Chapter 40- Washington DC

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"So are you ready for the DC trip?" Ned asked Rose as they sat at their lunch table.

They Decathlon team made it to nationals, which were being hosted in Washington D.C. Rose was only a sub-in if someone couldn't make it, so it's not like she had much to worry about.

Rose nodded sleepily in response to Ned's question, exhaustion almost overtaking her senses. Peter entered the lunch room, and walked over to Rose.
"Hey can I ask you something? Like, in private?" Peter asked grabbing Rose's arm and practically pulling her away.
Neither Ned or MJ  had time to ask a question before Rose and Peter were standing in the hallway.
"What was that for?" Rose asked rubbing her eyes.
"What aren't you telling me?"
Rose stared into Peter's brown irises in silence.
"Your left contact is slightly off-centre."
Rose mumbled under her breath and cursed herself for talking to Stark the previous night. Because of her sleepiness, she didn't notice her brown contact wasn't in correctly.
"Why does it matter if my eyes are a different color?" Rose questioned.
"What matters is you aren't the type to care about their appearance, so why would you change it? You're hiding something Rosetta, and I don't know if I can trust you with my secret if you can't trust me with yours," Peter explained, his eyes showing he was upset.
"I don't know when you suddenly had this epiphany, but it doesn't matter. I found out about you because you left your own best friend alone for hours. Have you ever considered that maybe, just maybe, you aren't entitled to know shit about me?" Rose said putting a finger to Peter's chest before backing away.
"I had to go save some people's lives," Peter retorted.
"And I had to be there for your friend, he was worried about you Parker."
"You don't know how difficult it is to be him and Peter Parker!" Peter said getting flustered.

Other students started to pass by Peter and Rose, so they both quieted down.
"You made the choice to take up the suit, nobody else," Rose whispered before walking back into the lunch room.
Peter stood in shock for a second, before doing the same. Rose was already sitting at the table, her head in her hands. Peter sat down next to Ned, and avoided eye contact with Rose.
"Yo Peter, what happened?" Ned whispered to Peter.
"Nothing, just drop it," Peter responded.


Rose climbed into the bus, and took a seat next to MJ. Peter and Ned were across the isle, everyone had bags for the trip to DC. Peter and Rose were both in the isle seats, so avoiding conversation was nearly impossible. It didn't help that Ned kept trying to figure out what happened, making it impossible for them to forget their argument.
"Rose I-."
Rose stopped Peter's sentence by putting up a hand up. She shook her head a little, and leaned over.
"Don't, just don't alright? Look I'm not mad at you, so drop it," Rose said.
"O-oh alright, are we good then?" Peter asked.
Rose grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him closer to her.
"I know why you need to be in DC, I know about the man with the green wings, and I know Ned is still carrying around that fucking power core. I don't know what you are planning Parker, but you better execute it flawlessly," Rose whispered before letting go of Peter.
Rose sat back in her seat, and pulled out her old Rubiks Cube. Peter stared in shock for a minute, she knew more than he thought. He assumed Rose telling him to complete his plan as best he could was her way of saying they were ok now.
"How about we all study on the way?" Liz (the decathlon team captain) suggested.
Everyone agreed, and so the quizzing began.


Rose sat her decathlon uniform, when Ned walked up to her with a panicked look.
"Can you get into contact with Peter? I can't find him and I'm getting worried," Ned asked.
"Liz already asked me to try, no success here," she replied.
Ned stepped closer and whispered to Rose, "I think he went out as Spider-Man last night."
"Don't worry, that dumbass probably got lost or something," she said patting his shoulder.

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