Chapter 20- Keep Me Hidden

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"Come on, fight me for real!" Sam yelled at Rose.
Sam wanted to get a feel for Rose's abilities, and asked her to spar him. Rhodey was watching, and Rose wasn't taking it very seriously.
"Alright, you're choice," Rose said shrugging her shoulders.
Rose ran after him, but quickly stepped to the side. Rose brought her leg up to kick his stomach, but he blocked it with his arms. She wanted this to happen, and pulled her other leg out from under herself. She hit the floor, and grabbed one of his legs. Rose pulled herself across the floor, using his leg to do this. While this didn't make him fall, but it put Rose behind him. She jumped up as high as she could, and kicked upwards. Rose landed a kick on the back of his head, but Sam still managed to elbow her stomach. Rose stepped back catching her breath, and Sam wavered trying to still stand. Rose walked over, and gave him a shove. Sam fell on his back, and stared at the ceiling.
"Damn kid," Sam said catching his breath.
"Where did you learn those moves? I've never seen anyone fight like that," Rhodey asked.
"The same people who gave me my power," Rose said as she grabbed her water bottler
"And who was that exactly?" He asked.
"I don't want to talk about them," Rose said in a suddenly serious tone.
Rose's tone caught both Sam and Rhodey off guard. They decided to ask her another time.
"What is your fighting style exactly?" Sam asked.
"I use my opponent's body like a jungle gym, is the easy way to put it," Rose said taking a drink.
"What if you can't get close?" Rhodey asked.
"I'm patient enough to wait for an opening, no matter how long it takes. If an opening never appears, I use my powers for long range. I don't like using my powers often though," Rose said putting the bottle away.
"Why? It seems pretty useful," Rhodey pointed out.
Rose held up her hands to face them.
"Look closely," Rose instructed.
Both Sam and Rhodey looked at her hands for a second, trying to see what she was talking about.
"They're scarred," Sam pointed out.
"Burns," Rose said putting them down, "there is also a limit of how much I can use before I need to recharge."
"What's your limit?" Sam asked her.
"I nearly fell to my death in Sokovia cause I reached it. I don't know what it is now because every time I reach my limit, I grow stronger," Rose said putting her backpack on.
Rose grabbed her sheath and knife, and strapped it to her thigh. Sam finally understood why Captain America allowed a kid to join the team. She had unseen potential, and could become much stronger very quickly. He shook his head with a smile, and also got ready to leave.
"Sorry I doubted you Steve," Sam thought as he left.


Rose pulled out her phone as she walked down the sidewalk. She searched "The Nameless Avenger" to see what people were thinking about her. She saw a video with a representative of the United Nations.
"What the hell?" Rose asked as she clicked on it.
"Regarding the so called Nameless Avenger, we have attempted to contact the Avengers about her. They have denied her existence completely. We will treat her as one until told otherwise," the man said.
"Dammit, I definitely didn't want this," Rose muttered as she turned off her phone.
Rose knew this meant she was officially seen as an Avenger in the eyes of the UN.

Rose didn't think too much about it until she got a call from Tony Stark a few hours later.
"Yeah?" Rose asked.
"I've been contacted by some world leaders regarding the Avengers. My life would be a lot easier if I can tell them about you," he explained.
"No," Rose said with a cold tone.
"I said no," Rose repeated.
Stark didn't say anything for a second. He had heard Rose's tone change before, but it always shocked him how serious it was. He knew this was how she truly was, and he knew she wasn't messing around now.
"Listen people know you exist now, I don't understand why you think we can keep denying it," Stark pointed out.
"Say it was a prototype robot, that is what some people believe already. Let me make something clear Stark, my face and identity are mine to share not yours. If you wish to challenge that statement, I'll kill you."
Rose hung up, and put her phone into her pocket. She didn't care that she just threatened the Tony Stark. She didn't care if people thought she was a robot. All she wanted was to be left alone.

"Tony are you alright?" Pepper asked him.
Tony was standing still, with the phone still in his hand. Rose really had threatened to kill him if he revealed anything about her.
"The kid just hung up on me," Tony said putting his phone away.
"Did she not agree to it?" Pepper asked.
"No, in fact she threatened to kill me if I said anything," Tony said with a sigh.
"You don't believe her right?" Pepper asked.
"I doubt she would kill me, but she would definitely seek revenge," Tony said with a chuckle.


"Hey Rose," Aaron greeted as she walked in.
Rose walked to the counter, and rested her elbows on it.
"What's your opinion on the NA?" Rose asked.
"The Nameless Avenger? I don't know, I think it's a real person and not some robot. Why are you asking?" Aaron asked sorting some coins.
"Like as a hero, what do you think about them?" Rose asked him.
"Oh, hmm... I guess she deserves a thank you, but at the same time I wonder why she's such a mystery. Personally I think the Avengers didn't even know she was there, and she was just a third party trying to help," Aaron said finishing up with the coins.
"So you don't see her as an Avenger?" Rose asked.
"No I don't. If she was, the Avengers would confirm her existence at least because it would make people feel safer," Aaron pointed out.
"You think her existence would make people feel safer?" Rose asked tilting her head.
"Yeah, even if we never see her. Just to know that there is someone being a hero who isn't doing it for attention is reassuring," Aaron explained.
Rose put her head against her right hand, and seemed to stop and think.
"Why are you asking?" He asked Rose.
"I've just been thinking a lot about her," Rose said.
"Now don't go trying to be like her, just cause you also have blue hair," Aaron instructed.
"I wouldn't think of it," Rose said standing up straight.
"Anyways I have a question for you," Aaron said.
"Hm?" Rose hummed looking at him.
"Well two actually. First, why have you started talking more recently? Before you would say one or two words, now we have actual conversations," Aaron asked her.
Rose shrugged her shoulders and put her hands into her jean pockets.
"Not sure why I talked so little before. I had things I wanted to say but never said them," she said.
"Alright well my next question is a little different. Do you go to school?" Aaron asked.
"No," Rose said nonchalantly.
"Well you have to legally," he pointed out.

Rose didn't respond, and looked with confusion.
"Where are your parents?" Aaron asked.
"Dead," Rose said checking her watch, clearly avoiding eye contact.
"Oh sorry, I didn't know," Aaron apologized.
"It's fine, I never liked them anyways. To be fair I'm not sure about my mom, but it's very likely," Rose said.
"Well would you mind if I asked what happened-."
"Ok, well do you have any other family alive?" he asked.
"My grandfather, but I can't exactly go to him," she said with a indifferent tone.
"You already know I'm going to ask why," Aaron pointed out.
"Yeah I figured, it's complicated. For one he doesn't know I exist, and two it doesn't really make sense how I'm his granddaughter," Rose explained.
"What does that mean?" Aaron asked.
"He doesn't have kids, yet anyways," she replied.
"I don't understand," Aaron said to her.
"I don't either," Rose sighed.

The Nameless Avenger (MCU oc-insert) DISCONTINUED!!!Where stories live. Discover now