Chapter 11- A New Plan

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"Rose just tell me what you're writing about," Amanda whined.
Rose was still working on her research about the Tesseract. She wanted to find the limits of her power, and so needed to know the limits of the Tesseract. She was still writing in German, so Amanda couldn't read it.
"It wouldn't understand it anyways," Rose said.
"Pleeeaaasssee," Amanda kept whining.
Rose sighed and looked up.
"Why do you want to know so bad?" She asked.
"I have nothing better to do, and you are always working on those papers. You know I'm a curious person," Amanda pointed out.
"I know, that's why I wrote it in German," Rose replied.
"Why can't you tell me?" Amanda asked.
Rose handed her a piece of paper. Amanda looked at it. There was a detailed drawing of some sort of glowing cube. There were German words pointing to different parts of it. Amanda had no idea what it said and looked back to Rose for help. She was already back to focusing on the other papers, and Amanda knew there was no getting help.
"This doesn't answer my question," Amanda pouted.

Amanda left the room to find something to do. Rose looked out the window.
"3 days, just 3 more days," Rose was thought.
Rose put all her papers in a folder, and stuffed it in her backpack. She walked out of the dorm to go to class.


3 days passed, and Rose entered the principal's office. Professor X was surprised to see a student walk in.
"How can I help you?" He asked.
Rose walked closer to him.
"I would like to unenroll from this school," Rose said.
"Oh, can I ask why?" He asked.
"This place teaches people how to control their mutations. I came here already knowing how to do that," Rose explained with a calm tone.
"So you feel as if your time is being wasted? Why did you come here to begin with?" He asked her.
"Your Cyclops friend showed up and took me here. I thought it would be better than where I was, so I agreed. A month later and I can see I was wrong. I was told Shield contacted you," Rose said.
"That is correct. We avoid contact with Shield as much as we can, as we do not agree with how they work. When I was contacted by the director about a young mutant they found, I agreed to allow them to enroll here," Professor X said to Rose as he wheeled over to her.
"Any idea what they want from me?" Rose asked.
"I believe they would like you to join their forces," he said with a slightly sad tone.
"Ok so not anything new," Rose muttered.

They sat in silence for a second, Rose rocking back and forth.
"So can I unenroll?" Rose asked.
"I suppose, but I would like you to stay. You would make a great member of the X Men," Professor X said wheeling back over to his desk.
"They are a team of mutants, and I don't meet that qualification," Rose said as Professor X pulled out some papers.
"What do you mean?" He asked confused.
"Is Captain America a mutant?" Rose asked.
"Not by definition."
"Then neither am I."


Rose was filling out the papers back in her dorm. Amanda walked in with a bubbly smile.
"Hey Rose! What are you working on now?" She asked peaking over.
Amanda saw the papers she was filling out, and her smile turned into a frown.
"Y-you're leaving?" She asked with a sad tone.
"Yeah, no need to stay," Rose said still writing.
Rose looked up to see Amanda on the brink of tears.
"Are we still going to be friends?" She asked.
"Friends? She considers me a friend? I will admit she's less annoying than everyone else," Rose thought to herself.
"Are we?" Amanda asked waiting for a response.
"I mean, we might not see each other again," Rose pointed out.
"Where are you going?" Amanda asked.
"Home," Rose said finishing up the papers.
"Well if you give me your phone number we could keep in touch," Amanda said with a happier tone.
"I don't have a phone," Rose said beginning to pack her backpack.
"Well I'll give you mine. If you ever get one, give me a call," Amanda said writing on a sticky note.
Amanda handed Rose a sticky note with some numbers on it. Rose opened her bag, and stuck it inside the folder. She finished packing her stuff, and began to head towards the door.
"Cya," Rose said with a signature 2 finger wave.
"Bye, make sure you call me!" Rose heard as she walked down the hallway.

Rose entered the principal's office once more. She handed the papers to Professor X.
"Rose I must say, you feel like a proper hero in the making," he said putting the papers in a file.
"Thanks, now am I good to go?" Rose asked.
"Yes, you may leave," he said.
Rose nodded, left the room, and closed the door. She decided not to question what he meant by that. She was definitely no hero.


Rose reentered New York City. She walked past Avengers Tower. It was late, and she could see some sort of party happening. Rose climbed onto a nearby rooftop, and watched as people slowly left the building. She looked up, and saw one of the windows shatter. What looked to be an Iron Man suit flew out of the window.
"This can't be good," Rose mumbled.
Rose ran into the building, and up the stairs. The elevator was down, so it took a few minutes to reach the top. When she got there, she saw the Avengers fighting Iron Man suits-looking robots. Even Tony Stark was fighting one. Rose ran to the nearest one, and tackled it. She shot an energy blast through the chest, and stabbed the helmet with her knife. She looked up to see Loki's staff in the lab she was in weeks ago. She walked up to it, and could feel the energy radiating off it. Just then, another robot flew into the room. Rose jumped over it, and it flew straight at the staff. It grabbed the staff and began to fly towards the window.
"Oh no you don't," Rose said running after it.
Rose jumped onto the robot as it flew out the window. She was wrestling for the staff, and was eventually thrown off the robot. Rose began to fall, feeling the wind hit her face. Rose pointed her arms down, and shot an energy blast. She shot back into Avengers Tower, falling and rolling until she stopped.

"Tony what was that?" Cap asked catching his breath.
"It was an A.I that went rouge!" He replied.
Rose laid on her back for a second. She didn't know she could use her powers like that. She just flew like Iron Man did.
"It's called Ultron," Bruce said.
Rose slowly stood up.
"It took the staff," Rose said standing up.
She had cuts all over her body from rolling on the broken glass. Everyone turned to see her, most of them didn't realize she entered.
"When did you get in here?" Tony asked.
"When I saw a window shatter," Rose said picking glass out of her arms.
"Ignore the small child! It took Loki's scepter, we need to get it back!" Thor said.
Rose decided not to respond and made her way towards the stair doors.
"No wait, who is this kid?" Hawkeye asked.
"Remember who you shot with an arrow, the one who avoided Tony and Steve?" Black Window asked.
"Stop focusing on the brat!" Tony yelled.
"We need to stop Ultron. He uploaded himself to the internet," Bruce told everyone.

Rose had no desire to get involved. She didn't even know why she ran up there in the first place. It was like her body ran on instinct alone. Right before she reached the door, a strong arm grabbed her backpack and pulled her back.
"Are you going to let the child leave?" Thor asked.
Rose dropped her backpack from her arms, and did a flip over Thor. She slammed his head to the ground, and ripped her backpack from his grasp. Thor shot right back up, not even a scratch on his head. He began to laugh as he stood up.
"This one's a fighter, I like her," he said with a laugh.
"Is this really the time for laughter? Where is Ultron heading next?" Cap asked.
"Well he needs a body," Bruce said.
"Jarvis, begin everything we can do to track Ultron," Tony called out.
There was no response.

Stark walked over to some computer and began to type on it. He clicked some more and looked up.
"Ultron disabled Jarvis. That's how he got free," Tony said.
"Well start tracking him," Hawkeye said.
Tony hit a few buttons, and Jarvis was back online. He immediately got to work tracking Ultron, and where he was heading next. Rose tried to walk out the door, but was stop by Thor stepping in front of her. Rose turned around and sprinted for the broken window. Everyone turned in shock as she jumped out the window. Rose shot an energy blast from her hands, and landed on a nearby rooftop. Flickers of blue light cold be seen as she got further and further away.
"Ignore the kid, we have a bigger problem," Tony told everyone.

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