Chapter 61

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3rd POV

At a marine base near Sabaody, a certain captain was training to get ready for the upcoming war. His focus was completely on getting stronger until one of his men came running into the room.
"Captain Smoker sir!"
"What is it?"
"A pirate has invaded the base, sir."
"A pirate did what!?!" Smoked said surprised. "How many?"
"Just one sir." This surprised Smoker even more. What idiot pirate would came to marine base all alone? Smoker ran outside to deal with the situation at hand.
"I'll deal with this!" Smoker yelled out to his men. The marines quickly moved away allowing Smoker to fight the (h/c) haired girl. In only a couple of minutes, Smoker knocked out (__).

*time skip*

Smoker was commanded to take the (h/c) haired girl to Impel Down right away as they had no time to deal with her right now.
"Captain Smoker she's awake." Smoker didn't go down at first but he couldn't help but go down to the cell she was on in the ship. He was curious by her actions and a little suspicious. He saw her bounty before. Why would a well-known pirate like her foolishly attack a marine base?
"Wow, so another person has come down here to see me." (__) said once she saw Smoker. "My names (__) by the way."
"Wait who's come to see you?"
"A ton of the marines on board. Although they spent a lot of time staring at me which is weird." (__) began. "Anyway, what's your name?"
"I didn't come down here for small talk. Why did you attack the base?"
"I was mad at you guys for capturing Ace."
"So then why aren't you participating in the war with Whitebeard."
"Wait Pops is going to war!?" (__) said surprised at first but then smiled. "Well, I guess that's something he would do. He wouldn't let Ace just get executed." Smoker was still suspicious of (__). She seemed a little too happy to him for someone going to Impel Down.
"Fleet Admiral Sengoku wanted you to know something."
"Huh? What is it?"
"After the war with Whitebeard, your father will be taking you back home."
"What!?" (__) said shocked. "It's okay (__) Luffy is going to save both Ace and me before that happens. I knew what I was risking by doing this." (__) thought to herself.
"Why did you become a pirate?" Smoker asked snapping (__) out of her thoughts.
"You know for someone who isn't here for small talk you sure are talking a lot."
"I'm only curious. I don't care about you at all."
"Well alright, that's fair." (__) began. "I became a pirate for one simple reason, to be free."
"Free? Free from what?" This confused Smoker even more. She was the daughter of one of the wealthiest men in the world, she could get anything she wanted. What did she what to be free from?
"From my father. I've spent 17 years trapped in the mansion. I never got to see the world or meet other people. There are so many things that the world has to offer and I wanna see them all with my friends." (__) said now looking up at Smoker with a burning passion in her eyes. "And that's why I'll never go back to that house."
Smoker was in shock. He didn't know what to say or what to do. He was a little conflicted inside. He understands why she did what she did but she was still a pirate. He can't go feeling pity for pirates.
"Well, you don't have to feel pity for me. I let that all go when I escaped."
"My name is Smoker."
"Well that's it's nice to meet you officially Smokey." (__) said doing a closed eye smile.
"Smokey?" Smoker questioned raising her eyebrow.
"It's cute isn't it."
"Don't call me that!"
"Why not? I liked it." (__) pouted. Next thing you know a crowd of marines came running into (__) cell.
"Hey Captain it's not fair you get to keep (__) all to yourself!"
"Yeah yeah, you just kicked us out so you could be with her!" Smoker was growing more and more annoyed by every word his men were saying.
"Get out and get back to your posts!!!" The marines all left disappointed and sad.
"You create such a ruckus." Smoker said rubbing his temples.
"Wait how's this my fault!?"
"It isn't obvious."
"No. I didn't do anything. I don't get why they act like that."
"It's because..."
"It's because what?" (__) said still confused.
"Never mind it's not important." Smoker said turning his blushing face to the side so she couldn't see.
"What you can't just not tell me!" (__) complained.
"Captain Smoker!" Someone called out. "Captain there you are. The men are all depressed you need to go up and deal with it." A woman with short black hair and glasses said.
"You handle it Tashigi."
"It's your job, you're the captain." The woman named Tashigi said.
"Tch. Fine." Smoker said heading out.
"Bye Smokey, bye other marine!"

(__) POV

It took about a day or so for us to get Impel Down. Smokey would drop by once and a while to keep me company so it wasn't that bad. Although I'm kinda curious how Impel Down is going to be. It's supposed to be the worst prison alive where only the worst criminals are sent. I'm sure Ace is somewhere on Level 6. When we finally got there there was a large man that has a face that resembles a mandrill with sharp teeth and a thick beard. He wore a large black coat with bat wings behind him and horn-like ornaments on his head. Next to him was a bellied man that resembled a cross between a devil and an Egyptian Pharaoh. His eyebrows were shaped like horns, his chin was shaped like a pharaoh's false beard, and he wore a green and yellow striped nemes.
"Well bye, Smokey it was nice getting to know you. I'll miss you." I said and then looked back at the other marines. "I'll miss you guys too, bye!" I added and a roar of tears could be heard through the marines.
"Suck it up and let's go." Smoker said turning to walk away but he gave one last glance at me before going on his ship. I'll miss him. He was really nice to have around. Oh well, I have a mission and I need to focus on it.
The large man was the first one to say something to me. "Welcome to Impel Down, Enchanting Goddess."

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