Chapter 13- A Break

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Rose didn't know what was going on. Nobody would respond when she touched her earpiece. Part of her wanted to check it out, but she knew she had to stay put. Rose kept calling out the information she knew, trying her best to help.
"Hawkeye on you," Rose said.
Just then, Hawkeye's tracker stopped moving. Rose felt the energy source's position getting closer to Thor's tracker on the map.
"Thor on you."
Then Thor's tracker froze. Rose felt one energy source moving at extreme speeds. Rose looked back to the Quinjet.
"Yes Rose Knox?"
"Pull up local new stations."
"Pulling up local news stations"
Rose looked at the screen to see breaking news. The Hulk went on a rampage, right after the energy source passed him. Iron Man was in a much bigger suit, fighting him. Slowly the trackers on the Avengers stopped moving, and the Hulk kept fighting. Rose made up her mind, and ran towards the fight.

Within minutes Rose reached an old broken down ship. Rose ran into the ship to see robots flying everywhere. Most of the Avengers seemed to be lost in their thoughts, but few were still fighting. Rose ran over to Thor, who was trying to shake out of it. Rose grabbed his arm, and sent a small jolt of energy through his body. Thor snapped out of instantly, and stared at Rose.
"What? Go kill those things," Rose said running away.
Thor nodded and got back into battle. Rose felt an energy source approach her at incredible speeds. She jumped to dodge it, and saw a man run underneath her. He was practically a blur, faster than the normal eye could track. He turned around and ran back at Rose, faster than she could dodge. Rose grabbed her knife, and held it in front of her. The man tried to turn around to avoid hitting it, but not before Rose sliced his chest. Everything was happening so quickly, Rose was constantly on her toes. She saw Hawkeye injured, and was reaching out to something that wasn't there. Rose ran up to him, and saw blood on his side. Rose sent some energy through him, snapping him out of it.
"Kid why are you here?!" He asked.
Rose threw him a roll of bandages from her belt.
"Bailing you fuckers out," Rose said running away.

Soon all the robots flew out. Rose was patching up Black Widow's bloody forehead.
"Anyone know where Tony is?" Captain's America's voice asked.
Rose touched her earpiece.
"The city trying to calm Hulk down."
Captain America couldn't help but hear Rose's voice in real life, and not just the earpiece. He ran over to her voice to see her patching up Black Widow. Black Widow was put cold, so there was no way she could calm down Hulk.
"Why are you here?" He asked with a worried tone.
"Some of your trackers stopped moving whenever the woman passed you," Rose explained still patching up Black Widow's forehead.
"We agreed you would stay put," he said.
"I was already attacked there anyways, so it's not like I was safe," Rose explained finishing up with Black Widow.
Cap went to say something, but Rose didn't seem like she was listening. She put Black Widow's arm around her neck, and began to carry her body out.
"Do you really need the 14 year old to tell you what to do? Let's go," Rose said leaving.
Cap helped Hawkeye walk out, and Thor seemed to be thinking about something as they left.

They all got back to the Quinjet and got in contact with Tony. He was done stopping the Hulk, and was bringing Bruce back to the jet. Rose laid Black Widow's body down, and walked over to Hawkeye.
"That wound on your side is pretty bad," Rose said putting away her extra bandages.
"It'll be fine," Hawkeye said.
Iron Man flew in with Bruce.
"We should hide for a bit, the media isn't too happy about what just happened," Tony said.
Everyone else agreed, and Hawkeye whispered something to Tony. We nodded, and the Quinjet took off.
"Is Natasha ok?" Bruce asked.
"Wanda messed with her mind," Rose said sitting down.
"Who's Wanda?" Cap asked.
"The woman with the red hair. She's the one who made you all hallucinate," Rose said to everyone.
"How do you know her name?" Bruce asked.
"I fought with her. Ended with a stab wound on her arm, and dirt on my knees," Rose said.
"What else did you find out about her?" Hawkeye asked.
"Her, and the fast guy, were Hydra experiments involving the scepter," Rose informed them.
"Like you?" Tony asked.
"Except with a different power source," Rose added.
"What exactly made you?" Thor asked.
"The Tesseract, and please don't make me go into detail," Rose said with a shutter.
"I suppose I should tell you all about the Infinity Stones," Thor said.

Thor explained about the Infinity Stones. They were stones created at the beginning of the universe, and they held great power. Each stone controlled a different part of the universe. Time stone controlled time, reality stone controlled reality, space stone could create portals, mind stone could control any sort of mind, the power stone had unseen amount of pure power, and the soul stone could manipulate the very essence of a person A.K.A their soul. He explained that people search for these stones, and if someone got all of them they could do anything.
"So the universe's power comes from space rocks?" Rose asked.
"So why is this important?" Hawkeye asked.
"Loki's scepter holds the mind stone. If they can harness its power, there is no telling what they can do," Thor said.
"Then let's make sure we harness it first," Tony said.
Rose realized her findings about the Tesseract making portals made more sense now.
"So the Tesseract is the Space Stone?" Rose asked.
"Yes, but it is safe in Asgard," Thor said.
"Well what's Ultron's next move? He stole all the Vibranium, and he has an infinity stone," Cap reminded everyone.
"He still needs a body. My guess is he will use the Vibranium to create a strong body, then fuse it with the stone for power," Bruce said.
"Jarvis is already working on tracking him. Rose when we touch down, find them," Tony instructed.
"Got it, but where are we touching down?" Rose asked.
"My place," Hawkeye told Rose.
Rose nodded, and walked over to a corner of the jet. She pulled out her blanket, and went to sleep.


Rose shot up when she heard the engines of the Quinjet stop. She walked out to see some sort of farm. Everyone was following Hawkeye, so Rose did too. They walked in the house, where a little girl, a little boy, and a woman were.
"Honey I'm home, and I brought some friends," Hawkeye said opening the door.
The woman was shocked to see bruised and bloody superheroes standing in her home. They talked for a second, and then Hawkeye turned back to everyone.
"We can stay here until we get a plan," he said.

Rose walked back outside. She found a nice place under a tree, and sat down. She put her backpack next to her. She placed a hand on the ground, and closed her eyes. While she was looking for the scepter's energy, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. There was a little boy standing there.
"I'm Cooper," he said sticking out his hand.
"Oh uh, I'm Rose," Rose said shaking his hand with her free hand.
"Are you friends with my daddy?" He asked.
"More or less," Rose said.
"Why are you wearing a mask?" He asked.
Rose forgot she was wearing her black mask. She took it off and put it in her bag.
"I forgot I was wearing it," Rose replied.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Trying to track down a bad guy," Rose told him.
"They have a very powerful weapon. I can feel the energy of the weapon and find out where they are," Rose told him.
Cooper sat next to Rose. Rose figured he had to be around 8 years old. He placed his hand on the ground like Rose.
"Like this?" He asked.
"Yeah, like that," Rose said trying to be nice.
"Now what?" Cooper asked.
"Close your eyes and ignore everything around you. Focus on the earth, and you might feel it," Rose said.
Cooper closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Rose put her hand closer to his. She let a small amount of energy come from her hand, and into the ground around them.
"I can feel something, it feels like tingly," Copper said confused.
"That's the energy flowing through the ground," Rose said.
Cooper opened his eyes, and Rose stopped the energy from leaving her body.
"Am I a superhero now?!" He asked excitedly.
"Not quite, but you're on your way there," Rose said with a slight smile.
Cooper ran off towards the house.
"Mommy I'm a superhero!" He called running in.
Rose shook her head with a smirk on her face. She closed her eyes, and went back to work.

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