Chapter 16- Ultron [Part 1]

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"We land in 20 minutes," Tony told everyone.
Rose stood near the closed hatch. She held onto a bar to prevent her from falling over. Her head rested against the cold metal, waiting to land. Captain America stood along the opposite wall, and he noticed Rose seemed to be zoning out.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
Rose snapped back into reality and looked at him.
"Just thinking," she responded.
"About what?" Cap asked.
"Nothing important," Rose sighed.
"You know it's ok to be scared," he told her.
"I'm not scared, and I haven't been for years," Rose explained.
"Does death scare you?" He asked.
"No," Rose said with a cold tone.
"Well what does?" He questioned.
"Something far worse," she answered.
"Bravery is standing up to your fears. It isn't courage if there is no fear to begin with," Cap lectured.
"I'm not here to 'grow as a person' or whatever," Rose replied with her same cold tone.
"Everybody changes after fights like these. You see things that stick with you. I can only hope that we can stop it before all that happens," Cap said.
"You're the Avengers. Even when the worst happens, you all somehow pull it off," Rose said trying to boost his confidence.
"It's hard to loose when you would die before letting the enemy win," he said seeming to be thinking about something else.
Rose didn't respond, as Cap seemed to be lost in thought. Rose zoned back out, waiting for the action to begin.


The Quinjet landed, and everyone got out. Rose usually didn't take her backpack into battle, but she did today as it had supplies that could help everyone. They stopped and explained the plan. Bruce would go find Black Widow, and everyone else would stop Ultron. They found his plan to make the city float, and crash it back into the ground. The shockwave would kill all life on Earth. Ultron planned to use some Vibranium and remaining Chitauri tech to make it float. Rose didn't understand the science behind it, and knew she didn't have time to try and figure it out. They decided to focus on evacuating civilians. While they were getting civilians out of the city, one of Ultron's robots flew up to Rose.
"Well well well, the heroes have arrived. My plan is already in motion, and cannot be stopped," it said.
Rose heard this voice all over the city. There were robots everywhere, all saying the same message.
"Maybe, but we'll still try," Rose said pulling out her knife.
Rose ran underneath the robot, and jumped up. She shot an energy blast from her free hand down at the ground, and shot up up the robot. She stabbed it with her knife, opening a gap in its head. She sent a wave of energy through this gap, destroying all the circuitry. The robot collapsed to the ground, and she heard a voice in her earpiece.
"Avengers, focus on the robots. Give the civilians time to get out."
Rose gripped her knife tighter, and ran back into battle.

Rose was ripping apart a robot, when she felt the ground shake.
"Oh no," Rose thought to herself.
The ground began to crack, and slowly began to rise. Someone was giving orders over their coms, but Rose wasn't listening. She put the knife back in her sheath, and helped people get to the ground. Rose noticed a building about to collapse on a woman. She jumped off the rising ground, and dove towards the woman. She shot a powerful energy blast from both her hands to propel herself faster, and tackled the woman out of the way. Rose helped the woman up, and looked back towards the city.
"Thank you, wait are you a new Avenger?" The woman asked the masked figure.
Rose shook her head no and ran back over to under the floating city. She had to dodge constant falling debris as she tried to make a plan.
"Shit how will I get up there now?" Rose mumbled.
"Everyone meet at the town square, now."
"Well this is awkward," Rose mumbled watching the rising city.
Rose touched her earpiece.
"I need a minute," Rose said.
"Are you hurt?" Someone asked.
"No, I'm on the ground," Rose replied.
"Well get your ass up here." A familiar billionaire's voice said.
"Tony calm down."
"I'm just saying, we need all the help we can get. Hey kid, do you need a lift?"
"No, I'll manage."

Rose had to act fast, with every second the city rose higher. Rose looked at her hands. They were starting to turn red from using her power.
"By the end of this, my hands will be extremely burned. I have to get up there, no matter the cost," Rose thought as she looked down into the crater where the city once was.
Rose looked up at the city. It was at least 150ft in the air. A crazy idea popped into her head.
"Just like Iron Man, just like Iron Man, just like Iron Man," Rose mumbled as she backed up from the carter and slightly jumped up and down to hype herself up.
Rose turned around and ran as fast as she could towards the crater. She jumped when she reached the edge, so she was far above the ground. Rose shot a blast from her right hand, propelling herself upwards. Once she stopped getting higher, she shot a blast from her left hand. She repeated this process, quickly climbing straight up. She slightly angled the blast so she went around the floating city, instead of shooting straight into the bottom of it. She saw the ledge of the city, and grabbed the ledge with her hand. She nearly fell, her legs and other hand dangling in the air. She reached her other hand up, and pulled herself up. Her hands began to sting from how much she had to use her power, but Rose knew she had to keep going. She stood up, and ran to the rest of the Avengers.


Rose reached the town square just as everyone began to make a plan.
"You made it," Hawkeye said.
"Y-yeah," Rose panted.
"I know how we can blow this city up," Tony said.
"We aren't blowing this up until we evacuate everyone off," Captain America said.
"The people up here versus the people down there, it's a no brainer," Black Widow said insisting on blowing it up before they evacuated everyone.
"We don't have the resources to get everyone off, we have to do it," Tony said.
"I wouldn't say that," a voice said in their earpieces.

Massive engines were heard over the ledge. A helicarrier appeared next to the ledge. Rose covered her eyes from the dust being blown around.
"It's a little dusty, but it'll do," Nick Fury said through their earpieces.
"So what's your plan Fury?" Cap asked.
Many flying raft-like ships loaded up.
"Get the people to the Life Boats, and we can get them to safety," Fury said.
"Understood. Tony, defend the boats from the air. Clint and Pietro clear the east side. Natasha and Hulk take the west. Thor and I will take this side, and Wanda and Rose take the South. Vision try focus on finding the device causing this. Get the civilians to safety...If you die, walk it off."

With Captain America's plan, everyone ran off. Rose saw someone in a silver Iron Man suit join Tony in the air. She kept running next to Wanda, and they encountered a horde of robots. While they were fighting, Rose wanted to learn more about Wanda.
"So you got like a hero name or something?" Rose asked while she destroyed a robot.
"People in Hydra called me the Scarlet Witch," she responded crashing one into a wall.
"Can I call you Scarlet then?" Rose asked dodging an attack.
"Is this really your focus?" Wanda asked.
"Scarlet it is," Rose said destroying the last robot.
"You truly are a child," Wanda said floating off towards a group of people.
"Yeah," Rose shrugged defending Wanda from robots as she escorted the people.

They continued to escort as many people as they could. Rose saw a little girl crouched in a corner crying. She ran over to her.
"Come with me," Rose instructed.
The girl continued to cry, and pointed to a hand sticking out of rubble. Rose felt it, it was cold. Rose lifted up the rubble, and saw a horrible sight. The piece of rubble she lifted up had severed a man in two. His legs separated from the rest of his body. There was blood everywhere, and marks in the ground that showed he tried to get free. Rose dropped the rubble and looked back at the little girl. She was dirty, bloody, and it was clear she couldn't walk because of a massive wound on her leg. Rose walked back over to the girl, wrapped up her leg with bandages, and picked her up. The girl clung to her chest, crying. Rose held her tight, and ran to the nearest ship. A robot flew in front of Rose, and went to attack her. Rose held the girl with one hand, and shot the robot with a powerful blast from her free hand. Rose kept moving, fighting her way to the life boat. When she reached it, she walked over to a free seat.
"You're safe now, you can let go," Rose told the girl.
The girl gripped Rose's shirt tighter. Rose set the girl on the seat, and gently pulled her arms off. Rose ran off the ship, but turned around to make sure the girl was ok. She saw a woman helping to strap the girl in, and trying to calm her down.
"So this is what Rogers meant," Rose thought as she ran back into battle.

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