Chapter 4- Answers

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"I think we should take her to Stark- I mean Avengers tower," Tony Stark said.
For the past hour they had been trying to get information out of Rose, but all her answers were either silence or extremely vague.
"Why should I let you do that?" Fury asked.
"I have better equipment there to analyze her power," he said staining up.
"Might as well," Black Widow said.
"I'm not going anywhere until I get my stuff back," Rose said crossing her arms.
"Like your knife?" Captain America asked.
"And my bag, it has all of my belongings in it," Rose said.
"That reminds me, where in the world did you get a Vibranium knife?" Stark asked.
"Finders keepers," Rose told him.
"Where do you find Vibranium just laying around?" Nick Fury asked her, stepping closer.
"You can find anything if you look in the right places," Rose said with a serious tone.
"That doesn't answer the question," Fury told her.
"Well you never told me when I'm getting that back," Rose stated.
"You can have your backpack back, but you'll need to wait on the knife," Cap told her.
"That's my stuff, I have rights to property," Rose said with her voice showing a hint of frustration.
"In case you haven't notice, you aren't in a place to make demands," Fury told her.
"Of course I am, I have information you want. Give me all of my stuff, and I'll willingly partake in your little tests to learn about my power," Rose said leaning forward.
Everyone stopped for a moment, then looked to Fury for an answer.
"Throw in the name of the identity you are currently using, and you have a deal," he said.
"Rose Knox."


Rose left the room with her knife in its sheath, and her bag on her back. She followed Stark out of the building they kept her in, and to a car. She sat in the passenger's seat, admiring his nice car.
"Do they really trust you with me?" Rose asked.
"Probably not, but you won't be going anywhere right?" He asked in reply.
"I gave you my word, and I keep it," she said.
"Good, while we drive there you can tell me about your powers," he said.
"I agreed to let you do your tests, I never said I would help. In reality I already know everything, how it works, what it does, etc. Basically our deal never said I had to tell you anything," Rose reminded Stark.
"Jeez you really make us look at the fine print huh?" Stark said sarcastically.

They continued to drive for awhile until they reached the base of the tower. A garage door opened up, and they drove inside. Stark led her to an elevator, that took them a few stories up. When it opened, he led her into a lab of some sort.
"Banner drop whatever you're doing, I got something better," Stark said in an egotistical tone.
"Tony this better be good," Bruce Banner said looking up and taking off his glasses.
Rose awkwardly waved at him, and then her eyes began to scan the many devices in the room.

"Tony why the hell did you kidnap a girl?" Bruce asked.
"She's the one Clint shot," Tony said leading Rose down a few steps.
"Ok, but what is she doing here?" Bruce asked.
"We get to figure out her power. Apparently she already knows everything under the sun about it, but our deal doesn't require her to tell us," Stark said with a slightly annoyed tone.
Bruce looked at Rose and mouthed the words "I'm sorry about him". Rose gave a slight nod in response, and followed Stark to an area with some chairs.
"Alright kid, drop your stuff there. Including the knife, it'll mess up my scans," Stark said gesturing to some chairs.
Rose reluctantly put her bag down, and took the sheath off her thigh. As she followed Stark through the lab, he kept asking her questions. Of course she never answered any, but kept her mouth shut.

"Alright step into there," Stark said pointing to metal plate on the ground.
Rose stepped onto the plate, and some white poles pooped out of the ground. They had blue lights covering the inner side, and they began to spin slowly around Rose. Banner walked over to some computer, while Stark was holding a tablet that appeared to be controlling the poles scanning her.
"Can I ask what this does?" Rose asked.
"Measures the amount of energy in an object," Banner told her.
"Hey don't move," Stark instructed.
Rose stood still for a minute, until the scanners stopped moving. Banner's eyes went wide, Stark set the tablet on a table, and walked over with his hands in his pocket. Stark seemed speechless, and Banner whispered something to him. Rose tilted her head in confusion.

"Stark, she has energy levels on par with the Tesseract," Banner whispered.
"How the hell is she alive? This level on energy should have killed her years ago," Stark stated.
"Hey...uh," Banner said not knowing her name.
"Rose, do you know where you got your power?" He asked.
Rose nodded her head.
"She won't tell us," Stark said.
"Was it by any chance from a glowing blue cube?" Banner asked.
"The Tesseract?" Rose asked.
"How do you know about that?" Stark asked.
Rose gave him a look that said 'really?'
"So is that the source of your power?" Banner asked.
Rose walked over to them and looked at the screen. Her energy levels really were massive.
"I'm not exactly sure," she said to them.
"What happened to knowing everything about your power?" Stark asked.
"I mean I don't know if it came from it directly, or from a similar source," Rose replied with a sigh.

Rose walked back over to her stuff and sat down in the empty chair next to it. She opened her bag and pulled out a Rubik's Cube. The stickers were peeling off, and the plastic was scratched. Banner and Stark began to talk about something, and Rose fidgeted with the cube. After a few more minutes, Stark called her over.
"Alright how are you alive?" Stark asked.
Rose looked at him with confused eyes.
"This level of energy should have killed you, so are you even human?" Stark asked.
"I am pretty sure I'm human, I was just one of the lucky ones I guess," Rose said to them with a sigh.
"One of the lucky ones?" Banner asked.
"I don't know the exact number, but I believe it was around 170," Rose said like it was nothing.
"170 others like you?" Stark asked.
"There were 170 others like me, but their bodies decomposed while they were alive," Rose said putting her hands into her pockets.
"Who would do that?" Banner muttered to himself.
"Someone who wants power," Stark said.

"So how was this much energy put into you, without you dying?" Banner asked.
"I swore to never tell anybody, so it cannot be repeated," Rose said staring at him with a serious look.
"That bad huh?" Stark said walking away.
"So are you doing any other 'tests'?" Rose asked, "I have things to do."
"Yeah, but it's getting late even for me," Stark said.
Rose looked at her watch, 2:56am. She was used to staying up late, so didn't even notice. She walked over to her bag and picked it up. She put her knife into its sheath, and began to walk towards the door. Stark grabbed her hood, making her nearly fall over.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Home, I'll be back tomorrow," she said.
"I don't trust you, you clearly know how to hide from people. You're staying here," he said pulling her hood.
Rose was dragged by her hood into a room that looked to be some sort of lounge area.
"Here, try and leave and the alarm will go off," Stark said to Rose with a slight smirk.
"Yeah whatever," Rose said walking over to one of the chairs.

Stark left the room, turning off the lights. Rose sat down on the chair. She looked around, wondering if there was a way out. She stood back up and examined every corner of the room. There was a bar, and some sort of landing pad just outside the glass. Part of the room was blocked off by a tarp. She peaked behind it, and saw it was under repair. There were massive footprints, and two very distinctive craters in the floor. It looked as if some big human was smashing something, or someone, back and forth. She walked back over to the bar, and saw a door that led to the landing pad outside. She examined the lock, and figured out how the alarm would be set off. She took a paper clip and a hair pin out of a small pocket on her bag. She began to work on the lock. Rose almost got it opened, when her eyelids became heavy. Her head began to fall, and she drifted off to sleep.

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