Chapter 92

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(__) POV

I watched as Law and Doflamingo continued to fight and I layer helplessly on the floor. My words weren't too far away from me so dragging myself along the ground I moved closer to them. I heard something about Trafy being a D and Trébol happy that he was finally back to normal. When I heard Trébol yell a warning to Flamingo I saw that Trafy shot Flamingo with his Injection Shot. Flamingo fell on one knee spilling some blood from his mouth, however, it didn't take him long to recover. Creating a large room he went after Flamingo again but Flamingo dodged no problem. Trafy got up cutting off the Rampart Tower. Trafy sent it flying to Flamingo but he just used spiderweb to stop it. Trafy jumped into the air where Flamingo was flying but Flamingo grabbed his arm stopping him. Flamingo then kept Trafy suspended in the air by holding both his wrists. They seemed to talk for a bit until suddenly Flamingo kicked Traft to the ground. When the dust cleared I saw Flamingo standing over Trafy's body with his arm disassembled. He let out a loud shriek and began squirming around on the floor in pain.
Flamingo said a few things before pulling out a gun and pointing it at Trafy!! Before he could pull the trigger something burst through the ground. At closer inspection, I realized that it was actually his clone and when I looked down the hole I saw Luffy. However, he didn't come up as he was distracted with fighting Bellamy. Trafy picked himself off the ground and walked to his katana only to find Doflamingo right behind him when he reached it. Flamingo kicked him on the side and started beating him up. He kicked Trafy over to Trébol and Trèbol wrapped his slime on Trafy's legs. Before he had the chance to do more to Traft I ran in cutting the slime. Trafy fell on the floor slightly surprised by my actions.
"Hey hey hey (__), what are you doing?" Trébol asked.
"I tried to keep myself out of the fight because I could tell this was something important to Trafy, however, you Trébol have no part in this. This is between Trafy and Flamingo don't interfere!" I said pointing my sword at him. "Or else you'll deal with me."
Trébol did as I said butting out the fight so Flamingo and Trafy could continue. A couple of short minutes later Flamingo pierced Traft with multiple pieces of string causing him to fall on the floor breathing heavily. Flamingo stood over Trafy's injured body talking to him for a while. I couldn't exactly see what was happening because Flamingo's back was to me. I did here though Flamingo ask Trafy to make him immortal.
"If you really mean it, it is a good idea. It's meaningful for both of us. All right I'm in." Trafy replied. I moved over a little bit in order to get a better view. "Then bring Cora-San back to life for me right now! When you finish with that, go lick all the butts of the people in this country! No match for you? It's no use laying my hopes? No kidding! It's you who isn't seeing the picture, Doflamingo! The Straw Hats have worked so many miracles up until today. You can't take down Straw Hat! You can't take back Caesar from him as well!!"
"Law how could you say such a thing to Doffy!" Trébol said as Flamingo lifted his gun,
"It's your future that's hanging by a hair...." Trafy ststoppedpeaking when Flamingi suddenly shot him. He fell back down laying on the floor as a pool of blood seeped out.
"Trafy!!!!!" I yelled running to him but stopped when I felt string wrap around me holding me in place.
"What an idiot! You never stop rebelling against me! The letters on your back... 'Corazon'? Who are you aiming the satire at?! First of all, your pirate group is called the Heart Pirates!! Who are you aiming the satire at?!" Another bullet is shot as Trafy struggled to get up. More and more bullets are fired at Trafy as Flamingo continued his rant.
"Stop it!!! You're going to kill him!!! STOP!!!!!!!!" I begged crying as I tried to get free of my restraints. "TRAFY!!!!!"

3rd POV

More blood stained the floor as Law's lifeless body laid on the ground. (__) cried and begged Doflamingo to stop as she fought against her restraints. When seeing that Doflamingo ran out of bullets and Law wasn't showing any signs of life she lost control.
Doflamingo walked away in triumphant until he sensed an attack headed his way. Right before he got hit he was able to block the attack, saving himself from a deadly blow. He looked up to find (__) hair white and her eyes blood red.
"It's just like two years ago!" Doflamingo thought to himself.
"Hey hey hey! (__) what are you doing attacking Doffy like that?!?!? What's wrong with you?!?" A second after saying that (__) sprinted towards Trébol cutting him on his side. Trébol fell to the ground spitting out blood in surprise now that his actual body got cut. After dealing with Trébol (__) turned her attention to Doflamingo. She charged at him using only one of her swords. He was barely able to block her moves as they moved too quickly. She wasn't as fast as normal due to her injuries but she was still quick enough to worry Doflamingo. As she continued to attack and he continued to block, (__) was able to get some cuts and scrapes on Doflamingo. As they fought Luffy emerged from the ground shooting Doflamingo's name. Luffy immediately recognized (__) and the state she was in at the moment. When he saw her eyes his mind went straight to the tragedy two years ago. It hurt him to see her in such a state.
"(__)!!!" Luffy yelled out. (__) ceased her fighting Doflamingo and turned her attention to Luffy. He called out her name again in the hopes of reaching her but unfortunately, it didn't. All it did was divert her attention from Doflamingo to him. (__) charged at Luffy at such a fast past it was hard for him even to see. The next thing he knew he was toppled on the floor with (__) on top of him pointing her sword at his neck. He stared at her eyes seriously and she stared at back at his with a neutral expression. Luffy then moved his eyes to (__) sword noticing that it was shaking a bit. He looked at her hand seeing that it was also shaking and then he moved his eyes back on her face. (__) lowered her sword slightly so that it only poked his neck. As he stared at her eyes he saw her begin to tear up and the soon cry although her face still remained neutral. Luffy grabbed her blade with his bare hands allowing himself to be cut before throwing the sword aside. (__) then fell onto Luffy's chest unconscious. Luffy moved (__) aside gently as to not cause her more injury. He picked himself up and looked at (__) sleeping form with gentle, caring eyes. He noticed that her white hair was now back to its normal (h/c) shade. Luffy took off his famous straw hat and placed it on (__) head.
"I'm sorry this happened again. I promise I'll deal with quickly so we can go back to them Sunny together."
"She's back to normal now. How did you do that I'm curious? It'll really annoying for me if that happens again and I can't stop her. After all, she is staying here with me from now on."
"(__) is not going anywhere with you!! I'm going to kick your ass, Mingo!!!"

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