Chapter 27

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3rd POV

It's been a couple of weeks since (__) first came on the Moby Dick. Today her and Ace were supposed to get supplies and then come right back to sail off. (__) was wearing a white tank top with three buttons on it and a plaid skirt. She wore thigh-high black socks, brown boots, and his hair was tied into a high ponytail(if your hair is short leave it down). While the two were walking around town to get some food ingredients, Ace stopped to ask someone for some directions. In the nearby alleyway, she saw a cute white cat running. (__) being (__) went to chase the cute kitten. Once she caught it she played with it a bit. And that's when she noticed how skinny it was.
"Aww you poor thing, your probably hungry aren't you." (__) went to a nearby restaurant to order a nice snack for the kitten. After feeding it she went door to door trying to find someone who would take the poor thing in. Once someone accepted she thanked them and that's when she realized that Ace wasn't with her anymore.
"Oops, guess I'm lost."
Not too far away was a man with long green hair tied in a low ponytail, lost in thought. "I am so tired of the women in this town. All they do is fawn over me. I need someone who is equal to my beauty." The man thought to himself
(__) happened to notice him so she went to ask him if he had seen Ace.
"Excuse have you see-." (__) was cut off when the mysterious man started speaking.
"You are by far the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I've been searching long and hard for someone he can match my beauty and now I have finally found you." The man said as he grabbed her hands.
"I'm sorry I think you got the wrong person." (__) said trying to pull her hands away from him.
"No I haven't, it is you that I want. With you by my side, my life will be complete. Will you be mine?"
"What is wrong with this guy." (__) thought to herself but smiled anyway. "No sorry." (__) was finally able to get her hands out of his grasp and was planning on escaping from this weirdo.
"Don't leave me my beloved!" He called out and then grabbed a hold of her wrist stopping her.
"Don't touch me!" (__) shouted before giving him a good kick on his side. He was sent flying into a nearby building leave his mark on the wall. Then he fell straight on the floor face front, probably hurting his nose.
"Oh no I probably shouldn't have done that." She said and approached the man. "Are you okay?" (__) asked squatting down. Then like the man was possessed he rose to his feet without the use of his hands.

 Then like the man was possessed he rose to his feet without the use of his hands

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"You can hit me some more if you like." He said with a perverted face and blood coming down from his nose. (__) fell on her butt and quickly scooted away from him.
"What the hell is wrong with you!!"
"Nothing my beloved." He started walking closer to her so like any normal person would do, she ran away.

" He started walking closer to her so like any normal person would do, she ran away

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He, of course, chased her but (__) wasn't stopping anytime soon. "What is wrong with him I didn't even know people like him even existed!" She thought to herself as she rounded a corner only to run into the person she was looking for.
"(__) there you are. Where have yo-."
"Be quiet Ace." (__) said as she tried hiding behind him but it didn't work because the green-haired man already saw her.
"Don't try hiding from me my beloved, I see you." He said walking closer to Ace and giving (__) shivers down her spine.
"Shutup, stop calling me that!" (__) yelled coming out of her hiding spot.
"Why not when we are meant to be!" The green-haired man said. He reached out his hand to grab (__) but Ace slapped him away.
"What do you think you're doing with my finance." Ace said surprising (__) and the green-haired man. In one swift moment, Ace pulled (__) towards him and held her close to his chest. (__) was surprised at first until she understood what he was trying to do.
"T-there's no way! My beloved would never want to be with you."
"I'm sorry but it's true. I l-lo-lo-... I like him more than anyone else." (__) said before placing a soft quick kiss on his cheek. Ace immediately started blushing at this and so did (__).
"No this can't be." The man said falling on his knees.
"How can such a lovely women like you and not me?" He asked himself. Ace and (__) walked away, Ace's hand was still on (__) waist holding her close.
"I feel bad for doing that." (__) said with a hint of sadness in her eyes.
"Well I don't, he shouldn't have come for you like that." Ace said annoyed.
"Ace are you okay? You seem annoyed."
"I'm fine. That guy just got on my nerves." (__) pulled away from Ace when they were far enough away. She could feel Ace's warmth quickly leaving her and she felt slightly sad but she couldn't understand why. The two headed back to the ship without any of the ingredients Thatch told them to get.
"Ace where's your bags?" Thatch asked clearly irritated.
"Something happened and we forgot." Ace said.
"What happened was that you were irresponsible. I ask you to do one simple thing and you can't do it." Thatch scolded.
"Sorry Thatch." (__) said with her head hung low.
"Don't look sad my darling I wasn't talking to you I was talking about Ace." Thatch said cheering (__) up.
"Wait what!? You can't just get mad at me only! It was her fault anyway!" Ace said pointing a finger at (__).
"My fault!? This isn't my fault!" And just like that, the two started arguing again until Thatch broke them up. He left for town to go get the supplies while Ace she (__) stayed on the ship.
"So what exactly happened?" Marco asked.
"When we were out I saw a cute kitten so I chased it and ended up lost so I asked this guy, but it turned out he was a weirdo. He started talking about all this nonsense about us needing to be together, which was freaking me out. When he touched me I kinda went overboard and kicked him. I went to check if he was okay and he got up like he was possessed by some demon and asked if I wanted to hit him more!!!!" (__) explained yelling the last part. "Do you hear me, he wanted me to hit him!!" While she was ranting Marco laughed at the whole thing.
"This isn't funny!!! He really creeped me out!!" She yelled but Marco only laughed more. "I don't understand why he had to bother me. I don't even know him." (__) complained.
"Isn't ur obvious." Ace said matter-a-factly.
"Umm no."
"It's because you're just too cute." Ace said causing (__) cheek to turn red.
"What are you doing. You can't say stuff like that." (__) said her face still red.
"Oh, are you blushing (__)." Ace said with a smirk.
"Of course not. You're imagining it." She said turning her head to the side.
"Now you're the one blushing and not me." Ace laughed remembering their childhood.
"Shutup!" (__) quickly put her hands to her face to cover herself.
"Oi, don't hide your face, let me see." Ace said walking closer.
"Go away!!" She said still hiding her face. (__) began running away from him and Ace chased her.
"Stop chasing me!!"
"I'll stop if you let me see your face!"
"You are so annoying!!!!"

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