Chapter 91

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3rd POV

The battle with Ace and Fujitora only intensified with every passing moment. Marines were not able to help because they were either dealing with Sabo or they were blocked off by the fire.
"Fire Fist!!!" Ace attacked Fujitora with a large fire fist but he used his gravity to change its course upward.
"You... What are you playing at? A navy admiral should be much stronger than this. Stop messing around."
"You're an odd fellow. I thought you wanted to keep us at bay?"
"Yeah but it's no fun if you don't go all out. Plus I want to see how much stronger I have gotten."
"You frighten me. I can see how you were second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. "But I, too, must maintain some semblance of rank. Please understand.
"Gravity Sword Raging Tiger!!" A large force of gravity was sent to Ace pushing me sideways. Ace attempted to resist by flying forward.
"That's more like it!" Ace said smiling as he flew to the admiral. He struck Fujitora swords with a fire kick sending a large explosion of fire in every direction. After a while, Ace jumped a few feet away.
"It's an all-or-nothing gamble. I'm determined to stake my life on it. However, if you lose your dice, the game is over before you can even roll." Fujitora said confusing Ace.

*with (__)*

Diamante had left a while ago to the Flower Garden leaving only Trébol, Doflamingo, and (__).
"Hey Flamingo."
"Hmm, what is it? Are you tired of standing? You can always sit on my lap." Doflamingo offered.
"I don't want to sit on your lap okay!!" (__) yelled and then took a moment to calm down. "I'm sorry." She said blushing and refusing to make eye contact. Doflamingo was stunned at hearing those words come out from her mouth. She had never apologized to him before. "I saw your closet. I'm sorry for hurting you." With those words, he immediately knew what she meant but instead of saying anything he busted out laughing. "What are you laughing at?!?!?! Can't you see I'm trying to apologize here!?! You make this so hard!!"
"You are really a unique person."
"How's that?" She asked still blushing.
"You are the only person I know to apologize for dying." (__) was about to say something until she heard a scream come from below.
"What was that?" She asked. Next thing you know Luffy and Law both land in front of Doflamingo seemingly coming out of nowhere.
"Luffy, Trafy?!?!?!"
"I'm here, (__)!
"What did you two come here for?" Doflamingo asked.
"To kick your ass and save (__)!"
"Likewise," Law answered.

"Bellamy!!" Luffy yelled noticing his beaten-down body on the floor.
"Why so concerned? I thought you two clashed in Mock Town? When did you two become friends?"
"Let Bellamy go!" Luffy demanded.
"That's up to the winner to decide!! This fool came to me to get killed. Right, Bellamy? You enter the fight at the Colosseum to become a commander in my family. But you were pathetically defeated. That's more than enough reason to be killed, but I gave you another chance. I told you if you killed Straw hat, I'd make you a commander. That is the only answer after wasting the chance I gave you. Don't you think so, Bellamy?" Doflamingo said and the picked Bellamy up by his head. " this is how you take responsibility, isn't it? Bellamy. You idolized me up to your own will and became desperate when things didn't go as you'd hoped. People can't change their nature. No matter how far you go, you're just a cheap thug."
(__) watched sadly as Bellamy's beaten up face became more visible. She wanted to help but Bellamy told her not to.
"What are you saying?! Bellamy has changed!!"
"It's okay now...kill me...already..." Bellamy said crying.
"Ahhhhh!!!!!" Luffy yelled enraged.
"Hey Straw Hatter!!"
"Let go off Bellamy, Mingo!!!!" Luffy yelled stretching his legs to kick Doflamingo but he used Bellamy's face as a shield. "Sorry, Bellamy!!!"
"Didn't we agree on this earlier? Straw Hatter! If you get carried away by anger and hate, you're playing right into his hands. Suppress it. Getting us riled up is his plan. Losing your cool here could get you killed. Like I almost died when I fought him previously. Doflamingo is a cold-blooded, ruthless man. He's always looking for a chance to get you!" Law said.
"I second that. He is cold and ruthless." (__) added.
"You're too mean to me, my little angel."
"How many times have I told you to stop calling me that!?"
"Hahaha!! The face of your dying friend... You kicked him! Didn't you? Yes! You just kicked him! You idiot!" Trébol said laughing.
"What did you say?!?!" Luffy yelled.
"Don't listen to him!" Law said to Luffy.
"My little angel can call me cold-blooded but not you. I'm not as cold-blooded as you might think. I've actually reached my boiling point. Think about what you guys have done. First, you begin by destroying the SAD factory machine on Punk Hazard. Then, you took out Vergo and Monet and kidnapped Caesar. Lastly, you free the toys throughout the country of Dressrosa. Even now your associates are trying to destroy the Smile factory. Enough is enough already! I'm smiling because I can't be any more pissed! And what's worse, you think you can actually kill me. It's been disastrous since you guys came along. I feel like I'm reliving the despair of 13 years ago!"
"If that hadn't happened, I wouldn't have shown up in front of you like this!!" Law yelled.
"If that hasn't happened, you would have been here as the third Corazon!"
Law and Luffy both got ready to attack as they stared at Doflamingo.
"Black Knight!!" Doflamingo said making a clone reappear. Law went to attack the clone and Luffy went after Doflamingo however he used his string to control Bellamy.
"Hey, why are you doing this Bellamy? I said sorry!" Luffy asked.
"He's being controlled Luffy!" (__) yelled. (__) ran to help Luffy but he stopped her.
"That bastard! We came this far, but you still won't fight us yourself?!?!" Luffy yelled. "Traf! I'm gonna kick his ass now!! I'm pissed off!!" He said going into second gear and covering his arm in Haki.
"Damn fool! I told you, it's our secret plan!! And I told you not to get carried away!!"
"Screw ghat! Gum Gum...."
"What he's attack Law?! Are you going nuts, Straw Hat?! This is fun!" Trébol said.
"Room... Shambles."
"Red Hawk!!!!" Luffy yelled punching Doflamingo in the stomach since Law trades places with him.
"Doffy!!" Trébol yelled worriedly. In front of Trébol Law was sitting on Doflamingo's chair with his sword surrounded by electricity.
"Radio Knife!" Law said cutting Trébol into multiple pieces.
"Nice job!!!" (__) cheered.
"Straw Hatter you're the worst!"
"We're from that generation!"
"That was quite a blow," Doflamingo said clenching his fists.
"See! It didn't kill him! That plan had only one chance!" Law yelled.
"Plan? Quit screwing around, you damn kids." Doflamingo said making his string doll appear behind him. He sent it towards Luffy and the two began attacking each other with high-speed punches and kicks.
"Fake Mingo I don't care about you!!!"

*with Ace*

"Knock knock. Are you there Sabo-kun?" Koala asked.
"I'm listening."
"Don't lie. You're not listening at all. You've been absent-minded the whole time. Look. You have to consider your rank. You can't go fighting marines on a whim."
"My brothers' are in danger! I don't care!!"
"Care!!" Koala yelled stretching his cheeks out. "I don't want to get in trouble for your craziness!"
"I swear you guys act like an old married couple." Ace said laughing.
"Stop laughing!!!!" Koala yelled at Ace.
"Both of you brothers are so infuriating!!! Sabo-kun never listens and always makes me and Hack clean up his messes and you're a laughing idiot!!!" Koala lectured and Ace just laughed some more.

*with (__)*

(__) watched as Luffy fought both the fake Doflamingo and the real one.
"I'll take you down, Mingo!!!" Luffy charged forward but was stopped by Doflamingo's bullet string attack. Meanwhile with Law Trébol has just rearranged himself back together again after being cut by Law's sword. However, the moment he went back to normal his body fell right back to pieces again.
"The Radio Knife cuts a little differently from my regular Amputation. For several minutes, whatever treatment you use or ability, you may have, you can't reassemble your body!!"
"What I'm in trouble!!" Trébol yelled. Right before Law could send the finish attacking Doflamingo appeared and kicked his sword away. Trébol took this chance to wrap Law's feet in his slime and Doflamingo send 5 pieces of string right through Law's back.
"Anyone who messes with my family will pay the price!! Do you remember what I hate most, Law? To be looked down upon!"
Luffy ran to Law put Doflamingo attacked him forcing Luffy to fight against him. (__) went up to Law's side to check up on him as Doflamingo and Luffy continued to fight. Doflamingo was able to wrap his string around Luffy's hand binding him as Doflamingo sent him flying to Bellamy. Bellamy being controlled by Doflamingo went to attack Luffy. (__) ran to protect Luffy but Doflamingo noticed and tried using his string to stop her but he was only able to grab her swords. This, however, didn't stop (__) as she charged forward blocking the attack meant for Luffy with her own body.
"(__)!!!" Luffy yelled now laying on floor still tied up. She fell onto the ground spilling some blood on the floor.
"(__) what are you doing?!?!" Trébol yelled. Doflamingo was feeling guilty and sad as he watched his little angel lay on the floor bleeding, however, he wasn't going to let nothing distract him.
"Don't worry Luffy I'm fine. It was just a scrap." (__) said smiling weakly.
"Mingo!!!!" Luffy yelled trying to get up. Doflamingo sent his clone after him but Luffy just dodged no noticing Bellamy coming at him again from above. He continued dodging attacks from both the clone and Bellamy unable to attack because his arms were still tied. Eventually, Luffy was struck by a kick to the face forcing the ground to break and for him to fall down.
"Now, let's start the execution your first, Law."
"There's something that still bothers me. If you're a former World Noble expelled from Mariejoa, why do you still have influence?"
"Do you wish to know that, even though you're going to die soon? It's because I know about the important national treasure that they have inside the Holy Land of Mariejoa!"
"The national treasure in Mariejoa?" (__) and Law questioned.
"Yea, it's something that could shake the world by its very existence. To them, I'm a fugitive with the most dangerous card to play. They tried to kill me but I didn't die, so the World Nobles became very cooperative. Plus, had I possessed your Ope Ope fruit's power that day, I would have taken the helm of the world, utilizing the national treasure in Mariejoa!! Your power had such value. In addition to the Personality Transplant, there's another surgery. Do you know about it? If used by someone wise, the Ope Ope Fruit can realize a dream people have had since ancient times. That's why many call it the ultimate devil fruit."
"Yea, I know. Even though I have no interest in it. The greatest power of this fruit is to grant another person eternal life via the Eternal Youth Operation! But once it's performed the surgeon himself will die."
"That's why I wasn't gonna let you eat it! After all, I did for you, you betrayed me!!"
"Oh, I'm sorry," Law said sarcastically going in for an attack with his sword that was countered by Doflamingo's string. The two began fighting using both Haki and their powers.
"Everything you learned about fighting you learned from us!" Doflamingo said.
"I'm grateful for this power that's gonna bring you down!!"

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