Chapter 76

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3rd POV

A few days after the funeral in Maiden Island a certain Straw Har was making a ruckus destroying anything he could get his hands on.
"Damnit!!! I couldn't save my crew, my brother, or (__)!! Why! Why!! Why am I so weak!! Damnit damnit! I'm useless!!!" Luffy yelled as he punched the ground.
"Luffy," Jinbe said.
"Go away, leave me alone."
"I cannot. Although I understand your pain I will joy allow you to hurt yourself anymore."
"It's not your business this is my body."
"What's of Ace or (__). Who sacrificed themselves to protect you? Was that none of your business.
"You bastard shut up!! Say one more word and I'm gonna crush you!!"
"If that would make you happy then why don't you try. Injured though I am you ain't defeat me, not in that condition."
"Gum Gum pistol!!!" Jinbe dodged three attacks and grabbed Luffy's arm slamming him onto the ground. Luffy laid on the ground panting as blood dripped out his mouth and Jinbe sat down on the floor.
"Ahhhh!!!" Luffy yelled biting Jinbe's arm.
"Ow. Are you insane! Stop, Luffy! I've hand enough of your nonsense." Jinbe said as he threw Luffy's body to the ground so it rolled a bit on the dirt. He then grabbed Luffy's neck and pushed him to the rock behind. "Boy, you can't see a thing you're blind. You've never doubted your strength, but know your confidence that once allowed you to soar above the clouds has been shattered. Your brother and (__) who was your guiding light has faded away and your enemies stand so tall, cast so great a shadow, that you can do nothing but cower in the darkness. And now you act out like an animal in the cage you placed around you." Luffy quickly remembered all that happened in the war. Being pushed down by Smoker, almost cut by Mihawk, attacked by the Pacifistas, and finally, watch (__) helplessly fall into the water and Ace dive in after her. "So long as you are consumed by regrets and guilt you will never find your way forward. Luffy, your pain may be great but it mustn't devour you. There is yet joy beyond your sorrows. What's gone may be gone but you still have something left in this world to treasure. Don't you!" Luffy finally gave up struggling and Jinbe let him go so he could fall into the ground.
"My crew. I still have my crew. Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook. They're still out there waiting for me."
"Now do you see."
"I have to go find them no matter how long it takes me. Everything's a mess, but I'm already late, but I have to make it back to Saboady. I know they'll be there. I wish they were here right now. I miss them. I miss my crew!!"

On Kuraigana Island Humandrills we're getting ready to attack a green-haired swordsman and a pink-haired girl.
"Yikes, we're in trouble now." The girl said frightened. "Wow, they're angry. What did that one say?"
"How should I know. Either way, I'm not charging it up with these guys." Zoro said as he put his sword in his mouth. The larger one of the Humandrills charged at Zoro with a sword and he was able to block it with his own. They began fighting dodging and throwing attacks everywhere.
"Three-sword style Crow Demon: Brave Claw!" The large Humandrills was instantly defeated and more Humandrills came to attack Zoro.
"Three-Sword Style, Dragon Twister!" The Humandrills still came at Zoro in groups reopening his wound. He was hit by a hammer and sent flying to a large wooden cross. He then flew onto the floor face front.
"Umm, you aren't dead are you?" Perona asked.
"Shut up. This is no time for you to annoy me."
"What!? How dare you accuse me of being annoying when I'm genuinely concerned for your safety. Whatever I don't care get eaten by the evil monkeys. I won't help you."
"Well, I'm screwed." The monkeys began cheering but they quickly got quiet at the sound of footsteps approaching from behind them. When they turned around they notified a figure coming closer to them. All the Humandrills ran away in fright.
"What's that aura?" Zoro asked.
"It-it's him," Perona said.
"There's no way..."
"It's Hawkeye, Hawkeye Mihawk."
Zoro attempts to get up using his swords as support but he was struggling.
"Dave your strength Roronoa Zoro, I am not in the mood for a battle right now."
"Yeah well, what the hell do you think you're doing here?"
"I've been living in that castle for a while now. What brings you here?"
"That would be one if your Shichibukai pals. Kuma sent the whole crew flying."
"I see, that explains things then. Straw Hat was fighting with a different group in Marineford, except she was there with him." Mihawk said a little sadly at the she part.
"Hold in did you see Luffy? Is he alright? What was he doing?"
"He should still be alive. However, when he left the battle he appeared to be severely traumatized. He isn't the only one though." Mihawk said whispering the last part.
"Why's that?" Zoro asked.
"Don't you know? His brother.... and (__)...are dead."
"What!?! She can't be...."
"I can't believe it either." Mihawk touching his necklace. "But it's true. I saw it with my own eyes. She's gone." Zoro fell onto his hands in shock trying his hardest to hold back the tears.

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