Chapter 50- A Story in Video Form

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Steve was sitting at a desk in the Avenger's Compound, leaning back in his chair defeated. Thanos had actually won, and the entire world was feeling the effects of it. He could only think about watching his friends die, how they disappeared before he could say anything. Well aside from Rose, who fought to stay alive only a few seconds more. Something about watching her slowly fade away, watching her cling onto life with all her willpower, felt like it was branded into his mind. He looked around the room, the blinds dimming the sunlight entering through the window. Even in the darker light, Steve could see the dirty black backpack sitting in the corner. He stood up and walked over to it, lifting it up to examine it. It was Rose's, he had promised her he would check "the hard drive" in the front pocket. Truth be told he wasn't entirely sure what she was referring to, but he would keep his word.

When Steve reached his hand into the front pocket, there was only one thing there. In his hand was a grey hard drive, the words Subject 0625 were written on with a Sharpie. So that was what Rose was referring to, he had found that when he and Bucky explored that old Hydra base. He remembered when Rose had showed him the Hydra symbol and number branded onto her shoulder, which was also 0625. He assumed it was hers, so gave it to the rightful owner back when Rose came to Wakanda to visit him. Now it was back in his hands once again, and Steve had promised to look at the contents stored on it. He gently set the grey hard drive on the desk and opened the other pockets of the backpack.

The other contents of the bag weren't as interesting, just clothes and gear (like a lighter, flashlight, and water bottle). Steve set it back in the corner and returned to the desk. Before he sat down there was a light knocking at the frame of the open door. Natasha slowly walked in, leaning against the wall.
"How are you holding up?" She asked.
Steve looked back at the hard drive, it had only been just under a month, "About as well as everyone else."
"So, not great?"
The ex-spy took in a deep breath as she scanned the room, seeing the backpack in the corner, "That was Rose's wasn't it?"
"Yeah," Steve said, "It's just been sitting there collecting dust."
"Do you think she had a family... outside of being the Nameless Avenger?"
"Probably not biological, considering how much she moved around on her own, but I firmly believe she found at least someone she cared for."
"Would you bet on it?"
"I would," Steve sat back in his chair, "Rose wanted so badly to continue living for a reason."

Natasha walked over to the desk and picked up the hard drive laying there, "Poor kid, apparently Stark lost one as well."
"That Spider-kid right?"
"Yep," Natasha examined the small piece of tech in her hand, "So, what's this?"
Steve carefully took it back, sticking it into the laptop on the desk, "Rose asked me to look at it, the origins of her abilities are on there I'm pretty sure."
Natasha nodded slowly before turning around, "I don't have the stomach to look at that."
"She was covered in scars and didn't know how to show emotion properly, put two and two together Steve."


Steve opened one of many files provided on the hard drive, most of which had the title Test [number]. He clicked on the first one, which was simply named Subject T-0625. It was a document with a picture of Rose when she was much younger and information. She was much different in the picture (aside from the fact she couldn't be older than four), sickly pale white skin with hazelnut eyes and hair. Her name was only listed as 0625, meaning she may have never had a "real name". What caught the man's attention was the EXTRA INFO at the bottom, a list of bullet points of miscellaneous details.

-0625 is Dr. Roger's child, although he demands no special treatment for them.
-0625 was diagnosed with lung cancer at the age of three, we are yet to find out how this will affect further testing.
-Dr. Rogers hopes that the regenerative properties that have been observed in few other test subjects will keep 0625 alive, the overseer had to remind him these experiments are for Hydra's gain not his. If this behaviour continues Dr. Rogers will be removed from the project.
-0625 is more emotionally unstable than other test subjects, extra training will be required.
-0625 is Steve Roger's grandchild, we hope these different genetics will increase their chances of surviving the Tesseract's abilities.
-0625 shows the highest chances of success, extra attention has been diverted to them.

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