Chapter 113

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3rd POV

"You're here finally." Ace greeted to Luffy and Sanji. His group has gotten to Bege's fortress a while ago and was told to take a bath. Ace was shirtless with a towel wrapped around his shoulders as he drank a bottle of milk.
"Did you take a bath?" Sanji asked.
"Yeah, we have to. It's his rule."
Sanji and Luffy went into the bath rather quickly but afterward instead of seeing Bege they were instructed to change into more formal attire. Luffy changed into a red tux with a black shirt underneath. Sanji was in a lost white button-up shirt that exposed his chest and matching black pants. Nami was in a sleeveless short red dress and her hair was tied in a bun. Carrot was in a short white and black dress and a white hat with a pink flower on the side of it. Chopper words a blue tux with a green undershirt and yellow tie. Brook was in a striped red and black shirt with a yellow tie and a matching hat. Pedro wore a green tux with a blue undershirt and pink tie while Jinbe wore his same kimono. Ace was in a black tux but the jacket was left unbuttoned showing his white shirt underneath. Part of his chest was exposed as the white shirt was buttoned all the way and he wore his famous orange hat as usual.

 Part of his chest was exposed as the white shirt was buttoned all the way and he wore his famous orange hat as usual

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The group arrived in a large room filled with guards and in the center was a rectangular-shaped, white sofa. Three men were already seated: Caesar, Vito, and Gotti. Once Luffy and his group took their seats Bege finally entered the room sitting directly across from Luffy.
"Luffy does your gut tell you you can go along with them? What do you think?" Jinbe asked.
"First, let me punch you for shooting Pekoms!" Luffy declared. He got up from his seat and stretched his arm to punch Bege until Jinbe blocked it.
"Stop it! Pull back your fist, Luffy! We can't come to an agreement like this!"
"But he shot my friend!" Luffy said moving across the table to Jinbe.
"I don't care. Let him do it." Bege said. Luffy went to punch Bege but he blocked the attack with Caesar's heart. The two kept going like that throwing food everywhere as Ace and the crew sighed in disappointment.
"Do you guys like Big Mom?" Jinbe asked.
"No way!"
"That means you're on the same side. Even if you don't share the same lifestyle or goal, you have the same enemy to beat. You can kill each other later, but if you join hands now it'll be in everyone's favor."
"What's your plan?" Luffy asked.
"I have the perfect plan," Bege answered as Luffy moved back to his seat. "Under certain conditions, all we need is five seconds to be able to kill Big Mom!"
"Only five seconds?!" Chopper exclaimed with a mouthful of food.
"It's not that easy to steal five seconds in the site-rero. The Big Mom pirates are made up of a bunch of skilled fighters and they'll be there. Within a split second, people like the Sweet General last will block us-rero." Vito explained.
"Then, it'll become a head-on fight and we have no chance of winning." Bege chuckled. "The assassination plot was begun with the capture of Caesar. You see he has an important job, which is..."
"Right! Let me show you what I made!" Caesar said searching through some things. When he found it he pulled three launchers out for everyone to witness. "Deadly poison gas- KX Launches! One is enough but I made two extras. Each of them can inject five grams of deadly organophosphate directly into your body! It's the most audaciously sinful murder weapon in history! The gas will destroy average people by just touching their skin. So if it's directly injected into your body... I'm 100 percent, no I'm 200 percent sure you'll die. You're definitely gonna die!! I want everybody to die!!"
"Okay I get the picture," Jinbe said. "So you have a weapon that will kill her if it hits?"
"No, unfortunately, even if this shell hits her, when she's at full strength, it won't pierce through her hard skin. There aren't that many weapons that'll work against Big Mom in this world. There are two conditions we need to make the KX Launcher work at its best: first, we need a setting where no one can attack us for five seconds and second Mama should be weakening. There is one place where all those conditions will be met, the Tea Party!" Bege explained. "It's been more than a year since we spied with mummzie-wumzie, but we've never seen her get hurt. Even when she destroyed the city, even when bullets or bombshells hit her, even when she sank a ship, she didn't get even a single scratch on her tough body. But there was time I saw mummzie-wumzie getting a scratch."
"You're talking about the incident with Mother Caramel's picture," Vito said.
"That's right. At tea parties, they always put a picture in the seat directly across the table from Mama and no one will sit there. It seems like it's the most important treasure for her. It's a portrait of Mother Carmel! You can say that's Mama's weak point."
"Who is that person?" Chopper asked.
"Seems like Mama is indebted to her but we don't know the details. She's a figure of mystery.
"Is she dead?" Nami asked.
"She disappeared." Chiffon answered. "Even we family members don't know the specifics. Once at a tea party, a servant accidentally knocked it off the table.... I was stunned by Mama's reaction to it. She turned pale and let out a loud shriek I'd never hear before. It was different from her hunger pangs. All we could do was cover our ears to protect our eardrums. People were passing out and collapsing one after another!"
"On top of the shriek, she exercised her Haki of the Color of the Supreme King. Just because of a jostled picture. The point os what happened next. Mama knelt down from shock and, believe it or not, she scrapped her knee and it was bleeding! I was surprised because I'd never thought she had red blood like a normal human being. When she breaks down like that her body becomes fragile. So, at the Tea Party today, if we break that picture in half what do you think will happen?! Mama would be devastated. And no in there would be able to move for more than five seconds! Then the XK Launched will show its real strength and the Yonko if the sea-Big Mom- will die!"
"But isn't that shriek gonna make us paralyzed too?!" Chopper questioned.
"Don't worry we have these. Invisible Symphonia System."
"If just breaking a picture would create such a big mess, we gotta save Sanji's family at that moment too!" Luffy said smiling.
"That's not the important thing Luffy. How are we going to get (__) out of that castle?" Ace asked.
"I can tell (__) tonight. I'll also try and sneak her out too." Sanji offered.
"With your helping her she'll get out fine," Luffy said.

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