Chapter 19

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(__) POV

A lot of my time with Mihawk was spent training. Training with him, I could definitely understand why he was named the strongest swordsmen in the world. I was a little rusty since it's been a while since I needed to fight with a sword but training with him really helped. Although he's quiet he was a pretty good teacher. I was also able to imporve my Haki along with my sword skills. We did train a lot but we also got pretty close too. We ate everyday together so that was our time to talk. Well more like my time to talk, I did most of the talking but still I enjoyed being around him.

Right now it was the middle of the night. I had just woken up from one of my nightmares. I had dream that I was back in my house alone and my father was torturing me again. Not being able to sleep I decided to go to Mihawk's room to see if he was up.
"Mihawk are you awake." I said softly next to the open door.
"(__)." He said getting up slightly.
"I didn't wake you did I."
"No. What is it?"
"I just wanted to talk with you a little." I lied.
"You're sweating, did you have a nightmare?" I was a little taken back that he noticed.
"No I'm fine." I said with a smile.
"Come here." I did as he said and walked over to his bed. He told me to lay down so I did.
"You can sleep here."
"Sleep here with you!?" I said slightly blushing but I turned my head so he wouldn't see. Then I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me. I turned around with my face even more red then before.
"You don't have to tell me, but you can sleep here." How am I suppose to sleep with him holding me like this!!! My heart's beating so fast, I don't even understand why!

I woke up the next morning with Mihawk's arms still around me. I turned around to see that Mihawk was already up.
"You're awake already, why didn't you get up?" I asked.
"I didn't want to wake you up."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"It's fine, plus you're comfortable." When he said that my face turned red and I turned around to hide my embarrassment.
"W-well come on, w-we s-should be getting out." I stuttered crawling out of the bed.

Today was one of my free days so I decided to do something I never did before, cook. I wanted to thank Mihawk for comforting me last night so I was going to make him fried rice and steak.
"Hmm so the book says 3tbs of sesame oil, diced vegetables, eggs, soy sauce and green onions."
Once the rice was made I put it on the pan.
"Hmm it seems a little hard." I said while hitting the rice that was shaped like the rice bowl. "Oh well it should get better." The next things I did was add the diced vegetables and the oil and soy sauce. "That doesn't seem like enough." I said. I began shaking the bottle to get more sauce out. Then it was time to add the eggs so I put the eggs into the pan and turned the fire on. After what felt like forever it was finally done. The rice was a reddish brownish color from the soy sauce and the shells of the egg was spread out.
"Now time for the steak." I added salt but once again it didn't seem like enough so I added more. Since the steak was taking too long to cook I put it on high and went to to relax for a couple of minutes. During that time I grabbed a book from the library and stayed reading in the nearby room. I ended up forgetting about the steak until I smelled smoke come from the kitchen. I quickly ran in trying to save my food, but once I touched the handle I burned my hand. Ignoring the pain I pulled the pan out of the fire and put it in the counter. Then Mihawk came running into the room with a worried expression. When he saw the fire he quickly poured water on it getting rid of it.
"Sorry Mihawk." I apologized hiding my burned hand away. He looked at my eyes and then drifted his eyes drifted the hand I was hiding. He reached his hand to where mine were and pulled it out to face him.
"You got burned." He said causing me to nod.
"How did that happen?"
"I was cooking something for you but then I forgot about it so it got on fire. I tried to save it but it was too late. I'm sorry, I just wanted to thank you for yesterday." I waited for him to lecture me but then nothing came, instead he pulled me into a tight hug.
"Don't do something so reckless. You don't need to thank me for that." He said hugging me tighter. I couldn't muster any words so all I did was nod. Eventually I let him go.
"I made fried rice too, but now that I'm looking at it, I don't think it's edible." He went up to where the plate was and picked it up. He walked into the dining room and took a seat. Once he began eating it I gasped surprised. I knew that I messed considering rice isn't suppose to He that color and I could hear him crunching the food.
"You don't have to eat that!" I said.
"I'll eat anything you make, especially if you got hurt over it." That of course made me blush but I quickly smiled at him and thanked him.

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