'll do if he finds out I'm in town.
"Isn't that the island Doflamingo's controls" Yasopp asked.
"Yes, normally I would say we should avoid it but we are in need of supplies." The crewmen said.
"What supply do we need?" I asked.
"Alcohol we are running out." That of course got me pissed.
"YOU WANT US TO STOP AT THE ISLAND FOR ALCHOL. YOU CAN SURVIVE A COUPLE OF DAYS WITHOUT SOME BOOZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted while shaking the guy by his collar.
"We're running out of alchol!?" Yasopp and Shanks said at the same time.
"Captain I think we should go on the island." Benn said.
"Wait what!?"
"Set a course for Dressrosa!" Shanks said and Yasopp cheered raising his cups of beer in happiness.
"Why me!"

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