Chapter 22

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3rd POV

(__)!!!!!!" Ace shouted recognizing the (h/c) haired girl.
"Yup." He jumped out his seat, grabbed you around your waist, and spun you around. Everyone in the bar look at Ace wide eyed with jealous. They all assumed that (__) was his secret girlfriend considering his reaction and they were all envious that he had such a beautiful girl.

When Ace lifted (__) up she blushed slightly not expecting such a greeting from Ace.
"I missed you too." (__) said looking down on him as Ace carried her slightly above him.
"You need to meet Pops!" He said bringing you down. He then suddenly grabs your hand pulling you out the bar leaving everyone else dumbfounded.
"HAPPEN!!!" Everyone in the crew ran out the bar chasing Ace as he headed to the ship with (__).
"POPS!!!!!" Ace shouted when he got on the ship.
"Ace what is it?" The large man asked. His eyes first landing on his son then the mysterious beauty next to him. Part of the crew that was on the ship before stared at the beautiful girl in front of them enchanted by her.
"Pops I want you to meet someone." Ace said. The the rest of the crew that was at the bar came rushing onto the ship.
"Ace explain yourself!" One of the crew said.
"Yeah! Who's the pretty girl?"
"You can't just leave like that!"
"Don't tell us you had a girlfriend and never told us!" This made both Ace and (__) blush at the accusation. As the crew continues to yell at Ace, (__), now relaxed, went closer to Whitebeard.
"So you're Ace's girlfriend." Whitebeard said causing (__) and Ace to blush once again and the rest of the crew to stare. All of them curious as to what you were going to say or do.
"No it's not like that." (__) said waving her hands in front of her red face. Finally composing herself she introduced herself to Whitebeard. "My name is (__), I'm a childhood friend of Ace's. It's nice to meet you." She said with a smile causing all the men to blush.
"A childhood friend of Ace." Whitebeard repeated.
"He's like family to me."
"Then that makes you my daughter as well!!!" He said with a smile. "Daughter? So that would make him my father." (__) thought to herself. (__) smiles happily at the thought. She had just met him but she could already tell how much he is loved by his crew.
"Pops, I like the sound of that."
"Pops can (__) join the crew?" Ace asked causing (__) to look at him with slight surprise that he remembered.
"I would never forget our promise." He said will a smile causing (__) to smile back fondly.
"Of course she can!" Whitebeard said with a laugh.
"I can't accept." (__) interjected causing Ace to look at her wide eyed.
"Why not?" Ace asked. "Did you forget that I promised to Make you join my crew." He said emphasizing the make part.
"I do want to join you, but I need to see Luffy first, I haven't seen him in years and I want to be able to find him and spend a little time with him before staying here with you." (__) explained. She knew if she joined now it would be a lot harder for her to go search for her friend.
"Then we'll wait for you to officially join." Whitebeard said with a smile.
"Thank you." Ace stared at her fondly. He really did miss her. He missed seeing her beautiful smile and her kind heart that seemed to make everyone and everything love her instantly. It was almost like a dream that he was able to see her again.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE, LETS CELEBRATE!!!!!!!" Whitebeard shouted causing everyone to cheer. (__) smiled at the scene as it reminded her of a certain Red Hair's crew.
"Okay Ace you're safe, now that we know that you grew up with her."
"Yeah, so you guys are like sister and brother." Another added.
"So (__) when did you meet Ace?" A man with blonde hair asked. "Oh and by the way I'm Marco."
"It's nice to meet you Marco and I think I met Ace when I was 12." I answered.
"So you guys have been together until he left?" Marco questioned.
"No a year after I met him I moved away." This caused the whole crew silent before they started yelling at Ace again.
"Are you telling us you haven't seen each other since you were kids!!!" They all shouted.
"So Ace didn't you see you blossom into a women!"
"Blossom into a women?" (__) said to herself confused at what they meant.
"Meaning that you guys aren't like siblings!!" They all turned to Ace with an evil look.
"What the hell is wrong with you guys!! What do you think I'm going to do!?" Ace shouted at the men.
"Darling I would be careful around Ace, he's a total perv." A man dressed in a kimono said to (__).
"Perv?" The girl repeated tilting her head to the side confused. "What's that?"
"You don't know!!" Marco said surprised.
"No, am I suppose to?" She asked.
"You're so innocent like an angel." A man with a pompadour hair style said. "I'm Thatch by the way, it's nice to meet you (__)."
"It's nice to meet you too."
"Come here and I'll explain to you what a perv is." The male in the kimono said. He then whispered something into (__) ear.
"Oh so that's what is!" She said and the looked over at Ace. "Ace I didn't know you were such a perv." You mocked causing the whole crew to laugh.
"Not you too (__)! Don't listen to what Izo says!"
"Why not? I only told her the truth." The man now named as Izo said. Everyone laughed again including you at how frustrated Ace was getting.
"Aww calm down Ace I'm just playing with you." (__) said still giggling.
"Yeah, whatever." He said a little annoyed.
"You sure have changed though." (__) pointed out.
"Oh really, how was Ace before?" Marco asked.
"Yes tell us sweetie." Izo added interested.
"When we were kids Ace was a lot meaner and didn't really express himself much. He always would blush if I hugged him or when I kissed his cheek."
(__), what are you doing don't tell them that!" Ace shouted at you blushing slightly. Izo, Marco, and Thatch all started laughing.
"Why not, it was cute." (__) said innocently.
"Aww Ace is blushing!" Izo teased. Normally Ace would be confident but around her he was different. He couldn't help but blush when she says things like that or does things like kissing him.
"Guys, I got the drinks!!!!!" One of the crew shouted.
"Don't forget the food!!" Another said.
"Food!?" Ace said hearing food being mentioned.
"Well that hasn't changed in the slightest bit." (__) sighed.
"(__) I got you you something before Ace could take it all." Thatch said handing her a plate.
"Thanks." She smiled at him causing him to blush at her cuteness. (__) spent a lot of time eating and talking with the crew that was until Ace challenged Her.
"(__) lets have a drinking competition!" Ace said.
"I'm good, no thanks."
"Don't tell me you're scared of a little alcohol." Ace said with smirk.
"Fine you're on!" (__) replied with a smirk of her own. Honestly she was curious of her own limits considering she normally only took sips never getting near drunk.
"Okay guys there are 50 shots. If you pass out, throw up, or refuse to drink anymore you lose. Oh and don't forget this is the extra strong stuff so good luck." One of the crew explained.
"Ready, set, GO!!!!" Both (__) and Ace started drinking shot after shot. At around her 20th shot she could feel herself getting shaky and she was getting drunk. Not wanting to completely pass out she stopped drinking.
"(__) are giving up?"
"Ace is the winner!!" The guy announced.
"You did better then I expected." Ace said.
"It's my *hic* first time drinking*hic* like this." (__) managed to say. "I'm bored now let's dance!*hic*" (__) said pulling Ace by his arm.
"Your drunk."
"I'm not drunk!"
"Yea you are. You should sleep."
"No, I don't wanna!" (__) said childishly. "I wanna dance." Eventually Ace gave into you'r begging and danced with (__).
"You know I've thinking about you since I left." (__) said in her drunken state.
"Oh yeah."
"Yeah. I missed you so much that sometimes I dreamt about you."
"What did you dream about?" Ace asked curiously.
"You and me at the beach during sunset cuddling."
"Really." Ace said with a smirk. He was sure to remember this and maybe tease her about when she was sober again. While they continued to dance and sing (__) called over Thatch and Marco to join them, much to Ace's dismay. The whole night was spent drinking, laughing, and dancing, smiles across all their faces as they celebrated (__) arrival.

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