Chapter 60- Liar

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Peter and Rose followed Fury into the basement of a building, where a new temporary base was set up. Fury introduced them to some of the agents around, but notably Mysterio stood in the centre. Peter took off his mask, although Rose left hers on.
"This is Mr. Beck," the director said.
"Just call me Quinton," Quinton replied, his glass helmet was off revealing short brown hair and a short beard in matching colour, "You fought well out there, we could have used someone like you on my world."
"Your world?" Peter questioned before Rose did.
"Beck is from Earth, just not ours."
Rose just watched as Peter broke into rambling about multiverses and how the existence of them changes everything... or something like that. Instead she took out her knife and began to spin it around, making sure Quinton knew she could probably kill him with it. The group turned to another 3D map of the globe, with different points marked.

"There are beings that were made from the four different elements," Quinton began as the screen changed to show a hologram of the water and air creature, "Back on my word we called them Elementals."
Fury stepped forward, "They have been appearing on the same coordinates, the next one will be in Prague."
"The others have been taken care of, except fire," Quinton added on, "That's the one that destroyed my world... and killed my family."
He touched a ring on his finger, the atmosphere of the room grew dim. Something about all of it felt off to Rose, specifically Mysterio. She didn't say anything though, continuing to listen.
"We will be going there as soon as possible and putting a stop to it before it has a chance to grow more powerful," Fury explained.

Peter backed up and shook his head, "No do you know how much trouble I would be in if my aunt found out I ran off to Prague."
Rose stood next to him, "I'm out as well, but for a different reason."
"What reasons could possible justify not helping to stop a world ending threat?" Fury looked ready to punch them.
Peter awkwardly looked back and forth, "W-well I would probably be grounded by my aunt if she found out I ran away from my trip, and there's this girl..."
Rose stepped forward and pushed the other teen back, "Shut the fuck up Parker you sound like an idiot. Fury I can give you a better reason, Mr. Beck would you allow me to ask you a few questions?"
Quinton nodded, "Of course."

"What colour is my hair?"
Quinton squinted his eyes, "What?"
Rose sighed, "I'm sorry Beck are you colourblind? What colour is my hair?"
"Blue," he answered, although clearly on edge for some reason.
"What's her name?" Rose pointed across the room.
"Maria Hill."
"Where are we?"
"What's your favourite colour?"
"Kid you are wasting-."
"What's your favourite colour?" Rose repeated.
Quinton took a deep breath, "Orange, I guess."
"Is your favourite colour green?"
"No, it's orange."
"How many fingers are on your left hand?"
"What is two plus two but don't give me the right answer."
"Tell me the sea is red."
"The sea is red."
"What happened to your family."
The room went silent for a second, Quinton touched his ring again before answering, "They died."
"Which elemental destroyed your world?"
"What was the elemental in Mexico?"
Rose and Quinton kept their eyes locked for a second, before the Avenger put space between them. She turned to look at Fury, who was watching curiously.

"I don't work with liars, especially when the stakes are supposedly so high," Rose pulled out her ponytail before redoing it to be cleaner, "So either Beck can stop fucking around or I'm out."
"You're calling me a liar?" Quinton seemed quite offended, "I lost my entire world, and you call me a liar?"
"When you lie your eyes dart to the right for a split second, most people wouldn't even notice," Rose thought to herself, "Your eyes darted when you said you family died and the fire elemental destroyed your world."
"I don't get it," Peter mumbled.
"And I understand a white lie here or there, but when you claim our entire world may be coming to an end I don't take kindly to it."
Quinton shook his head quickly and looked back at the hologram of the globe, "Fury I know you said the NA and Spider-Man are the best you can offer, but neither of them trust me or want to help. It would be better if I just went out alone instead of wasting my time with children."
"Y'know you two are right, this doesn't concern you," Fury waved them off, "Go head back to the hotel."
Peter furiously nodded and spun on his heels to walk away, "Thank you, and sorry sir."
Rose was not in such a rush, glaring at Beck for a minute. Eventually she only shook her head and walked away with disappointment.

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