Chapter 44- An Interesting Dream

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The Tesseract floats through a nothingness void, it's blue light being the only thing fending off the infinite darkness. Every second feels like hours, does time even function the same here? Suddenly something reaches through the darkness, it's a hand. The hand makes the Tesseract look much smaller, and it seems to be pinkish-purple in color. It takes the Tesseract into its hand with grace and care, and seems that whatever creature owns the hand is examining the cube. Suddenly, without warning, the hand closes into a fist. The Tesseract shatters like glass, pieces of it falling into the darkness no longer possessing any light. In the distance, yelling and the flickering of flames is heard. When the hand opens again, a small blue stone lies in what remains of the cube that once held it inside. The hand places the stone between the thumb and index finger, returning to examining it. More yelling is heard, pleads for mercy, before what the one holding the stone laughs. A laugh that holds a sense of victory and accomplishment. With that, the dark blue stone is whisked away into the darkness by whoever destroyed the Tesseract.

Rose shot up, her heart rate was through the roof. She looked around, and breathed a sigh of relief. She was laying on Aaron's couch, and just outside the window the sun was beginning to reach out across the dark sky with its orange light. Rose had her fair share of nightmares, but this one was different. She tended to forget her more random nightmares, or they would be just reliving her past memories. This one felt so real, but Rose had never experienced anything close to her dream. She ignored the sickening feeling in her gut against her better judgment. She had school that day anyways, there wasn't time to sit around and think about a silly nightmare.


Rose sat down at the lunch table, and immediately looked at Peter. She saw the news of somebody attacking a Stark Industries shipment. This person was arrested, all thanks to the Spider-Man.
"So, how was your Homecoming experience?" Rose asked Peter.
Peter looked up from his food and at Rose.
"Oh you know... nothing special," he replied.
They both knew what happened, and Rose noticed Peter seemed to not be as stressed anymore.
"Did you get the suit back?" Ned whispered to Peter, but loud enough that Rose heard it.
Peter nodded, "Yeah, and Mr. Stark said I had what it took to be an Avenger."
Rose let out a laugh, causing Peter and Ned to look at her.
"What's so funny about that?" Ned questioned.
"Sorry, just ignore me," Rose replied.

I'm reality Rose was laughing at the fact that she realized she wasn't technically asked if she wanted to be an Avenger. From her perspective, she had nothing better to do during Sokovia. She didn't ask to be called the Nameless Avenger, she didn't say "Hey I want to be an Avenger," it just sort of happened. What Rose found even more surprising, was that Peter turned down the offer because he wanted to stay as the "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man." Ned seemed to not understand why he would pass up the opportunity to be an Avenger, but Rose understood perfectly.


Peter had messed up, like a lot. Tony gave him a new Spider-Man suit, so he tried it on. Unfortunately he forgot to lock his bedroom door, and his Aunt May walked in on him. He kind of hoped that when May found out it would have been in a more interesting way than that, but it was too late to do anything now. Currently he was sitting on a rooftop in his suit trying to process it all.
"Hey Spider-Boy."

Peter whipped his head around to look behind him. Shadow was back, much to his surprise.
"I thought you said you wouldn't waste your time with me?" Peter pointed out.
"I saw what you did on the news, and you did it without that fancy suit. I'd say you've had to have figured something out," Shadow replied.
There was silence again, which ended when Shadow sighed.
"What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I mean I'm Spider-Man, what's so odd about me watching over the streets?"
Shadow shook her head and walked over. She pointed in to Peter's left, but he didn't see anything in that direction.
"Three blocks that direction there was a mugging, why are you here and not there?" Shadow questioned.

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