Chapter 44

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3rd POV

"What the hell happened!?! This is why you're supposed to go with him!!" Zoro yelled at Sanji, Nami, and (__). They brought Brook back to the ship so he could meet everyone else. Usopp and Chopper didn't really like that too much.
"But he's so cool!" (__) said in excitement.
"There's nothing cool about him!! You had one job and you couldn't even do that!" Zoro yelled.
"Sorry." (__) said sulking. Zoro stared at her still with his same grumpy face however inside he was conflicted. Sure he was mad that they brought a skeleton with them, but the sight of (__) pouting was too cute.
"It's not you're problem anyway. Nami and Sanji should have stopped him." Zoro said not facing her and with a hint of pink on his cheeks.
"Now now let's be civil everyone. Why don't we go inside and you can treat me to dinner." Brook said walking to the kitchen.
"You don't get to decide that!!!" They all went inside the kitchen. Brook was at the head on the table, Sanji cooked, Robin was in the seat next to Brook, Nami had two chairs separating her and Robin, Chopper And Usopp sat on the couch, Frank sat on the railing, (__) sat next to Zoro, and Luffy was a seat away. Brook continued to make jokes and Luffy laughed as they waited for Sanji to finish cooking. Sanji treated the whole crew including (__) to an octopus feast.
"So you did eat a devil fruit that explains it." (__) said. Brook then went on to explain his fruit and his past. He also explained to them as to why his shadow isn't with him. He declined Luffy's offer because if he goes in the sun he would die.
"Who stole your shadow!?" Luffy demanded.
"I'm sorry I can't tell you." Brook then pulled out a violin offering to play a song for the crew. This made Luffy extra happy because he wanted a musician. Right before Brook could play a note he froze.
"Hey what's wrong you're freaking out!" Sanji said loudly.
"G-g-ghost!" Everyone turned around to where Brook was facing to find a white ghost come through the walls.
"Oh wow, I've never seen a ghost before. Look how cute it is!" (__) said.
"What is wrong with you!" Usopp said scared. The ship began to shake and Brook ran outside.
"The passage has already been blocked off." (__) said. "Come to the rear of the ship!" Brook yelled running. Everyone followed Brook outside. In front of the group was a large "island" covered in fog. It looked old and abandoned as if it were ruins.
"This is the ghost island that wonders throughout these seas. They call it Thriller Bark." Brook explained that this island came all the way from the West Blue before leaving the ship. He jumped onto the water and ran away. After Brook left the crew contemplating on going to the island or not.
"Bad news guys I think I have I can't go on that island sickness," Nami said sitting down on the walls.
"'Me too." Chopper said next to her.
"No problem guys I'll go!" Luffy said holding a net.
"And you go super adventure sickness again!" Usopp yelled. "Come to your sense. Come on look at that!"
"I just want to catch that ghost," Luffy said with a smile. "Sanji bring me a lunchbox," Luffy said ignoring Usopp complaints.
"Here I got the lunchboxes," Robin said.
"I wanna go to!" (__) said raising her hand up.
"Luffy it's your job to take care of my goddess while I watch the boast got it?"
"I would never let anything happen to her!" Luffy yelled mad.
"(__), Robin you're not actually going with them." Nami said surprised.
"It sounds, interesting," Robin said.
"I wonder what else there is?" (__) said excitedly.
"Okay listen up. Obviously, we're going to need something smaller to take you guys on the island and I've been saving something special for that." Franky said with a smirk.
"What's that?"
"Good question. The system has 6 channels, two of them are 0, then there's one, two, three, and four. Natural each dock has its own set of capabilities."
"Didn't you tell us before that docks two and four are empty?" Usopp said as he went down to the docks with Chopper, Nami, and Franky.
"Nah I just told you that to surprise you," Franky said laughing.
"Look at that!" Luffy said from the deck as the Mini Merry 2 came out. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper ran the Mini Merry with a smile.
"That looks like fun, I wanna ride!" (__) said as she stared at the Mini Merry.
"Hurry up and let me ride," Luffy said jumping around.
"Nami what's going on out there. Are you in trouble? Sanji asked worriedly when he heard her scream.
"It sounded like it came from the island," Robin said and Luffy got mad. Then all of a sudden the anchor dropped on all its own.
"I just built it so there's no way the gears got loose," Franky said with a hand on his chin.
"Either way pull it up," Zoro said and the hatch on the floor opened on its own.
"That's weird did someone touch the hatch?" Franky asked.
"No we were here the whole time," Sanji said.
"Do you think it's a ghost?" (__) asked a little too excitedly. Zoro put his hands on his swords reading to fight.
"Umm Luffy, what are you doing?" (__) asked.
"Hey now's not the time for this crap!" Sanji yelled. Luffy's cheeks were being pulled apart by an unknown source to the crew.
"Wait it's not me." Luffy managed to say before his cheeks snapped back to normal knocking him on the ground. The one of Zoro's sword came out of its sheath and attack Luffy, luckily Franky kicked him out the way.
"I got a hunch we aren't alone here," Franky said. Sanji jumped off hen ship to rescue Nami but he was suddenly grabbed and thrown back to the ship. That's when (__) beard the sound of a growl come from behind her.
"(__) what's wrong?" Sanji asked worried. (__) face has turned red when she felt something grab her boobs from behind the other hand trailed up her leg following the curve of her body while his tongue licked her neck.
"G-get it o-off!" (__) stuttered. "Ahhh!!"
"Where is it?" Zoro asked cutting behind her but it already jumped away. (__) immediately fell forward landing on Zoro's chest panting. Zoro put his swords always and wrapped his arms around her waist to keep her up.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, but something touched me." (__) said panting.
"Get back here!" Sanji yelled at the invisible creature burning with rage. The ship then started to rock as the waves picked up.
"They're pushing us away from the island!" Frank pointed out.
"Quick raise the anchor," Zoro said to Sanji.
"Why don't you get your hands off my goddess and do it yourself!!!" Sanji yelled pissed.
"Tch." Annoyed Zoro let go of (__) and went to work.

Nami's POV

After landing on this crazy monster-filled island my accident Usopp, Chopper, and I finally found sanctuary. I was wary of it but it was better than being outside with zombies. I asked and Usopp and Chopped to wait outside as I took a shower.
"You know Nami if you're that afraid of taking a shower by your lonesome maybe you could skip it altogether," Usopp said.
"Maybe some of us don't want to smell like zombies longer then we have to," I said back. If he wasn't to smell then he can go ahead but that's not for me. "As soon as time hits we're out of here," I said while washing my hair.
"But at night is when it's the scariest!" Usopp yelled opening the door. Of course, I hit him for his idiocy. Chopper and Usopp kept insisting that we stayed inside so I had to explain to them why we shouldn't. Honestly, I have no doubt in my mind that Dr.Hogback is lying to us about all this. I seriously doubt he's trying to save lives.
"When I'm finished here we make a break for the coast." All of a sudden a heard a growl come from inside the bath.
"You are a very observant woman."
"What? Usopp, Chopper, what did you say?"
"Huh, we didn't say about." Chopper answered. Then something grabbed both my wrists and lifted me up to the wall. Whatever it was holding my hands above my head so I couldn't fight back.
"What the hell is going on? There isn't anyone in here is there?" There's that growl again.
"You're pretty not as pretty as the las on the ship but still. Elrick will be pleased with you."
"Who said that? Usopp, Choppe-!" He placed his hand on my mouth silencing me.
"Did you just now call for us?" Usopp called entering the bathroom. Usopp immediately freaked out when he saw me and thanked me.
"Damn them." Help me, you idiots. Guess I have to do this on my own. I kicked the guy in the one place that would hurt any man.
"What are you waiting for save me already!!" I demanded. "Something's in here." Sadly the mysterious guy left through the window. An invisible man.

(__) POV

"Yay, we finally landed on the island!" I said happily.
"Something's not right about this," Zoro said suspicious. The ship was tied up in webs along the shore of the island.
"Hey, Zoro get your butt down here already!!" Luffy yelled at Zoro who was still on the ship.
"(__)-chwan I'll protect you from any monster that tries to attack you okay!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes.
"Thanks but I can handle myself don't worry about me," I said winking which only made him go crazy.
"Zoro what are you mumbling about up there!!" Luffy yelled.
"Are you really going to walking into a trap so obvious that even a headless zombie would run away from."
"Heck yeah, it's not like we have anything better to do." Finally, Zoro came down and we went through the entrance of Thriller Bark. We went down a moat of sorts filled with skeletons.
"Hey, I wonder if these skeletons can poop too." Luffy wondered. Then a three-headed dog appeared in front of us. Two of the heads were blue and one was yellow with a bandage on its left eye. For some reason, it had stitches across its body. How strange. Had it been experimented on or something?"
"Yum!" Luffy said licking his lips.
"Hey check it out everyone it's Cerberus. We are literally on the path to hell."
"It's so cute!" I squealed.
"Are they a threat cause I'm feeling Super."
"Three heads are overkill," Zoro said plainly.
"I wonder what they taste like," Luffy said with his tongue out. Poor dogs they look scared. Zoro was about to attack but Luffy stopped him.
"I'm going to take this bad boy," Luffy said with a smile.
"You idiot you can't just tame it. You know it's not a regular dog yeah." Zoro said. Luffy, of course, didn't listen to a word Zoro had said.
"Come on shake," Luffy said holding his hand out. Instead the dogs all bit different parts of his body.
"Here let me try," I said stepping up to them. They growled at me with Luffy still in their mouth but then quickly stopped.
"Please let go of Luffy," I said with a smile and they did just that. "Good job! Now paw." I held out my palm and the three-headed dog put its paw on it.
"Quite impressive (__)." Robin said giggling.
"Aww, you're such a good dog!" I said hugging the dogs with love. "Do you have a name?" They shook their head as a response. "I guess I'll have to name you. How about we call you Cerberus because that's what you look like." The dogs started to lick me. So I guess they like it.

"(__)-chwan you're heart is so kind even monsters can't help but fall for you!" Sanji said with hearts in his eyes. We were walking through the misty forest as Luffy and I rode Cerberus. Sanji was calling out got Nami and I called our for Chopper completely forgetting about Usopp. That's when Luffy saw a tree and a unicorn pouring alcohol.
"A tree with some geysers face is totally getting drunk by a beat-up unicorn," Luffy said. Then he and Franky started chasing the poor things.
"Hey Luffy, what do you want to do with these guys?" Zoro asked.
"There's so cool. How 'bout you join my pirate crew!"
"Overruled!!" They're so silly.

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