Chapter 49- And Unto Dust Shalt Thou Return

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Do you ever wonder how you ended up where you are? Wonder about if you made the right choices along the way? Do the current events unfolding before you seem too ludicrous to be real?

Well as a fifteen year old girl with glow sticks for hands running into a battle that will determine the fate of the universe... me neither.


The Bifrost wasn't cold as Rose had expected, but rather it made the surrounding air feel heavy. The blinding light made Rose close her eyes, but the weirdest part was the infinite feeling of falling. A sickening feeling made her want to go back, turn around and hide like a scared puppy. The smell of ash appeared without warning, not a good sign when you are being thrown somewhere you don't know. Next yelling, gunfire, and explosions; her hearing was back. Her feet touched the ground, it was some grass dried by the sun's heat over many years. Rose opened her eyes, if she wasn't so serious she would have gasped.

A battlefield, Thor took them to a battlefield. Rose recognized it as Wakanda, why they were there she had no idea. Smoke rose to fill the air, dirt and debris rarely stayed on the ground for long, hundreds of Wakandan warriors were outnumbered fighting against yellowish-black alien creatures running on all fours. It felt like, only for a second, the entire war halted to look at the group who arrived. Rose took one last deep breath, closing her eyes and focusing all the energy she had to the surface. When she opened her eyes, her entire forearms were glowing like the Tesseract once did. Her eyes gave off so much light that everywhere Rose looked appeared to have a blue hue.
"You have to be the strongest you can be," an inner voice called out, "Bring your mind back to the place it once was, when empathy and hesitation were fairytales."

The teen surveyed the scene once more, whispering under her breath, "Hail Hydra."


While Natasha (or better known as Black Widow) had only seen Rose fight on few occasions, she knew something was different as the teen flew around the battlefield. Rose fought without fear, jumping into hordes of the Outriders (the alien creatures controlled by Thanos's lackeys) and coming out victorious. Back in Sokovia and Germany Rose's fighting style was more aligned with someone who learned to fight on the streets, relying on agility and clever tricks. Now she fought like a solider, someone trained to kill without regard for their own safety. The two of them fought until their paths crossed in one of the many trenches that had formed during the battle.

Natasha got closer to Rose, "We need to keep them away from Vision, it's just a matter of time!"
Rose shot one of the Outriders dead with her powers, "Understood."
Natasha spun around to see an Outrider jumping towards her, tackling her to the ground. She put a bullet in its head, all that did was anger it. Someone tackled it off her, followed by the squeal of the same alien dying. Looking up, Rose was returning her bloody knife to its sheath. Natasha made eye contact with the teenager, who had burn scars and cuts forming across her body.
"Watch your back Romanoff," the teen spat.
Rose ran straight back into the fight, wielding a cold blooded determination Natasha could only admire for a second.


It hit like a train, straight to Rose's gut. All of the Infinity Stones were on Earth, all in the same country. She could feel the Mind Stone in Vision's head sending out energy the entire battle, pulsing through the ground in waves. But when the other five arrived (with no buildup or warning Rose might add), the fifteen year old was brought to her knees with fear and shock. Her arms began to shake when she tried to push herself up, like all the strength vanished with the wind.
"HE'S HERE!" She screamed as loud as she possibly could, ringing out across the entire battlefield.
People craned their heads towards the voice, everyone understanding exactly what those words meant.

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