Chapter 43- A Walk At Night

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"Oh my god my best friend is dead," Ned panicked grabbing his hair with his hands.
Rose just stood with her arms crossed, waiting for him to finish.
"Why aren't you at least a little nervous?!" Ned questioned.
"Cause he isn't dead," Rose replied.
"What? You said the building collapsed!"
"Yeah, it did."
Ned just sat dumbfounded, and Rose sighed and walked over to the computer.
"You got an address?" Rose asked.
"Y-yeah, I do," Ned said calming himself.
Ned pulled up the address of an old warehouse many blocks away.
"T-that's where he was," Ned explained, feeling like he was going to throw up.
Rose walked towards the door, and opened it.
"Wait where are you going?!" Ned questioned.
"To check on him, isn't it obvious?"
"How are you going to get there?"
"Stop asking questions, I'm going to check on him," she sighed walking out of the room.
Ned day in his chair, not knowing what emotion to feel in that moment.

Rose ran behind the school, opened a portal, and stepped through. Sure enough the warehouse in front of her had collapsed, turned into a giant pile of rubble. She muttered something incoherent, and walked over. Rose climbed on top of the building, and started looking around for any place a person could have climbed out of. She searched for a while, trying to find any sign of an unnatural form in the concrete pieces. Eventually she found it, and area where it was obvious that some of the rubble was moved around. There was a hole created by lifting piece of debris out of the way. Rose carefully looked down it, and stopped when she saw no sign of a person. Rose pulled out her phone and called Ned, who picked up immediately.
"He's not here."
"What does that mean?"
"He climbed out," Rose looked at the debris again, "I don't know how he lifted that much weight but he did."
"So is he ok?"
"I would make a guess as to yes."
"Oh thank god, I'm sorry for ruining your night."
"Oh don't worry about it, I just haven't laughed that hard in my entire life so it isn't like I missed anything," Rose said with clear sarcasm.
"Can I make it up to you?"
"Don't waste my time again."
"Right, again I'm sorry."

Rose ended the phone call, looked around one more time, and teleported back to the school. She dusted off her dress, as grew powder sitting in the air stuck to her. Once Rose was satisfied, she re-entered the building. Ned was walking out of the computer lab and they saw each other in the hallway. He jogged up to her, and Rose simply continued walking.
"Could you see where he went?" Ned questioned leaning closer.
Rose pushed his head away with her hand, "Stop, it's not our business. Focus on your own shit."
"But what about-."
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Leeds."
Ned nodded and walked away, not wanting to push Rose any further. It was clear she was upset with him, as she didn't even call him Ned. She walked back into the gym, and Ned decided to do the same.


Kylie and Rose left the school, among may other students. It was late, and the event would be over soon anyways.
"Hey Rose, thanks for letting me come to Midtown," Kylie said nudging Rose's side.
Rose only responded with a quick nod, and noticed Kylie was heading in a direction that led to an area notorious for not being the safest area. It being dark now certainly didn't help.
"Her safety isn't my problem, I mean she got here safely..." Rose thought to herself, but a pit in her stomach was throwing her off.
"See you another time Rose!"
"Kylie do you have a ride home?"
Kylie stopped, "No I usually walk why?"
"You shouldn't walk home alone in the dark."
"Well... if you want to come with I won't stop you."
Rose ran up to Kylie and walked with her. Rose wasn't quite sure why she felt the need to do this, but regardless there was no turning back.

Kylie led Rose down the sidewalk, and they enjoyed the quiet after the loud dance.
"Thanks for walking with me, but I'm not a child," Kylie said with a smile.
"Are you under 18?"
"Then you're a kid."
Kylie laughed, "Then you're also a kid dumbass."
Rose snickered, "If you combine our ages that makes us adults."
Kylie lightly shoved Rose, "That isn't how is works."
"I'd beg to differ," Rose retorted.
"Well how do you plan to get home?"
A smirk crept onto Rose's face, "I have my ways."

"Rose have you ever had a boyfriend?"
Rose was caught off guard by the question, as it seemed to come out of the blue.
"No, never."
Rose looked at Kylie, "Why are you so interested in my love life?"
"If you answer my questions I'll let you ask me anything you want."
It was an interesting offer, and considering Rose was bored she agreed.
"Fine, I've never dated anyone."
"Would you date someone?"

Rose was not expecting questions she didn't immediately know the answer to. She thought for a minute, wanting to give an honest answer.
"Probably not," she answered.
"Wow you really aren't holding back huh?" Rose teased.
"You agreed to this remember?" Kylie reminded her.
Rose threw her hands up, "I know I know, I'm not blaming you. Anyways I move a lot, so it's difficult to stop and make friends. Trying to do a relationship wouldn't be a good idea.
Kylie nodded, "That makes sense, but if you weren't moving around would you?"
Rose shook her head, "If I truly cared for someone I wouldn't let them get close to me."

That answer seemed to shock both of the girls. Rose didn't have to think about her answer and said with without considering the weight of the words, and Kylie noticed the tone of the sentence was quite depressing.
"What do you mean?" Kylie questioned.
Rose laughed, "Sorry that came out wrong, it makes me sound like a serial killer or something."
"Rose, what do you mean?"
Rose sighed, she should have thought about her words better. Instead of being honest about how dangerous just being around her is, she decided to take a different route. One that wasn't technically a false statement, but rather not the full truth.

"I'm not very good at being friends with people. When I was younger I never had anyone I would even consider an acquaintance, and I guess I never really learned how to express to someone if I like them or not. People normally see me as distant or cold, and who would want to be around that? And the few times someone can stand my personality, I feel guilty for not being able to reciprocate those feelings. Basically it ends with me slowly hanging out with them less and less because I feel they deserve better."
Both girls stared at each other in silence, Kylie didn't know what to say, but eventually Rose seemed like she didn't care and continued walking.

"Does having no friends bother you?"
Rose shook her head, "You get used to it after a while."
"Are we friends?
"I would say so."
"Are you going to stop hanging out with me?"
"You like asking a lot of questions, but I don't know how to answer that one."
"And what if I like being friends with you?"
"Then maybe you should reconsider."
"What if I don't want to?"
"I can't force you to act or think a certain way, only make suggestions."
"So I'm free to ignore those suggestions?"
"I have no control over you."
Kylie smiled, "Great, then I will."

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