Chapter 21- The Sokovia Accords

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It had been a few months since Sokovia. Rose had kept on living her life, and even turned 15. Rose didn't think much about it anymore, until Tony called her.
"Rose have you heard of the Sokovia accords?"
"Uh no, I don't follow politics."
"Look head to Avengers' Tower, there will be a plane there to take you over to the Avengers Headquarters."
"I have plans tonight Stark, how important is this?"
"You have plans?"
"Jesus Christ, yes I do. Now what is this about?"
"Did you hear about the incident in Washington D.C?"
"Yeah with Rogers? The whole Helicarriers trying to kill millions, Fury faking his death, the Winter Soldier turning out to be Rogers' old friend, and Hydra taking over Shield?"
"Bingo. Now did you hear about Nigeria?"
"Oh from last week? When Wanda got an entire floor of a building blown up? Kind of hard not to."
"Well the United Nations believe there should be something that limits the Avengers."
"So I need to be there too? Does the UN know who I am?"
"We told them about your existence, but not your name or powers. They consider you one of the Avengers, so you need to get over here."
"Fine fine, give me like an hour and I'll be in the tower."
"Alright, I'll have someone waiting."

Rose hung up the call and sighed.
"I tag along to the Avengers for one time, and I'm getting dragged back into this mess," Rose mumbled to herself as she took out her phone and called someone.
"Hey Rick, Shadow won't be there tonight."
"Dammit, she was going to be the center of attention! Why can't she?"
"No clue, she just told me she had something important. She also will be gone for a while, I suspect a few weeks," Rose said to the man.
"She's too unpredictable, let her know she owes us a few fights," the man instructed.
"Will do."

Rose ended the call and put her phone into her pocket. She walked through New York City, and entered the tower. When she entered, she was brought to a plane. While they were flying, Rose pulled out her mask and put it on. She was now the Nameless Avenger, and had to look the part. When she landed, she walked to the headquarters. All the other Avengers (minus Thor, Bruce, and Clint) were sitting around a table.
"Tony I don't think I can agree to this," Steve said.
"Agree to what?" Rose asked walking in, sitting in an empty seat.
Rose noticed the room was serious, and didn't like what was going on.
"The UN want us to sign what are called the Sokovia Accords. This will stop the Avengers from doing whatever whenever, and from causing unnecessary damage," Tony explained.
"What if we need to be somewhere and we can't go there?" Rose asked.
"I said the exact same thing," Steve said.
"The Avengers need to be under supervision. People get hurt or even killed by us. Every Avenger need to sign it, and if you don't you will be forced to resign," Tony said to Rose.

Rose looked Tony dead in the eyes, and then looked away. She seemed to be lost in thought, and seemed to be saddened by something.
"I won't sign it," Rose said.
"Listen you won't be able to use your powers to help people anymore," Tony said in a pleading tone.
Rose looked at the ground, hiding her face. Everyone could see her body language change. Her posture worsened, her shoulders slumped, and she kept her hands in her pockets.
"I-I can't sign it," Rose said.
Everyone was silent, watching the teenager slowly look like she was on the verge of losing it.
"Why? You are saying this like you don't have a choice," Tony pointed out.
"I've been through hell and back because of my abilities. I don't think you all understand how much I have worked to make sure that my powers don't hold me back like chains. What makes you think I'm going to suddenly give up the fight I have been fighting for the 15 goddamn years of my life?" Rose asked looking back up at Tony.
Everyone realized how upset Rose was. Her eyes were starting to turn glossy, indicating she was on the verge of tears. Despite this, her black mask still reminded hiding the rest of her face. She looked like she was going to cry, but her voice was still strong and unflagging.
"And if you think some people I have never met before, who sit behind a desk all day, can tell me when I'm allowed to help people, you're very wrong. So what if I can turn into a glow stick? I didn't ask for these powers, and now you're trying to use them to control me, to guilt me into signing the damn papers," Rose continued.

Rose stood up from her seat. She took her phone out of her pocket and threw it to Tony.
"Keep it, seeing as the Nameless Avenger is no more," Rose said walking out of the room.
Rose didn't understand why she was getting so worked up. She understood the accords, but hated that someone wanted to control her. She was sitting outside for awhile, taking in the fresh air.
"Hey, are you ok?" Steve asked stepping outside.
"Sorry, just got a little worked up," Rose replied. Steve sat down next to her.
"I'm not signing them either," he told her.
Rose pulled out her knife, and held it between a finger on each hand. She slowly spun it around, seemingly distracting herself from her own thoughts.
"The Avengers will be a lot different without you," Rose said breaking the silence.
"They are strong enough that it will be ok," Steve said to her.
"Fury asked me to try and be the peacekeeper or something like that. I tried, but here I am taking sides," Rose said seeming defeated.
"That's too big of a task for one person, but you did a good job," he reassured her.
"Don't give me pity praise," Rose said seeming to cheer up.
"I am being serious. On a different topic, what did you mean earlier?" Steve asked her.

Rose went silent for a second, then quietly sighed. She took off her sweatshirt, and set in next to her.
"Stark saw something on my left shoulder and asked if it was a tattoo," Rose started to say as she pulled up her left sleeve.
Rose stopped and took away her hand. She showed her left shoulder to Steve.
"And I wish it was a tattoo," Rose said.
Steve was speechless at what he saw. On her shoulder was the Hydra symbol, about the size of a baseball. Underneath was the word SUBJECT and underneath that were the numbers 0625.
"When I said my name was a number, this is what I meant," Rose said.
"So you were apart of Hydra?" Steve asked.
"Not willingly, I was born into it. My childhood is just 'Hail Hydra' everyday. This symbol was branded into me like I'm some sort of animal. I see this stupid black scar constantly, and I can't escape the memories," Rose said, seeming ashamed.
"It doesn't matter where you came from, what matters is what you did with it. I mean I was just a kid from Brooklyn," Steve said trying to cheer her up.

Rose went silent, her leg bouncing up and down.
"I-I killed so many people," Rose said sounding like something inside her wanted to scream and cry.
"It's not your fault if you were forced," Steve reassured her.
Rose finally put her knife away, and put her head into her hands. She started shaking her head.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for making you deal with my shit," she said in a guilty tone.
"I don't mind if it makes you feel better," he replied.
"Thank you," Rose whispered, just barely loud enough for Steve to hear.

Rose put her sweatshirt back on, and grabbed her backpack.
"I'm going to go," she said.
"Where?" Steve asked standing up.
"I could ask you the same thing," she said.
"Peggy died, her funeral is in London," he said, his voice carrying some sadness.
Rose stopped moving.
"She's dead?" Rose asked.
"Did you know her?" He asked.
"No, but I should've," she said walking away.
Steve was going to ask, but decided to give Rose a break. He packed his stuff for London, knowing he would no longer be an Avenger.

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