Chapter 51- Back From the Dead

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The best way Rose could describe the feeling was sinking in an infinitely deep ocean. There was no feeling of drowning though, no pain, no fear, no emotions, no thinking. No matter how hard she fought to swim to the surface, she never broke through. Or maybe she was just floating, Rose had no idea if she was actually moving. It was peaceful in a disturbing way, Rose could have stayed there forever. She didn't get that wish though, it felt like hands burning with the wrath of hell itself grabbed her entire body. She was dragged out of her stasis, suddenly her lungs wanted air.


Rose's eyes shot open, she took a deep breath as she examined her surroundings. Green trees, bushes, vines, the area seemed a bit overgrown in all honesty. She was laying on the ground, staring at the blue sky as well. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her legs slowly being pieced back together, feeling returning as well. It was peaceful, the sounds of birds and the wind seemed a bit cliché but Rose didn't mind. She sat up, feeling her chest and legs to ensure she wasn't dreaming.
"I'm alive," the words slipped out, Rose remembered vividly dying with Steve knelt next to her... so how was she back?
The more Rose came to her senses, the more she realised two important things:
1. She had no injuries from fighting Thanos, and felt like she had enough energy to run to the moon and back.
2. Other people seemed to be "waking up" around her.
At the moment, number two seemed more interesting.

Rose turned to look at the voice, seeing Wanda sitting on the ground. The other woman was right where Rose swore she watched Vision get the stone ripped out of his head and killed.
"Hi Scarlet, do you feel it too?" Rose asked.
"Feel what?" That was someone else, Rose recognised Bucky's voice.
Rose took a deep breath, putting her hand to the ground, "The infinity stones, they are on Earth again."
"I noticed," Wanda finally said, seemingly catching her own breath.
Rose stood up, immediately regretting the decision. Her legs weren't used to walking, her arms weren't used to grabbing a nearby branch to support herself, leaving it all to accumulate in her falling back to the dry grass.

"Need help?"
Rose looked up at Sam, who was offering a hand to help her get on her feet. She took it, thankfully her legs remembered how to walk almost instantly.
T-Challa emerged from the underbrush, still in the black panther suit, "We are alive."
Rose began to stretch her arms and legs, "I wouldn't get used to it, the stones are on Earth again and that never means anything good."
"So pessimistic," Sam scolded.
"I was literally dead a minute ago, let me be an edgy little fuck."
Bucky snorted as a laugh, leaning against a tree for support. It seemed to lighten the mood a bit, especially considering that hundreds of Wakanda soldiers were coming back to life in a nearby field. The other four legged alien creatures came back as well, but everyone was reinvigorated enough to fight them off with ease.


Rose killed the final Outrider with her knife, looking around for what to do next. Everyone seemed to share the same sentiment, just kind of standing around unsure of why they were alive. A portal opened up in front of Rose, an odd fire and lighting looking substance circling the doorway to another place. Unlike the ones Rose made, she could see what was on the other side. It was Peter, standing on some alien planet.
"Rose!" He shouted, running through and hugging the other teen.
Rose didn't return the gesture, she was never sure how to hug people. Peter backed away and looked at her head, snickering a bit to himself.
"Your hair is blue again."
"And yours is a mess."
"I was dead."
"So was I."

A few other portals opened up to a different place, a dark battlefield. People ran in without hesitation, yelling battle cries as they made their way into the new fight.
Peter put his hands on Rose's shoulders, "Mr. Strange said Thanos is back and we need to stop him again."
Before Rose could hesitate, Peter pulled his mask over his head (Rose wasn't jealous that she lost hers or anything) and grabbed her wrist. He pulled her through the nearest portal, straight into the fight. On the other side Rose didn't take long to figure out the gist of the situation. Thanos was back, his army was back, and by whatever God was out there she wasn't going to lose this time.

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