Chapter 18- Aftermath

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Rose woke up in a hospital bed. She didn't even realize she passed out on the Life Boat. She looked around, and immediately saw the Shield logo plastered on a wall.
"You're awake," a man in a white coat said.
Rose didn't respond, and looked around some more. There were wires tapped to her chest, and a needle in her hand. She followed the tube that was connected to the needle, and saw bag hanging on a metal stand. There was a clear liquid in it, and it was flowing into her body.
"Are you ok?" The man asked.
Old memories filled Rose's mind. She jumped up, and ripped it out of her hand. The doctor started calling for help, and ran over to stop Rose. She kicked him off her, and pulled the wires off her chest. Rose ran to the corner of the room as some others entered the room. They tried to get ahold of her, but she kept dodging their grasp.

"Stop moving you brat!"
"Get off me!"
"Do you want to be punished?!"
"Leave me alone!"
"Hey you! Come pin her down while I stick the needle in!"
"Yes sir!"
"I will kill you all!"
"We aren't scared of a child, now hold still!"

"Nobody touch her!" The doctor instructed.
Everyone stopped trying to pin down Rose. She was holding up her hands, ready to fire a blast of energy. Rose slowly came back to reality, escaping her thoughts and lowered her hands.
"Where am I?" Rose asked.
"Your in a Shield base located in the UK. You were found unconscious on one of the Life Boats, and Director Fury instructed us to bring you here," the doctor explained to Rose.
Rose didn't move, and looked down at her hand. There was blood running out of the wound, and hitting the floor. She held up her hand in front of her face, so the blood ran down her arm instead. Rose observed the blood, watching with fascination.
"What were my injuries?" Rose asked the doctor, still watching the blood.
"Over exhaustion, many cuts and bruises, 2nd degree burns on your hands, and a fractured rib," the doctor said holding up his hands to show he wasn't a threat.
"How long was I out?" Rose asked looking away from the blood.
"Three and a half days."
"I apologize for my earlier behavior, I wasn't thinking clearly," Rose said dropping her arm.
"Apology accepted, now can I bandage your hand?" The doctor asked Rose taking a step towards her.
Rose looked back at her hand, then back at the doctor.
"That bad?" Rose asked.
"Normally it would leave a small cut that can be easily covered with a bandaid. Since you pulled it out quickly, you made it worse," the doctor explained.
"I understand," Rose said sitting back into the hospital bed.

The other people left the room, leaving only Rose and the doctor. While the doctor was cleaning off Rose's hand, she heard a ringing. The doctor pulled out a phone from his pocket.
"This is Doctor Rider. Yes, she's awake. Ok I'll put her on," the doctor said into the phone.
He handed the phone to Rose, and she took it with her free hand. She held it to her ear.
"Who's this?" Rose asked.
"Hello this is Pepper Potts. Tony Stark would like to meet with you when you recover," a woman's voice said.
"Where?" Rose asked.
"Avenger's tower in New York City," Pepper said.
"I'm not in America right now," Rose said as the doctor finished cleaning off her hand and arm.
"We are aware, and have already arranged a flight for you," Pepper explained.
"Looks like I have no more excuses, I'll be there," Rose said ending the call.

Rose handed the phone back to the doctor, and he placed it into his pocket again.
"So, when can I leave?" Rose asked him.
"My, you're an impatient kid," the doctor said putting a bandage on her hand.
The doctor stood up and walked towards the door.
"A nurse will come check on you soon, and evaluate your condition. From what I can tell, you healed quickly," he said leaving the rooms.
Rose nodded and looked around the room. She finally got a good look at it. It was pretty small, and there was chair in the corner. On the chair sat her backpack, sheath, and knife. She got close and saw her clothes neatly folded up. Rose looked down and noticed she was in a hospital gown. She sighed, grabbed the clothes, and got changed.

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