Chapter 45- Masks Off

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Rose was at a stand still. She dressed up as Shadow, came to talk to Peter, and yet he figured out she was the Nameless Avenger. One of his webs was stuck to her arm, she knew he was much stronger than her.
"You want to talk? Fine, let's fucking talk," she spat.
"What happened? How are you alive?" Peter started.
"First answer, kidnapped. Second answer, a lot of goddamn luck and some nice people," she replied.
Rose didn't even bother turning around to look at Peter, her back to him.
"Face me, face me!" Peter yelled.
"No, now let me go," Rose calmly said.
Rose knew Peter had every right to be mad, as she let people feel responsible for her death. That's a fair reason to be upset, at least in Rose's books.

The tension in the air grew, it felt almost suffocating.
"Why didn't you tell anybody? Why let your friends grieve your death when it wasn't even real?" Peter questioned.
"It's complicated," Rose replied.
"How?! Mr. Stark beat himself up for it! He felt responsible! The others felt the same!"
Rose turned around, she was really trying not to yell.
"What would you have liked me to do? Show myself and get immediately arrested again? In case you forgot, I'm a criminal now," Rose reminded him.
"You didn't tell them so you wouldn't have to go to prison?! Is that how selfish you are?!"
"There's more to it than that."
"Then tell me!"
Rose shook her head. She could have explained every detail about how if Hydra got control of her thousands could die, she could have explained how she would probably kill herself before she let that happen, but she remained silent.
"You don't even care about them do you?"

Rose was tired, annoyed, and now pissed. She cared about them, that was the entire reason she stayed "dead." If she went back, it wouldn't end well for anyone. Here was Spider-Man however, accusing her of being a selfish person who cannot think about others. Accusing her of not even caring about the people who gave her a reason to continue living.
"I had no choice!" She yelled.
"Of course you did!" Peter retorted.
"If I went back I would slit my wrists to bleed out and DIE!"
A silence settled down, leaving the two with their thought.

"That doesn't make sense," Peter finally said.
"You're right, it doesn't to you. But maybe, just maybe, I don't have to explain shit to you," Rose replied walking closer to him.
"Well start explaining, or I'll tell Mr. Stark you're alive."
Rose snickered at his attempt at blackmail, "Do it then, call him right now. Tell dear old Mr. Stark I'm right here. Guess what Spidey, you'll seem like a liar if you do. I can disappear and go anywhere at anytime."
Peter thought for a second, then let go of the web.

"I'm sorry, I just overreacted a little," Peter said.
Rose didn't reply, she had nothing more to say. It was incredible how quickly the mood changed. Minutes ago "Shadow" was talking to Peter like a close friend, and now she was a complete stranger. There was so much hidden under that mask, so many identities. He wanted to learn all of it, but that would never happen at this rate.

"I'm leaving, we're done here," Rose said starting to walk away again.
"Stop," Peter demanded.
Rose knew where this was heading, "Touch me and I'll break your wrist."
She took another step, Peter gave another warning. After a few more, a web was shot and hit her leg.
"We've already proven who is better at fighting, and I am not against reminding you."
Peter shook his head, "I don't want to fight."
"Then you shouldn't have shot the web."
"Why did you bother spending your time with me?"
Rose's answer was quicker than he thought it would be, "I wanted to meet my replacement."

"I'm not just your replacement," Peter replied.
Rose audibly chuckled, "One teen dies, another one the same age comes along immediately. Stark feels bad for killing a kid, so he finds a new one to make up for it. You're just a replacement for me, and I wanted to see what you were like. I'll admit, you're far better of a hero than I'll ever be. You want to help people, I wanted something to fill my free time."
"Mr. Stark wouldn't do that," Peter proclaimed, his voice wavering.
"Stark isn't this nice guy you think he is, just accept it. Haven't you seen him? He's more selfish than me," Rose retorted.
"Then why was he so determined to put the accords in place?"
"He knew he needed supervision. He needed someone to make sure he didn't mess up too bad because he isn't mature enough to think before he acts."

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