Chapter 41- Glowing Feet

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"Was there a blue light coming from your hands?"
"You're right, that does sounds fucking weird," Rose responded leaning back in her chair.
Peter stopped walking over to his bed, and froze.
"Ned, what color was the light?" He asked.
"Um... like a light blue-ish? It looked like it was spreading from your veins if that makes sense," Ned answered, still looking at Rose.
Peter seemed particularly interested, and stared at Rose. His face grew serious, normally Peter was almost always carried a happy demeanor. Rose started to laugh, only stopping once the pain in her chest grew too much.
"You think I'm a glow stick or something?! God I wish!" Rose laughed, leaning forward.
"I mean a few years ago I would have never asked, but now there are real life superheroes," Ned said.
Rose just stared at him, "so you think I'm one of them? A mutant or something?"
"Is that a no?"
"Correct, I don't have-," Rose was cut off.
"Karen, analyze Rose's heartbeat."
Rose and Ned turned to Peter, who was wearing his Spider-Man mask.
"Her heartbeat has increased," the AI responded.
Silence filled the room, and Rose sighed as she walked over to the door.
"This is bullshit, of course I'm nervous when an AI is checking my heart rate. I'm going to sleep, I'll let you all know if I wake up with glowing feet," she said walking out of the room.
"Peter, what does that mean?"
"I don't know, but it was probably just the light from the core or something," Peter replied, not sure if he really meant it.


Even after they got back to New York, Rose began to grow distant from Peter and Ned. Peter was busy trying to stop the Vulture, which certainly didn't help. After a certain incident with a ferry getting cut in half, Stark took Peter's suit away. Peter sat on the roof of a building in his old Spider-Man suit, one that was homemade without all the bells and whistles of the one Stark gave him.
"Why does the spider look so down?"
Peter turned around to see Shadow standing in the dark, her hands resting in her pockets.
"I lost the suit," Peter replied.
"Yikes, that's unfortunate," Shadow said walking over and sitting down next to him.
Peter stood up, and sighed in anger, "I mean, what am I supposed to do without it?"
Shadow continued sitting on the ledge of the roof, looking at the streets below.
"Tell me, is Captain America still Captain America when he isn't wearing red, white, and blue spandex?" Shadow questioned.
"W-well yeah... but I'm not an Avenger!" Peter replied putting his hands up in defense.
"So you're telling me if I put on that suit, I would be just as good of a hero?"
Peter didn't respond to Shadow, and just say in silence.
"Would you say our little sparring matches have made you a better fighter?"
"Mhm," Peter hummed in response.
"So even after all that, you still think your worth comes from a piece of clothing?" Shadow seemed slightly more angry, and Peter picked up on it.
"We're done here, I'm not wasting my time on someone who thinks they are worthless without some cloth," Shadow spat standing up.
"Wait what do you mean?" Peter asked.
"I mean I'm leaving, you're on your own now. Have fun wallowing I'm self pity," Shadow explained walking back in the direction she came from.
"Wait wait wait," Peter said running over.
Shadow stopped and looked behind her, "I'm leaving, maybe take this as an opportunity to take a break from Spider-Manning and focus on whoever is under that mask."
Peter's watched Shadow jump over the edge of the building one last time, disappearing into the night. He took a minute to ponder her words, maybe she was right.


Rose walked down the hallway in school and passed a bright pink flyer taped to the wall. She stopped to look at it, as she had time before her next class. It was something about the upcoming homecoming dance, the theme, and where to get tickets. Rose gripped the straps of her backpack, and started to walk away. To her it seemed like a waste of time, she didn't bother with even entertaining the idea of going. She allowed her thoughts to wander, and somehow landed on Sokovia. The memories of the bloody children, the corpses lying on the ground or buried under the rubble, the yelling and screaming. Everything felt like it was overwhelming, why was the past affecting her so much?

Rose felt a hand on her shoulder, and breathed a sigh of relief that someone shook her from her dark mind. What she wasn't prepared for was that hand to grip her shoulder tighter and spin her around. She was met with the face of Flash, who had a smirk on his face.
"I saw you eyeing up that homecoming poster Coleman," Flash snickered.
Rose ripped her arm away, "What Thompson?"
"Well I'm just thinking that you're going to need someone to go with right?"
"Where is this going?"
"How about you and me go together hm?"
Rose was dumbfounded, until she saw two of his friends down the hall keeping an eye on them and holding back laughter. She smiled, their plan was obvious.

"Oh Thompson with you?" Rose questioned sarcastically.
"Well I asked didn't I?" He replied.
Rose chuckled, "I mean look at me and look at you. I'm poor you're rich, and I would still be embarrassed to be seen around you. How desperate do you think I am that I would want to hang out with someone who's only personality trait is money and having a small dick? A wet paper bag is more entertaining than you."
Flash just stared with wide eyes for a second and Rose took a step back and walked towards her next class. For some reason, she started to wonder if Homecoming wasn't the worst idea.


Rose was walking home from school when her phone began to ring. She pulled it out of her pocket, and answered it.
"Hey is this Rosetta?"
"It's Kylie, don't tell me you already forgot?"
Rose could help but notice Kylie seemed a lot like Amanda in that moment, and she suddenly felt like shit for not talking to Amanda in awhile. She made a mental note to text her or something, and turned her attention back to the phone.
"No, not after that eventful night."
"Oh thank god, I wasn't sure if that was a dream or I was high. Anyways you go to Midtown right?"
"Mhm, why?"
"Ok so everyone is having their homecoming dance, and the one at my school is a bunch of bullshit. I swear they play the music from an IPhone speaker or some fuckery. Anyways I'll cut to the chase, you got a homecoming date?"
"No, and I'm not sure if I like where this is going."
"No no no! Not like that, I'm not asking you out. I am suggesting that we go as acquaintances, so we can each have a decent night."
"So you are using me to get into the Midtown homecoming?"
"Well when you put it like that I sound like a jerk."
"Just tell me how you got my number and I'll do it."
"Oh when you climbed up the bridge supports to get a better view you left your phone on the ground. It may or may not have been unlocked, and I may or may not have sent myself a text."
"I-whatever, you could have done much worse. I'm not sure if I'm even going though..."
"What?! Come on, it's fun!"
"It's not my idea of fun."
"Well the night we met you promised you would come back to the party, and yet you just left. So I think it's only fair that I get to drag you along."

Rose stopped for a minute to think, it wasn't like she had plans anyways. At the same time, she barely knew Kylie and wasn't sure if she could trust her.
"So is that a yes?"
"Yeah yeah, I'll go."

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