Chapter 58- Getting Ready For A Trip

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Rose sprinted up a flight of stairs, yelling and many footsteps were heard right behind her. She burst through a door onto a rooftop, slamming the door behind her and continuing to run straight to the ledge. The door flew open, men holding firearms filing through. They formed a semi-circle formation around Rose, weapons aimed at her head.
"Nowhere to run Avenger!" One of them yelled.
Rose shook her head, "I have everywhere to run!"
She spun around and dove off the edge of the building, the yelling getting farther and farther away as she plummeted to the ground. However the Nameless Avenger flipped upright and pointed her hands down, shooting bolts of energy to slow the descent a little. Then Rose opened a portal below her, dropping into it before the men chasing her could look over and see it happen.

On the other end of the portal Rose rolled into the basement of a building, where a small temporary Shield base was set up. After rolling on the ground for a bit she laid on her back staring at the ceiling, catching her breath for a minute or two. The director with an eyepatch leaned over the teen and looked down at her, the two glancing at each other.
"Did I look cool at least?" Rose asked starting to roll over to push herself up.
"I've seen better," Fury stepped back and went back to what he was doing, "but I have also seen worse."
Rose jumped up and stretched, looking at her left palm and using her right hand to poke at the singed flesh, "Well I did the mission and made it out mostly uninjured, haven't done the latter in a while."
The director nodded looking down at a computer, "I will be heading to Mexico to investigate a potential new threat, be on call in case it turns out to be a serious issue."
Rose sighed, "Not even a thank you? You're lucky I enjoy this Fury or I might just walk out."
"Your assistance is no longer needed NA, you are free to go."
The Avenger gave a quick wave to one of the agents, who glanced up and nervously waved back. She snickered at how easy it was for her to scare people just by being around the area.


"How do you do it?" Peter asked Rose, the two of them sitting on a rooftop in their superhero outfits.
"Do what?" Rose was walking along the ledge of the building back and forth, purposely swaying from side to side to make it look like she would fall.
"Just..." Peter leaned back and stared at the dark sky above them, "I don't know, I see you on the news and Happy keeps mentioning you. How are you able to go right back into being an Avenger? I can barely put on this stupid suit for fundraisers."
Rose could only shrug, "I've never been given time to grieve before, guess I'm just used to getting right back to work. Plus Fury is working me down to the bone and I feel alive for the first time in a while."
"I wish I shared your enthusiasm."
"Maybe you need a vacation or something, stop forcing yourself to be all cheery and just be Parker for a week or two."
"I was thinking of using the Europe trip for that, speaking of which are you coming?" Peter pulled his mask off, taking a breath of fresh air.
"Probably not," Rose kept balancing on the edge of the building.
Peter chuckled, "Let me rephrase, you are going on a trip to Europe with Ned and I."
"You just need someone to distract Ned while you get real friendly with MJ."

Peter's face flushed red, "How do you know about that?"
"You have like three fucking friends and I am one of them, I'm not blind Parker," Rose was grinning under the mask.
"Well maybe I do want to, but can't I also just want to hang out with my friends?"
"You are smart and always up to something."
Peter snickered, "I swear I just want a girlfriend, no tricks here."
The Nameless Avenger threw her hands up, "Alright alright, anyways I'll think about Europe."
Peter jumped up so he was eye-to-eye with Rose, "No thoughts, no free will, you are coming to Europe."
"When did you get so... what's the word... demanding."
"When I realised you don't know how to have fun without someone throwing you into it," he gave her a light shove.
"You sound like Kylie," Rose muttered.
Rose stretched, "Just a friend that I met at the party Spider-Man said he was going to show up at all those years ago."
"Don't remind me."

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