Chapter 58

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(__) POV

After Sanji beat Duval and totally rearranged his bone structure Hatchan treated us to Takoyaki. Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp ate so much that they looked like a balloon.
"Hey Kami you remember you said you were going to help us out since we were lost before," Nami said.
"Wait a minute we were lost?" I said confused. When was this? I thought we were headed to Sabaody.
"Don't you remember before we found Kami we sent Luffy down in the Shark Submarine to look for Fishman island."
"You guys we are supposed to go to Sabaody first to get to Fishman Island."
"YOU KNEW ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Why didn't you say anything!" Usopp yelled.
"I thought you knew where you were going. My bad." I said with a smile.
"I can't believe we went through all this for nothing," Nami said with her hands and knees on the floor.
"Wow, so you have been to Fishman island!" Chopper said amazed "What's it like?"
"Sorry, I'm not saying anything. I want you to experience it for yourself. Plus I'm pretty sure Luffy doesn't want me to tell him."

Soon enough we reached Sabaody Archipelago. Man, it's been a while since I've been here.
"Hey look we're here!" Pappagu announced. Everyone stared at it amazed. "This is it, the Sabaody Archipelago!"
"So cool!!!!" Luffy yelled excited.
"It's just an endless barrage of them. where the heck are they coming from?" Usopp asked.
"And who's blowing them?" Luffy asked.
"No one makes them," Kami said.
"Wait what explain?" Usopp said.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupted but what does the log pose say Nami?" Robin asked.
"It's still pointing to Fishman Island."
"Oh, you don't have to worry about the log pose. Sabaody isn't an island. It's just a collection of giant mangrove trees. There are 49 in total that makeup Saboady." I explained.
"Look there's numbers on it." Chopper pointed out.
"That's to help you find your way easier. Grove 44 over here is the private residence so we'll have to go a little further in." Hatchan said. We continued sailing all the way to Grove 41. I took this time to change into a simple loose white tank top with light blue jeans.
"First one off the ship!" Luffy yelled jumping off the Sunny.
"Hey make sure you all remember the grove number okay. Like I said earlier the whole archipelago is made up of a series of bridges so you won't get lost if you remember the number you docked at." Hatchan said to us.
"There's one guy who'll get lost going straight," I said to Usopp.
"Yup, no kidding." We both turned around to Zoro who was behind us.
"Huh? What's going on?" Chopper and Usopp ran to Luffy when they saw a bubble form from the ground. Luffy jumped onto one of the bubbles and was carried up.
"Hey!!! There's an amusement park over there! Let's go I wanna ride the Ferris Wheel!!" Luffy shouted.
"Yeah, that's Sabaody Park. I'm so jealous I've always dreamed about riding that Ferris Wheel." Kami said.
"You have why don't you just ride it?" Chopper asked and Pappagu scolded her for thinking about it. Poor Kami. I feel bad for her but I understand why she can't go. It's dangerous here for her. I'm surprised she's even on here. I looked back up at Luffy who was jumping around like an idiot.
"Hey, Luffy I would stop doing that if I were you!" I yelled at him.
"What!!" He yelled putting a hand to his ears. Then his bubble popped and he crashed onto the ground.
"I warned him," I said facepalming.
"Hey Hatchan what's out objective on this island. Didn't you say before something about us getting our ship coated?" Nami asked.
"Yea. We'll meet with one of the islands coating residents and have him slap a coat of this stuff on it ship. That's all it takes."
"Seriously," Franky said surprised.
"Yup. It's the only way humans can reach Fishman Island. But you don't want an amateur to do it. If it isn't done right the water pressure will crush your ship and everyone on it." I explained.
"I've got a specialist here that I really trust, so you'll be in good hands," Hatchan said. "But first in exchange for my help so promise me one thing."
"Sure what is it?" Luffy asked.
"Once we cross the bridge to town we might run into the World Nobles."
"Who are they?" Luffy and Chopper asked.
"The World Nobles are from the Holy Land Mariejois," Robin said.
"Cool so what's the big deal?" Luffy asked.
"This is difficult to ask but once you get into the town you must do nothing to defy the World Nobles."
"No matter what happens," Nami said wide-eyed.
"Just ignore it," Sanji said.
"Exactly even if they kill someone in front of you. You must look the other way. Try to pretend like nothing happened."
"But-." Luffy began but I cut him off.
"Luffy this is no joke. Listen to Hatchan." I said seriously surprising everyone even more.
"No matter what happens you can't defy the World Nobles."

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