Chapter 5- Escape

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"What did you do to her?"
"Nothing that would hurt her."
"Then why is she passed out on the floor?"
"Looks like she was trying to pick the lock without setting off the alarm, and damn she got close."
"You really just left her in a dark room all night?"
"Listen Red White and Blue, I don't know how to handle kids."
"Sometimes I think you're helpless."
Rose heard these voices outside her dream world. She was too tired to wake up, and kept her eyes closed. She thought she felt arms pick her up, and lay her on a soft cushion. Despite her best at attempts to fall back into sleep, her eyes slowly forced themselves open. A ray of sunshine shone onto her face, so she lifted her arm to block her eyes from the light. She sat up, and saw she was laying on the couch. She could have sworn she fell asleep by the door. She swung her legs over the edge, and saw her backpack and knife were laying on the coffee table. She realized she hadn't eaten in over a day, and suddenly became hungry. She looked around to see that nobody was in the room. She walked over to the bar and found a basket of fruit. She took an apple, and began to eat it. She walked over to the door she tried to open earlier that morning, and looked at the lock. Her paper clip and pin were still in it. She was about to take them out, when she remembered how close she got to opening it. She took another bite of her apple, set it on the table, and crouched back down. She picked up where she left off, and kept working on the lock. She heard the elevator door open, and shot up.

"Looks like you're awake," Tony Stark said.
Rose grabbed her apple off the counter, and took a bite.
"Yeah sorry about the food situation, but looks like you figured it out. Anyways I'm going to go grab something, then we have a few more tests for you," he said.
Stark left the room, leaving Rose standing there. She dropped to the floor and went to work on the lock, even faster than before. She knew this was her chance to escape, and she wasn't going to waste it. She made a deal to help them with their tests, and she would keep her word. For right now she needed some fresh air, being locked up really got to her. After all, she spent years going where she wanted when she wanted. She heard a click, indicating she succeeded. She put her backpack on, threw an extra apple in her bag, and made sure her knife was in the sheath. Just as she pushed open the door, the elevator opened up.

"Alright kid follow me...hey come back!" Stark yelled running to the door.
Rose bolted through the door, running out to the landing pad. She looked around to try and find where to go. She saw a balcony stretching across the building. Stark was right behind her, so she jumped. Rose made sure to position herself so that when she landed, she rolled so she didn't break her legs. She looked up to see devices putting an Iron Man suit on Tony.
"Of course he can get his suit on in a fucking second," Rose muttered jumping up.
She had to find a way down the building right away. She looked for the closest building, but it was too far away. She couldn't use her power, or everyone down below would see the blue light. The suit was almost ready, and her time was running out. Suddenly a crazy idea popped into her head. Just as Stark flew off the landing pad, Rose jumped off the building.

"Jarvis catch Rose!" Tony instructed the A.I in his suit.
"Sending additional power to the legs," Jarvis said.
With that, Iron Man flew straight down at incredible speeds. He caught up to Rose and grabbed her. He flipped upright, slowing both of them down. They reached about 20ft off the ground, when they completely stopped and were hovering above the ground. Iron man had Rose held up by her arm.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Stark yelled.
Rose used her free hand to grab the knife from her thigh. She brought it up, and cut away at the fingers of Iron Man's suit. It loosened his grip enough for Rose to swing up her legs and kick him back. He dropped her, and she hit the sidewalk. She pushed herself up, and sprinted away. She turned a corner, and disappeared. Iron Man scanned for her, but there were too many people around.
"Jarvis, scan for energy levels," Iron Man instructed.
"Yes sir," Jarvis said.
Iron Man scanned for high levels of energy, but surprisingly nothing appeared.
"T-that's not possible. How could she hide such levels of pure energy?" Stark muttered.

Rose walked down the street. She had ways of hiding the energy given off from her. It took plenty of concentration, but it was possible. She planned to return tomorrow morning, and for now enjoy herself. She walked into a store, and went into the bathroom. She changed into her black clothing, and walked back out. As she walked down the street, she flipped up her hood. She kept constant concentration on hiding the energy, and made her way back too the part of New York she hung around.


Rose walked into a very similar convenience store.
"Rose! What happened to you? You just disappeared, you had me worried sick!" The man behind the counter exclaimed.
Rose walked up to the counter.
"S-sorry, something came up," Rose whispered.
The man was shocked, the last time he heard her voice was 2 months ago when she said her name. Even then it was only a single word "Rose".
"Everything alright?" He asked.
Rose nodded, and walked towards one of the isles. She grabbed a small bottle of rubbing alcohol, and walked to the counter. The man decided not to ask why she always bought stuff to patch up injuries, and scanned the item. She payed for it, and put it in her backpack. As the man handed her the change, he decided to strike up a conversation.
"So... where have you been?" He asked.
"Went for a walk, got distracted," Rose explained.
Rose was never so talkative, and it made the man smile. He counted the coins, and surprisingly Rose said something without being asked.
"I'm going to be gone for a few days," Rose said in a hushed tone.
"You aren't in trouble are you?" The man asked.
"S-sorta," Rose said as the man dropped coins into her hand.
He gave her a concerned look.
"There are dangerous people around here? Did you get involved with them?" The man asked.
Rose shook her head and stuffed the coins into her wallet. She gave the man an awkward smile, and left the store.

Rose walked behind the building and pulled up her pant leg. Her legs were scratched and bloody from the escape early that morning. She took the rubbing alcohol and put some on each of the wounds. She winced in pain as it foamed up, indicating the bacteria was dying. After some time she took out her slightly dented water bottle, and cleaned the wounds out. While she waited for the water to dry, she took out the small bag of gummy bears from her bag. Those remaining were squished and slightly melted. She shrugged and ate the rest anyways.

After a few minutes she pulled her pant leg down, and stood up. She walked down the street, and walked pass the same electronic store with the TVs. She watched as a story of Iron Man saving a girl from falling to her death played on the news. The girl broke free of his grasp somehow, and disappeared. People theorized that she was scared and ran instinctively. The details of her couldn't be seen, and Iron Man confirmed that she was alright. They were more showing it to show how much of a hero Iron Man was. Rose slightly shook her head as she walked back down the street.

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