Chapter 29- Recovering Takes Too Long

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Rose woke up in the same bed she woke up before. This time the woman she met earlier sat on a chair next to the bed. She was reading a book, and looked up when Rose groaned as she sat up. The woman put a hand on Rose's chest.
"Don't push yourself," the woman said with a calming tone.
Rose slowly laid back down, and turned to the woman who went back to her book.
"N-name?" Rose asked, immediately regretting speaking when it was followed by a coughing fit.
"I'm Mary, my husband is Thomas, and our daughter is Elizabeth," Mary said as she reached down next to her chair to grab something.
Mary sat up straight with a notepad and a pen. She handed them to Rose.
"Now write your name," Mary said with a smile.
Rose wrote down a zero, used to being named 0625, but quickly scribbled it out.
"Normal people don't have number names, so what do I tell them? I don't know if people are looking for me," Rose began to think.
"Can you write your name?"
Rose shook herself from her thoughts and wrote down Rose instead of 0625.
"Rose? That's a pretty name," Mary said, making Rose smile a bit.

"Ok Rose, where are your parents? We can't just keep you from them," Mary questioned.
Rose froze for a second, trying to decide what to write. Mary noticed her hesitation, but didn't say anything. Rose finished writing and handed it to the woman. She read it, then looked up.
"So your dad is in America?" Mary asked.
Rose nodded, and Mary looked worried.
"No wonder you were so confused about being in Canada, how did you get here?" She asked.
Rose scribbled on the paper, and Mary read it to herself.
"You were attacked by an animal? Well you won't be able to go anywhere for a while so you can tell me more later," she said with a kind voice.

Rose looked down at the bed, she knew Mary was right. She hated putting this family at risk, and honestly had to find out some answers for herself. At the same time, Rose couldn't stand on her own, speak, or breath without pain. She was in no condition to leave when Hydra was looking for her. Mary sighed and stood up. She left the room, and closed the door.

After a few minutes the door opened once more, and instead a teenage girl was standing there. She had long blonde hair and grey eyes. She wore jeans and a plain black shirt. She looked to be slightly younger than Rose
"Hi, I'm Liz," she said, sitting on the end of the bed.
"R-Rose," Rose croaked.
"Well you sound horrible, to be fair you looked a lot worse when Dad and I found you," Liz said with an awkward chuckle.
Rose examined her own body, seeming to verify that statement. Rose thought that she was going to die in that forest.
"Anyways I wanted to introduce myself. Also I got a new game that needs two players," Liz started.
Rose tilted her head as Liz stood up and walked over to her side of the bed.
"I'll help you walk," Liz said sticking out her hand.
Rose took Liz's hand, and Liz lead her out of the room. Liz took a few feet down the hallway, and into a door along the wall. She opened the door to reveal her bedroom.

Liz's bedroom had pale yellow walls, and white carpet. She had a bunk bed, but the bottom bunk was replaced with a desk that had some sketchbooks littered on it. She had white dressers, all decorated with figurines from many different franchises. On a floor against the wall, a computer monitor sat on top of a black gaming console of some kind. Liz pressed a button on the console, and grabbed two controllers that were laying on the desk. Liz then climbed onto the loft bed and grabbed two pillows. Liz walked back over to Rose who was leaning against a wall. She helped Rose sit on a pillow in front of the monitor, and handed her a controller. Rose stared at the controller like Liz just put a gun in her hand. Liz didn't notice and turned in the monitor.
"So have you heard of Mystify Magic before?" Liz asked as she put a disk into the console.
Rose shook her head, having no idea what was happening.
"Ok so basically it's a puzzle game, except you play the role of a witch or wizard. It takes two players though, and dad isn't very good at using a controller," Liz explained.
"What the hell is a puzzle game? And why does she think I know what I'm doing?" Rose thought while staring at Liz with a confused face.
"Don't worry I don't know the controls either, so we'll figure it out together," Liz replied with a smile.


Rose quickly picked up on how to use a controller, Liz even commented that she was happy to find a "fellow gamer." Rose actually found that she really enjoyed the co-op puzzle game, never thinking she would enjoy staring at a screen.
"Woah I found a new spell!" Liz exclaimed.
"Liz do you know where Rose is... oh," Mary realized as she entered the bedroom.
"Oh we were just playing a game since we can't go anywhere with all the snow," Liz said with a smile.
"Did you ask Rose to play or force her to?" Mary asked crossing her arms.
"Well... Rose you're enjoying yourself right?" Liz asked turning to Rose, who nodded in response.
"Alright, dinner will we ready in an hour," Mary said leaving the room.
Liz seemed to breath a sigh of relief, and they went back to playing their game.

"H-how bad did I look?" Rose asked while they waited for the level to load.
"Oh you can speak now! Anyways like shit, no nice way to say it," Liz replied reaching into her back pocket, and taking out her cell phone.
Liz opened her photos app and clicked on a picture. She handed the phone to Rose, who stared at the picture. Rose was laying on her back in a few inches of snow. Her shortsleeved grey T-shirt was torn so much it resembled a crop top, and her pants had patches of cloth missing. Her blue hair had parts stuck together with dried blood, her clothing stuck to her skin in the same way. Her left eye was closed shut, swollen and black and blue. Her right eye had bruises around it, and her bottom lip had a cut that ran down to her chin. The rest of her exposed skin had bruises, each varying in size and color. Her feet were covered in dirt, and bright red from the cold. Rose stared at the screen with wide eyes, she didn't think she looked that bad.
"Yeah, you were pretty banged up. Dad says that if we didn't find you, you would have died within an hour," Liz said, the room growing serious.
Rose nodded and look back towards the screen.
"Good thing Dad worked as a medic in the army so he could patch you up," Liz said with a smile.
The level finished loading, so they went right back to playing the game. Rose felt the bandage on her left eye, finally realizing how lucky she really was.

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