Chapter 53- Back Home

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Rose adjusted her black mask, taking a deep breath to calm down. She, and the rest of the living Avengers (not including Steve, Thor, T'Challa, and the Guardians), were about to walk in front of a bunch of cameras and reporters. A live press conference was being held for the Avengers to address the Blip and answer any questions. Peter pulled his Spider-Man mask over his head, he noticed Rose's anxiousness.
"Calm down Rose, we aren't even doing most of the talking. That's reserved for Mr. Banner," Peter commented.
Rose pulled her hair back into a ponytail, "I think you're forgetting my very existence has been debated since Sokovia, I'm not exactly one for attention."
"Ah," Peter nodded, "I forgot about that. Well it'll probably be fine."
"I don't share your optimism."
"I don't share your pessimism."

While they waited, the two sat without speaking.
"R-Rose," Peter seemed a bit nervous.
"Yes Parker?" Rose was making sure her modified Shield uniform was on properly.
"We're... we're cool right? I mean the last time we spoke before the Blip we got into a fight... I never asked to make sure we're friends."
Rose chuckled a bit as she tightened the sheath on her thigh, "I almost forgot about that. Sorry that I broke your trust, oh and kicked your ass."
The other teen playfully shoved her, "You say that like it wasn't a close fight! I got your mask off!"
"I barely had a scratch and your ribs were probably bruised."
Peter crossed his arms, "Ok just because that's true doesn't mean anything!"
"Sure Spider-Boy, sure."
Sam walked over and shook each of them jokingly, "Hey kids, stop bickering and let's go."


Rose was the last person to walk out into the view of the cameras, the last one to take her seat. Once the room of mostly reporters and security guards saw the blue hair, everyone went dead silent. Rose didn't let the nerves get to her, she held her head high and walked with confidence and pride. She took her seat next to Peter, Spider-Man was a natural at public appearances (he had already helped a few fundraisers by showing up and giving a speech). The awkward silence was noticed by everyone, Bruce ended it by tapping on the microphone in front of him.
"We will start taking questions now."

"This is boring as hell," Rose whispered under her breath, just loud enough that Peter could hear her.
"All we have to do is seat here and look pretty," Peter whispered back, thankfully their speaking was hidden by their different masks.
"Damn that must be hard for you."
Peter stomped Rose's foot under the table where it couldn't be seen, but she bit her lip to not show any reaction.
"Rude," she mumbled.
"You called me ugly," he retorted.
"You're putting words in my mouth."
One of the reporters stood up, "Dr. Banner, how do the Avengers plan to aid the communities that are struggling with the impacts of the Blip?"
Peter would have slapped his forehead if the cameras weren't rolling, "Rose this is serious, did you forget?"
Rose had to hold back laughter as she quietly replied, "I sorta did."

Throughout the conference, Rose and Peter kept cracking jokes to the other. Their masks hid the talking and the microphone didn't pick up the whispers. Rose had to be extra careful to ensure her eyes still held the cold and indifferent expression, which tended to get more difficult per each exchange with Peter. A male reporter with black hair stood up and made direct eye contact with Rose. The room went silent so he could ask his question, as he had been called on.
"So the Avengers are going to be more transparent from now on, is that correct Dr. Banner?"
Bruce nodded, "Yes, that is the goal."
The man didn't break eye contact with the Nameless Avenger, who stared back with the same intensity.
"I would like to start with the Nameless Avenger then. We were told almost six years ago that she was dead, and yet here she sits," he was clearly trying to get a headline, pushing with the difficult questions.
Bruce leaned forward and looked at Rose, "I think this question is best suited for her."

Suddenly all cameras and eyes were on Rose, the feeling of the room had changed to heavy and almost suffocating. She leaned forward to be closer to the microphone, ensuring that it could hear her voice through her mask. She made her voice deeper than usual, on the brink of sounding like the average adult man.
"They thought I was dead, from their perspective there were no lies," Rose began, "But today we are talking about the Blip, no more no less."
Whenever she spoke, everyone became tense. She had switched to her cold tone, her emotionless cold tone that made you wonder if there was even a soul behind those eyes. The reporter awkwardly sat back down, no further questions were directed at the NA. If only they saw the two teenagers on the brink of hysterically laughing the entire event, a completely different person from the one who spoke two sentences.

The Nameless Avenger (MCU oc-insert) DISCONTINUED!!!Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα