Chapter 3- Who Are You

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Rose opened her eyes and looked around. She was sitting in a chair, hands tied around the back of it. The room was filled with bright lights, and a single window. There was a glass wall that she could see people walking around on the other side of it. She tested the strength of the restraints, she couldn't break them without her superpower. Suddenly a woman walked into the room.

"Well you woke up faster than we thought you would," she said pulling up a chair.
Rose didn't respond, and kept her mouth shut.
"I'm Natasha, and I'm going to ask you a few questions," she said.
Rose recognized her as Black Widow, an expert spy. Rose knew she had to be very careful with her words.
"Let's start simple, what's your name?" Natasha asked.
Rose stared with a blank expression, not speaking.
"Listen kid, we have ways of getting the information we want. It's only a matter of time before we have every file on you pulled up," Natasha said with a suddenly serious tone.
"I've already tried," Rose whispered.
Natasha stared at the teenager tied up in front of her. What was she saying?
"What do you mean?" Natasha asked.
"Files, my files, already tried pulling them up," Rose whispered once more.
"You underestimate us?"
Rose shook her head, she knew damn well what they could do.
"Let's get to the real questions. Who trained you? You took out three of our agents, evaded Stark and Cap, and did so with only a scratch," Natasha said gesturing you the bandage on Rose's forehead.
Rose didn't respond, and stared into Natasha's eyes. Her blue eyes felt as if they were penetrating Black Widow's very soul.

No matter how many times Natasha asked Rose a question, Rose never said anything. She always had the same calm demeanor, never once showing any signs of weakness. It was starting to creep out the people who were watching, but Black Widow kept her cool.
"You really like the quiet game," Natasha said to Rose.
Rose gave a quick smirk in response, and then her face returned back to the cold expression. After a few more minutes, Tony Stark barged in.

"Natasha you need to see this," he said.
Black Widow stood up, leaving Rose in the chair. She followed Stark to a room with many computer monitors. Captain America and Nick Fury were also there.
"I had Jarvis scan her face to find matches. Here are all of the people she matched," Stark said pulling up a screen.
There were around 80 names and pictures all shown. Everyone stared in shock, who was this kid?
"The interesting part, is the majority of these people were confirmed to be dead," Stark said pointing to names that had deceased underneath.
"Clearly she has more to share with us, and she can be perceived as a threat," Fury said to everyone.
"Each person has a different age, blood type, family status, etc. Each identity was carefully crafted, meaning she had to have had training," Stark said.
"Who could have trained her?" Captain America asked.
"That's we need to find out," Fury said.
"Can I talk to her?" Captain America asked.
Nick Fury nodded, and he walked back into the room Rose was being kept.

Captain America sat down in the chair Natasha brought in. He sat for a minute observing Rose.
"My name is-."
"Steve Rogers," Rose said cutting him off.
"How do you know that?" He asked.
Rose just stared at him, no response.
"Well if you know my name, I think I should know yours," Cap said to her.
Rose didn't speak for a moment, thinking.
"What happened to every file on me?" She asked.
"It's just easier if you tell us," Cap said.
Rose still didn't answer.
"What's your real name? I saw all your fake ones, but which one is the real one?" He asked.

Rose stared back at him for a second. Rose Knox wasn't her real name, but her current fake identity. She never stuck with an identity for as long as she stuck with Rose, but it seemed to fit her the best.
"How do you define 'real' name?" Rose asked Cap.
"The name given to you at birth," he replied.
"Couldn't tell you," Rose said leaning back into her chair even farther.
"You don't know it?" He asked in confusion.
"Sorta, but not the answer you're looking for," Rose stated in a slightly quiet voice.
"What do you mean?" He asked her.
"You wouldn't like it," she said.
"I won't judge you off your name," he said.
"Fine, my name is a number," Rose said, her eyes turning sad for a split second.
"A number?"
"What happened to not judging me off my name?"
"Was that always your name?"
"Since I can remember?"
"Where did you grow up?"

Rose didn't say anything more after that. No matter how much they tried to get out of her, she stopped talking. Tony Stark decided he wanted to try, even though they protested against it. He walked into the room, flipped the chair around so the back was in the front, and sat down.
"Is your hair naturally blue?" He asked.
Rose nodded, but slowly in confusion.
"Hm, never seen that before. Do your parents have blue hair?" He asked.
Rose shook her head no.
"So where did you get it from?" He asked her.
"Is my hair color really important?"
"Fair point kid. Your eyes, they're a really light blue. Natural too?" He asked.
Rose nodded again. When asked if she got it from her parents she nodded no.
"Alright now that we have that out of the way, I'm curious with the blue energy that shot out of your hand when you fought Cap. It left a nasty burn on his side. Can you show me another example?" He asked.

Rose by now had been slowly using her power to weaken the restraints on her hands. She gave a quick yank, and her hand broke free. Those outside began to walk towards the door, but Stark motioned them away. Rose rubbed her wrists and moved her hands to get used to not having them tied up. She held out her left hand, and Stark looked at it. Soon it began to glow blue, but the light quickly disappeared.
"Can you do that again?" He asked.
Rose did it again, but this time it glowed brighter and brighter. Black Widow realized what was happening and ran into the room, tackling Stark. Just as she did, Rose shot an energy blast from her hand.

Dust filled the room, and small tiles from the ceiling fell to the ground. She stood up from her chair, and stretched. Rose then walked underneath the new hole in the roof, which was about the size of watermelon. She stared at the sky above it, then looked at Black Widow helping Tony Stark stand up. Rose looked back at them and gave them a cold stare.
"That good enough, Stark?" She asked.
Rose reached into her back pocket and pulled out a small black mask. She put it on her face and looked around. She had to find her knife and backpack.
"That's some impressive fire power," Stark said dusting himself off.
"Where did you get your power?" Natasha asked.
"It was a gift," Rose said with a slightly warmer tone.

They moved Rose into a small meeting room. She sat down, but Stark was the only other one to do so.
"You better start giving us answers, we will find it all out anyways," Fury said putting his arms behind his back.
Rose stared back at him, her mask still on. She stared at him for a while before making a single sound.
"Good luck," she said in a taunting tone.

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