Chapter 38- Join the Club, It'll Be Fun

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Peter and Ned sat at their lunch table and immediately noticed Rose was laying her head on the table and sleeping. This wasn't an odd occurrence, but was odd was Flash walking over to their table.
"Hey Parker, why wasn't Spider-Man at the party? Oh that's right, you lied about that. Just like your Stark Internship," Flash taunted.
MJ looked up from her book, and Rose squirmed a bit in her sleep.
"Get lost Flash," Ned replied.
"Shut your mouth fatty," Flash spat.
Flash felt someone grab his arm extremely tight, and looked down to see Rose's arm. She slowly lifted her head, and fixed her hair with her free hand.
"Fuck off Thompson," Rose said letting go.
"That's Flash to you," Flash said yanking his arm away.
Rose's voice clearly showed she was exhausted, it was monotone and slow.
"Flash? The sounds like the name of a stripper at a gay bar. But let's be honest, no one would tip you because your body is shaped like a cylinder. Either that or it's a nickname that someone came up with when they were a child, and at the time everyone thought it was really cool. Now everyone thinks it's weird, but they don't want to tell them that. So now everyone is waiting for when they realize it's a dumb fucking name, but they have yet to realize that."

Everyone within hearing distance stared at Rose with wide eyes. Not once did she stutter, not once did she hesitate, and not once did she give Flash a chance to interrupt. A few people starting laughing, causing Flash to get flustered.
"Oh but Parker lying about knowing Spider-Man and his internship is ok?" Flash said angrily.
"No you're just upset that the scrawny kid you pick on everyday is already ahead of you in life. Instead of acknowledging that once the real world hits he will already have a head start, you deny it with all you have. Since daddy's money has prevented you from ever having to work for anything, you will have absolutely no work ethic and are already doomed to be a failure. Drunk, alone, and sad, that's how you'll spend every Saturday night," Rose retorted, her voice not once raising in volume.
A few kids whispered things like "damn" or "she's got a point."

Flash stomped his foot and began to walk away.
"Oh where are you going stripper boy? Did I hurt your feelings?" Rose said sarcastically.
"I don't have time to waste with you idiots," Flash said walking away.
"Oh going to talk with your friends who only hang out with you for money and popularity?"
Flash ignored Rose, and walked to the other side of the lunch room. People stared at Flash and snickered as he walked past.
"Jeez Loser, you didn't hold back," MJ said.
Rose looked up and saw Ned and Peter staring at her. She rubbed her eyes and sighed.
"What?" Rose asked.
"That was.... amazing!" Ned said standing up.
"Hey uh, you didn't need to do that," Peter added.
"I was trying to sleep and he was pissing me off. Of course I had to do that," Rose replied.
Peter sighed, and noticed Flash keeping an eye on both him and Rose.

"Y'know Rose, you're pretty quick with your words. Have you ever thought about joining the Decathlon team?" Ned asked.
"We could use an extra member since Peter left," Mj added, staring at Peter.
"I had to focus on my internship instead," Peter mumbled.
"I don't work well on teams," Rose replied.
"Come on join the club, it'll be fun," Ned said in a whiny voice.
"I'll ask Aaron," Rose answered.


"I think I'll join the decathlon team again."
Peter looked at Shadow, who nodded.
"Is there a specific reason?" Shadow asked.
"One of the guys I'm tracking has something in Maryland, and the finals are in Washington D.C," Peter explained.
"Good thinking, now stop slacking off," Shadow replied as she threw a kick at him.
Peter dodged it, and they continued their sparring match. Peter managed to land a hit on Shadow's hat, and it fell off. She went to grab it as quickly as she could, but Peter shot a web and pulled it away.
"Hand it over," Shadow demanded facing away from Peter.
"Come get it," Peter taunted.
"What happened to our mutual understanding of hiding our identities?" Shadow questioned.
"I know you have blue eyes, so there's no point," He answered.
Shadow sighed and spun around. She kept her face down, and ran after Peter. Within seconds she had him pinned down, and her hat back on her head.
"I know you have brown eyes, but I'm not asking you to take off your mask," Shadow said as she jumped off Peter.
"Wait what?! How do you know that?" Peter asked in a panicky tone.
"I know a lot of things," She said adjusting her hat.
"Wait do you know my name?" He questioned.
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't," she retorted.
"If you know my name, it's only fair if I know yours."
Shadow chuckled a little, and walked over to the edge of the building.
"Which one?"
Shadow jumped off the ledge, and disappeared.


"Why am I here?" Rose asked Ned and Peter, who were tinkering with one of the weapons Spider-Man recovered from the bridge.
"Well we managed to remove this power core thing, and it's pretty powerful. Oh and it had a tracker that led one of the bad guys to school, but we managed to get a tracker on him," Peter explained.
"Ok, and what do you need from me?" Rose questioned, looking at the power core.
Rose stared at the power core, and recognized the technology. In Sokovia Ultron used Chitari tech to pull off everything he did, and this was the same.
"I learned Mr. Stark kept a tracker in my suit, and he left some features locked. We've been trying to hack it, but without much luck. While we work on this power core, can you try?" Peter asked.
"Sure, but be very careful with that thing," Rose said in a serious voice.
"Why?" Ned questioned.
"Remember that alien attack on New York? That's their tech," Rose explained.
Ned and Peter froze and slowly looked at the power core. After that, they approached it with caution. Rose borrowed Peter's computer, and connected it to his suit.

"Done, put it on," Rose said setting the computer down.
"Woah where did you learn to hack that fast?" Ned questioned.
"My dad taught me, but I'm pretty shit with technology minus that," Rose said with a shrug.
Peter put on the mask, and was greeted by a female like voice.
"Woah, I have my own A.I," Peter said.
"Are you telling me Stark has been making more artificial intelligences? Is he a fucking moron?" Rose mumbled to herself.
Peter didn't hear her, but Ned only pretended that he didn't.
"Wait did you disable the tracker? Mr. Stark doesn't want me going after these guys, so I can't have him knowing about it," Peter explained pulling off the mask.
"Yes," Rose replied.
"Hey Rose, what other tricks do you have up your sleeve?" Ned questioned.
"I'm a good fighter, at least that's what people have told me," she answered.
"That's right you mentioned that when we met you. I have an idea, fight Peter!" Ned suggested with a smile.
"Fine, but he can't use his suit," Rose said standing up.
"W-wait," Peter said also getting up.
"What? Afraid you'll hurt me or something? Let's do it on the roof, I'll tap out if things get bad," Rose promised grabbing her sneakers.
"See I have this idea where I can sorta be the man in the chair y'know? Like telling you where the bad guys are and stuff. If Rose is a good fighter, she could help you fight like a sidekick," Ned explained.
"What? No way, I'm not going to get you both involved with Spider-Man," Peter demanded.
"Plus, I would never be a sidekick," Rose added.

Ned's phone rang, so he answered it. After the call he said he had to leave, so they all waved their goodbyes.
"Well looks like we don't have to fight then," Peter said, clearly relieved.
"Peter I have a question, but it isn't one of Ned's million worthless ones," Rose said standing up straight.
Peter remembered the past few days Ned had been asking him tons of questions. Some were stupid (like can he summon an army of spiders), some were about the Avengers, and some were about where he got his powers.
"Thank god," Peter sighed.
"Did you ever meet the Nameless Avenger?"

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