Chapter 23

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(__) POV

"Oww my head is pounding." I complained. I don't even remember what happened last night. I remember Ace challenging me and that's about it. I looked around me to see that everyone was passed out. I was sitting on the floor beside Ace and Marco.
"Is this what a hangover feels like . It sucks." I finally got up again although I did stumble a little and headed inside the ship to look for the kitchen. On my way I ran into a certain brown haired man.
"Good morning lovely, would you like some water. I bet your head is pounding since you drank so much."
"Yeah, Thanks Thatch."
"Not a problem. I'm going to get started on breakfast, can you wake the rest of the crew up?"
"Sure." And with that we went our separate ways, me heading back to the deck and Thatch going to the kitchen. By the time I got to the dock some of the men were already getting up. I walked over to Ace's body next to Marco knocked out on the floor.
"Ace wake up." I said softly poking his cheek. "Wow he's really warm." I started to put my whole hand on his cheek, his warmth flowing in me. "Is he sick?" I questioned. I put my forehead to his lifting up my bangs. Then his eyes shot open. He stared into my (__) eyes while I stared into his dark ones. Realizing how close we were I quickly pulled away, my face turning red from embarrassment.
"Morning (__), don't tell me you were trying to kiss me." He said with a smirk.
"Of course not!!" I quickly shouted back. "I was just checking if you were sick since you were so warm."
"I'm always like that because of my devil fruit." He explained.
"Oh yeah, I forgot you had one. Show it to me!!" I said excitedly. He responded with a smirk and then lit his hands on fire.
"Wow! So cool!"
"It's hot just like me." He said with a cocky grin.
"Someone sure is confident. Come help me wake up the rest." With the help of Ace we were able to wake up the rest of the crew. Thatch called us all in to get some breakfast. Everyone headed to the dining hall, still in pain from their hungover. Me included of course.
"(__) come here I saved a seat for you!" Thatch called out from across the hall. I headed over to where he was and placed myself next to him.
"Hey Marco move!" Ace said due to Marco stealing the only free seat next to me.
"You snooze you lose." Marco simply stayed causing me to giggle. Ace grumpily sat himself next to Marco and began eating.

It was now my second day with Ace and it was already night.
"So Marco where's my room." I asked with a yawn.
"Oh here I'll take you." Marco said getting up and leading me away.
"Thanks." I said before closing the door to my room after Marco walked out. Earlier today Marco got some of the men to carry my clothes to this room so everything was already in the closet. I reached into the closet and pulled out the shirt Shanks gave me. I removed my clothes from my body and placed them on the king size bed.
"Man I'm beat!"
"A-A-A-Ace!!!" I was still only in my underwear and Ace was staring at me a red face. "GET OUT!!!!!!!" I shouted before giving him a good hard kick that sent him flying until he hit a wall, creating a crater in it. I quickly slammed the door shut and changed into the shirt Shanks gave me before opening the door again. I went over to Ace who was still getting up trying to balance himself.
"What was that for!" He yelled his face still red.
"You were peeping on me that's what!" I shouted back.
"That isn't my fault, you were in my room!"
"I think you hit your head to hard because that's my room!"
"It's both of rooms." Marco said surprising the both of us.
"WHAT!?!?!" I shouted.
"Marco explain yourself." I said angrily.
"We don't really have any rooms right now and Izo thought you would be more comfortable sharing a room with him rather then us. (The commanders all have their own room in this story)
"If that's how it is then I don't really mind." Ace said.
"Hey what about me I mind!"
"Sorry (__) but you're going to have to deal with it."

It had been a few days since I got on the Moby Dick. Today we finally landed on a large island. Because I'll be staying here for a while, Pops said that I needed to do some shopping. That over course had me jumping in excitement. And what made it even better is that the island we are landing just so happens to be the most fashionable island in the New World. It has all the latest fashions and the most amount of stores than any other. It's definitely  my dream island.
"Ace, we're finally here!!!!!" I said once we docked happily. "I can't believe how lucky I am! To think I would land on Bastra Island!!!"
"So what." Ace replies without a care in the world.
"Soo, think about all the clothes I can get!" I said imagining all the different types of things they have on the island.
"Okay, okay, I get it. Let's go." He said pulling me off the ship.
"Okay but wait Marco and Thatch you guys should come with us, Ace is going to need some help."
"Su-." Marco was cut off by an unhappy Ace.
"I don't need their help, it's just shopping." Ace said.
"Trust me you are."
"Are you saying I can't handle a little bit of shopping." Ace said with a frown.
"Ace you're underestimating me. You won't be able to handle it."
"Oh really?" Ace said with a smirk.
"Really." I said matching his smirk.
"You wanna bet on it."
"You're on."
"If I win you have to do one thing I say." Ace said.
"I don't need anything from you, you're humiliation is enough for me."
"Well, I guess you guys have fun." Thatch said waving goodbye.

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