Chapter 25- Civil War

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"Alright, our goal is to get Steve and Bucky on a plane, does everyone understand that?"
Rose, Scott, Clint, and Wanda all nodded at Sam's question.
"The airport is being evacuated, everyone suit up," Steve instructed walking towards the group.
Rose was already changed into her modified Shield uniform, and she zipped up her backpack.
"Why do you carry that thing everywhere? Like doesn't it make it harder to move around?" Bucky asked Rose, seeing her put her bag back on.
"It used to, but now I fight fine with it on. I still throw it off if things get serious," Rose explained.
"Let's get going," Steve said to the group.

The airport was quiet, everyone that was inside was gone. They walked down the runway, trucks and planes left abandoned. As they walked in a line, Rose could see others appearing on the other side of the flat pavement.
"Stark, Romanoff, Rhodey, and Vision. I can also feel another pair of eyes hiding somewhere, waiting to make an entrance," Rose listed to herself, taking note of their surroundings.
Rose still had a bad limp, but her body was healing slightly faster than average because of her powers. She planned to fight by flying, as running would be nearly impossible. As Steve's group approached Tony's, the air seeming to grow heavier with each footstep. Rose hated everything that was happening, she hated that she had to fight, and she hated that she was too weak to stop it.

"Stand down Steve," Tony ordered.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Tony," Steve responded.
Rose wanted to run in between everyone and stop the fighting. Tony noticed Rose's body shifting nervously.
"Are you sure you're on the right side?" Tony asked facing Rose.
"Neither side is the right one, this one just happens to be better," Rose replied.
"So the Avengers shouldn't have to face the consequences of our actions? We should be allowed to hurt people with no punishment? No restrictions?" Tony asked her.
Tony wanted Rose on their side, and so he was doing his best to at least make her question her choice. Rose response was silence as she moved her right hand to the sheath on her thigh.
"I don't want to fight, I don't want any of this to happen, and most of all I just wanted to leave. Before you ask me why I fight, why don't you ask yourself why you dragged me to Berlin when I said I was leaving."
Tony stopped talking, everyone did.

The question remained of who was going to strike first. After a painful silence, one in which a pin dropping would be considered loud, the question was finally answered. Spider-Man swung onto a truck, and shot a web at Steve's shield. He pulled it back to himself, and stood in a fighting stance.
"There's the pair of eyes waiting to make an entrance," Rose thought pulling out her knife.

Needless to say, all hell broke loose after that. Vision was fighting Wanda and Clint, Scott was fighting Natasha, Sam and Rhodey were fighting in the sky, Steve was fighting Tony, and Spider-Man was swinging after Bucky. Mid-swing, Spider-Man was tackled out of the air by Rose. They got knocked into the inside of the airport, and from there started to fight.
"What's with the black?" Spider-Man asked attempting to kick Rose.
"What's with the colors?" Rose responded, rolling out of the way.
Rose ran after him with her knife, forcing him to be defensive and keep dodging her swings. Spider-Man shot a web at her knife, but Rose threw it to her free hand before he could grab it.
"So Spider-Boy, how did you get dragged into this?" Rose questioned him as she jumped to avoid a leg sweep.
"Mr. Stark asked me to come!" He responded jumping back.
"Mr. Stark?" Rose said laughing, as she only called him Stark.
"Well how did you get dragged into this?" Spider-Man asked.
"Stark, ironically!" Rose replied running through the building, forcing Spider-Man to follow.

Rose's leg got hit with a web, and she started to get pulled back. Rose grabbed it with her left hand, and activated her power. The web seemed to dissolve and melt, and Spider-Man watched in confusion.
"H-how did you do that?" He asked catching up to her.
"Why don't you ask Mr. Stark?" Rose asked sarcastically.
Their fight continued for a few more minutes, Rose constantly switching from running to attacking. Spider-Man couldn't figure out her strategy, but noticed that she didn't seem to be actually trying to hurt him. Suddenly an explosion was heard outside. Both of them looked outside to see War Machine falling from the sky. Rose quickly threw Spider-Man against the wall and sprinted away.

Rose broke through a window, and landed on the pavement. She had one target, Rhodey. She ran down the runway, and into the grass. She got underneath where it looked like he was going to land.
"Let's hope your suits are strong enough Stark," Rose said to herself as she held her hands to the sky.
Rose shot blue light from her hands, causing everyone to look at her. Some assumed she was trying to kill him, but Stark knew exactly what she was doing. Rose jumped back as Rhodey hit the ground. Stark ran over, and opened Rhodey's helmet. His eyes were closed, but he wasn't dead.
"Why?!" Tony yelled at Rose.
She didn't respond, simply stepped back.
"Why did you try and save him?!" Tony yelled again.
"I slowed his fall, I did the best I could," Rose said, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.
"But why help when he was on the opposite side?!"
"Cause I could!"
The billionaire stared at the teenager. He didn't know how she got away from Spider-Man, but he was glad she did. Someone grabbed Rose's hands and pulled them behind her back. She didn't fight, she didn't talk, she just let them arrest her. Steve and Bucky got away, the rest of their team being restrained.


"Say something kid, your silence is killing me."
Rose looked up at Tony. She sat in the Quinjet, handcuffs still around her wrist. They cuffs were made by material that could contain the Tesseract, so she couldn't use her power. She didn't plan on doing it, she was caught end of story.
"What do you want to hear?" Rose asked.
"Why did you fight? I know you hate fighting, so why agree to it?" Tony asked.
"Everyone has their reasons for even the most insane actions," she replied looking him dead in the eyes.
"Like fighting with a hole in your leg?" He asked looking at the red bandages on her leg.
"It a minor inconvenience, I've dealt with worse pain," she said shrugging her shoulders.
"None of your fucking business."
"Does it have to do with the fact that you avoid needles like your life depends on it? I saw the footage when you woke up after Sokovia. The sight of a needle scared you didn't it?" Tony asked leaning forward a bit.
"So what if I don't like little pieces of metal being stuck into my skin?"
"That isn't a normal reaction, what happened to make you fear them?"

"Ready for round two?"
"Get away from me please!"
"No can do little miss, I have to put these needles in your hands again."
"Why?! Why can't I leave?!"
"Hydra would love to have a super soldier, and you are the beat candidate."
"You've done this for years! You already have the super part, why not make me a soldier?!"
"Now now, this will make you stronger. Hit the switch!"
"Wait wait wai-."

Tony looked at Rose, she seemed to be disassociating. Her eyes were dull, her body limp, and she was spacing out.
"Rose, you there?" Tony asked waving a hand in front of her face.
She didn't reply, didn't even blink.
"I believe her mind is preoccupied," Vision said floating over.
"Clearly," Tony said standing up.

"There that wasn't so bad was it?"
"I-I will kill all of you."
"One day brat you will pledge your loyalty to us."
"T-today... is not that day."
"Oh I know, but it will come. It always comes."
"B-brainwash me if you want... make me a mindless puppet like the Winter Soldier."
"Oh really? Who told you about him? Well it doesn't matter, we were ordered to not use that method on you."
"Your father is an odd man isn't he?"
"You're telling me."

Tony noticed a tear fall from Rose's face, and hit the floor. She didn't look sad, but seeing her cry threw him off. He shook he shoulder lightly.
"Kid, kid snap out of it."
"I-I will kill all of you."
Her words weren't direct at him or anyone else, so he stopped and listened to her words.
"I won't say it," her words practically in a whisper.
"Tony, is she all right?" Vision asked.
"I tried snapping her out of it, but she started muttering things," Tony explained.
Rose stopped muttering and completely froze, even holding her breath. Her hands began to shake as she spoke once more.
"Hail Hydra."

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