Chapter 93

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(__) POV

"Where am I?" I asked while trying to get up. What happened? The last thing I remember is... "TRAFY!!!!!" Flamingo shot him! Please don't tell me he's dead!!
"I'm right here." A familiar voice said from right next to me. I looked over and found Trafy laying on the floor bruised and beaten, but still alive(his arm is also reattached). I was filled with happiness that he was alive. I pulled him off the ground a bit and hugged him tightly.
"I'm so happy you're alive."
"I didn't think you would care so much," Trafy said chuckling a little.
"How could I not? We're friends."
"Cough cough..." Someone coughed from nearby. I turned around to find a rather tall man with blonde hair and blue eyes sitting on the floor.
"Who are you?" I asked and the guy seemed to be rather offended.
"I am the great and beautiful pirate Cavendish, Enchanting Goddess (__). With my big and kind heart, I have put aside my hatred for you and have agreed to keep you safe. Yes I know it's something most people would never be able to do but I have done it." The man named Cavendish said. He was about to go on but before he could I interrupted him.
"Thank you so much, Cavendish. It was really nice if you to do that and I'm thankful you took care of Trafy too." I said while smiling sweetly. He seemed stunned and a small pink blush appeared on his cheeks. "Are you alright?" He isn't saying anything.
"I think you broke him," Trafy said.
"Broke him?! I didn't do anything!"
"You don't have to do anything. You're just too beautiful."
"That's ridiculous!" Finally, the guy started moving again.
"You think you can win me over with some kind words and a smile? Well, that won't work on me. My hatred for you has grown too much!" He said while covering his blushing face.
"Hatred?" I repeated confused tilting my head to the side.
"She's too cute!" Cavendish thought to himself.
Before I could ask some more questions I heard something fly right above and crash onto the buildings down below.
"What was that?!" I asked. I moved closer to the edge trying to figure out what that could have been. It was moving so fast in there and look at all the damage it caused.
"That thing was Doflamingo?!" Trafy said surprised.
"Is Luffy fighting him? Did he do this?!" I asked. My questions got answered when I saw what I think was Luffy flying down to where Doflamingo landed. His torso became larger in size and his legs and arms were coated in Haki. His upper torso was also coated in Haki although it was in the shape of swirls. As he was flying using the elastic force Flamingo attempted to attack him by Luffy just moved to the side avoiding the attack. Luffy appeared behind Flamingo and kicked him in the face sending him flying through more buildings. Once Flamingo got up he flew up in the air and Luffy did the same meeting him above Pica's statue. The two fought in the air but Flamingo wasn't strong enough to handle Luffy in this form. It was hard for Flamingo because although Luffy was covered in Haki his body was still rubbery. His arm also seemed to stretch forever, moving like a snake as it chased Flamingo. Flamingo was finally hit by Luffy's snake-like arm sending him flying to the ground.
"Did you see that?" Cavendish asked.
"Yeah," Trafy answered.
"Can't believe how he changed. Is it really Straw Hat? He's overpowering the formidable Doflamingo! He's amazingly strong!"
"You're right. He's gotten stronger over the years. I'm proud of him." I said smiling.
"But he's using Haki too much." Trafy pointed out. I was so distracted at how strong Luffy has gotten I haven't even noticed the amount of Haki he was using. At this rate, he'll give in only a couple of minutes. I hope Luffy will be able to beat him before that happens.
Focusing back on the battle I saw Luffy fly to Flamingo to attack again however he was stopped by large amounts of string that Flamingo turned by touching the ground. He touched the floor again and this time all the buildings nearby turned to string. Luffy seemed to be slightly overwhelmed by all the string and I could tell that this transformation was starting to burden him. Luffy couldn't seem to get near Flamingo because of all the string. More and more of the town turned into string and Luffy was struggling to avoid it all. After some dodging Luffy was able to get closer to Flamingo. He covered his face in Haki retracting it and then releasing it when he was nearby. Luffy head-butted his head sending Flamingo backward a bit but he regained his footing before falling onto the ground. Luffy flew to Flamingo with his arms retracted, ready to do a finishing blow. He hit Flamingo in the stomach so hard Flamingo was sent flying through multiple buildings and stopping only when he crashed into the side of a mountain. Everyone was staring in disbelief as Flamingo's body stayed implanted to the mountain unmoving. The townspeople all cheered as Luffy bounced on the floor continuously.
"Amazing!" Cavendish said. "How destructive that was! There's no way he's still alive!!"
"He's alive," I said.
"Hey, look up in the sky!" Cavendish looked up surprised to find that the birdcage was still up. "The birdcage is still up!"
"No way that means Doflamingo is still alive," Cavendish said. Luffy flew to Flamingo to finish him off but before he could land a blow his body gave out on him and he deflated falling onto the ground.
Knowing that the birdcage was still up made me slightly happy. I feel so conflicted inside. I want Luffy to win and I want Flamingo off this island but I don't want him to die. Sure he's annoying and cruel but in his own way, he's always been pretty nice to me.


"Flamingo." I began.
"Yes, my little angel?"
"Why is it that every time I sleep on the couch I SOMEHOW END UP IN YOUR BED!!!!!"
"Because I want you near me. I can't have my little angel sleeping on the couch in our room."
"This isn't our room, this is your room."
"You sleep here and your clothes are here aren't they?"
"That's because you won't let me sleep anywhere else!" I yelled. "Now let go of me."
"No. I think I'll keep you trapped here for a while longer." He said holding me tighter. I managed to break free from his grasps moving from the bed. He only laughed a little seemingly pleased by what I did. "We're going into town today."
"We are!? How come?"
"You've been saying that you're tired of staying the castle haven't you?"
"So we're going into town."
"Alright yeah!!!" I cheered and ran into the closet looking for what to wear. I ended up picking a black tank top and light blue ripped jeans with a jacket around my waist. I tied my hair in a ponytail and slipped on a pair of black boots. After I got dressed we left the castle and headed into town.
"Hey Flamingo can we go in that store!!" I said pointing at the candy shop. Once we got in I was meet by the intoxicating smell of sweets.
"Oh my god! They all look so good! I don't know which to get first!!" I said as I moved around the store quickly. I grabbed a whole bunch of sweets and put them in a bag before heading over to the cashier. The lady said we could take it all for free and I thanked her. I happily walked out of the store eating my bag of treats. I didn't noticed Flamingo staring at me until I heard him laugh.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"You get so excited over something as simple as candy. You are a strange woman!"
"I'm not strange and how can I not get excited. Candy is just too good!" I defended. "Here try some," I said raising my bag closer to him. He took one out and plopped it into his mouth. "Good isn't it?"
"Yes. So are treats the way to win your heart?" He asked with an evil grin.
"Win my heart?" I questioned. "What do you mean?"
"Nevermind. You're too naive to know." He laughed.
"Hey don't call me naive!"

After that, we continued walking around the town. A lot of the townspeople greeted us and offered some things to us. Everyone was really nice. Eventually, it got late and we headed back to the palace.
"(__), Young Master you're back." Violet said.
"Hey, Violet. Is dinner ready?"
"Yeah. You guys came back right in time."
As we were walking to the dining hall Flamingo brought up something.
"(__), join my family. If you do you'll be treated better then anyone else and you'll get whatever you want. I can give you anything you want and you won't have to worry about a thing. Nice deal isn't it?"
"Thanks but no thanks," I said and he looked at me surprised. "It sounds nice I guess for some people. To me, that sounds way too boring. I wanna see the world and I can't do that if I'm stuck here."

*flashback over*

He offered me a home here and he cared about me that much I knew. I don't know what to feel. What do I do? He's my friend am I just going to watch him be killed?

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