Chapter 36- I Knew It, You're Spiderman

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Shadow ran towards Peter, and managed to dodge an attack from his web shooters. She got close enough to grab his left wrist, and flipped over him never loosening her grip. Once she landed she ran to the other side of the rooftop, keeping her right hand behind her back. Even with his Spidey Sense, Peter could barely keep up with her movements. They were fast and clean, clearly she was well trained. Peter went to shoot her with his left web shooter, but nothing happened when he pressed the button. He pressed it again, but nothing happened still.
"It appears you are out of web fluid."
"That's not possible, I just refilled it last night."
Shadow moved her right hand from out behind her back, and held something up to the moonlight. Peter looked closely, and saw the small container of web fluid in between her thumb and pointer finger.
"Your training starts now Spidey, getting this from me is merely your first trail," Shadow explained, before gripping the container in her fist and jumping to the nearest rooftop.


Peter chased Shadow all night, and into the early morning. With only one web shooter, it was hard for him to maneuver through the city. Shadow was also extremely agile, every step was calculated and quick. Even after hours, Peter never got close to her. Eventually he stopped to catch his breath, and Shadow stopped her running as well.
"I'll stop by on peaceful nights, we can continue this then," Shadow said, jumping off the building only to disappear completely.
Peter surprisingly wasn't upset by this, and swung back to his apartment.

Peter was exhausted at school the next day, and was approached by many teachers and friends asking if he was ok. At lunch Peter noticed Rose was struggling to keep her eyes open, but she managed to hide it much better than him.
"Hey Rose are you alright?" Peter asked.
"You're asking me if I'm alright when you fell asleep in history class. I forgot to do my homework and remembered at like 1am, what's your excuse?" Rose questioned drinking from her water bottle.
"Just one of those nights when you just can't fall asleep," Peter responded.
Rose nodded, but couldn't shake the feeling Peter was lying.


Even though chasing Shadow through Queens at night really wore Peter out, he couldn't help but enjoy himself. Something told him that Shadow was enjoying herself too, he once even heard her quietly laugh a bit when she tripped him. After weeks of this routine, Peter managed to hit Shadow's hand with a web, and pulled her back towards him. She flew back with little control of where her body went, and Peter managed to pin her to the ground. Shadow knew Peter had superhuman strength, and didn't waste energy resisting his grasp. Peter pried open her fist, and took the bottle of web fluid from her.
"Ha! Take that lady I won!" Peter declared holding the small glass container with pride.
"Stop calling me lady, I'm pretty sure we are around the same age," Shadow replied standing up.
"Fine I'll stick with Shadow then, but I doubt we are the same age," Peter said in almost a pout.
"Oh you'd be surprised, anyways congrats," Shadow said as she clapped slowly.

Shadow sat on the ledge of the building, and gestured for Peter to join her. He did, but made sure to keep his distance.
"Honestly I don't only want to train you, that was a lie. I still do don't get me wrong, but I mostly wanted to get to know you. These past few weeks have been a lot of fun," Shadow said looking at the sky.
"Yeah it surprisingly was, and I did actually learn a few things," Peter responded sitting in a similar fashion to a cat as he watched the street below.
"Anyways we have a mutual understanding of keeping our identities secret, right?" Shadow asked, reviving a nod in response from Peter.
"You said you wanted to get to know me right? What specifically?" Peter questioned.
"Nothing in particular, but having someone to talk to about what I do would be nice y'know? I bet there aren't many people you can rant to about your Spidey problems, but I don't expect you to give me that trust right away," Shadow explained.
"I totally have someone to talk to...he just never calls me back," Peter said, the last part quieter.
"Well that's pathetic and doesn't count," Shadow retorted crossing her arms.

"Why do you fight for the money? Is it really better than a job or something?" Peter asked.
"Well I have other things to deal with during the day so I can't be working all night to make up for that lost time. It also stops me from getting rusty, and helps me y'know...survive," Shadow explained to the red and blue superhero.
"Oh I suppose that explains it. By the way, how do you plan to train me?" Peter questioned standing up.
"I'll show up when you aren't too busy, we can spar for a bit, talk if we want to, then go home. You can ask questions, but I'm still learning as well so don't expect me to know everything," She answered, standing up and walking towards the ledge.
"Fine, how do you jump off a building without dying?" He questioned as she stepped up onto the ledge and looked down.
"No point in telling you, you wouldn't be able to pull it off," she said as she jumped off the ledge.
Peter ran to the ledge and looked down for her. Shadow was gone without a trace again. He sighed, checked the time, and went back to his apartment.


Rose was sitting at the kitchen counter working on homework, when her phone buzzed with a text. It was an old smart phone Aaron was planning on selling, but was happy to let Rose use it to talk to her friends (which he was surprised she had). Rose picked up the phone and read the text.


Hey I'm at Peter's, and we were supposed to build the LEGO Deathstar together. He isn't around though, he won't answer my texts or calls, and I don't want to ask his aunt in case he snuck out

What do you want me to do?

Can you come over here and wait for him with me? This way when he gets back we can both scold him for keeping us waiting. I also don't want to build this thing alone

Be there in 10 min


Rose knocked on the door of the apartment, and was greeted by Peter's Aunt. She had never been to his place, only knew the address cause Ned texted it to her.
"I'm Rosetta, a friend of Peter's. Ned and him wanted help building their LEGO set," Rose said.
"Oh he mentioned you, I'm his aunt May. They're in his room, feel free to head on in," May said with a smile.
"Thank you," Rose said with a half-bow as she walked in.
Rose walked into the room May gestured towards, and looked around. Ned was sitting on the bed holding an unfinished Deathstar, surrounded by pieces separated into piles.
"No luck?" Ned asked.
"I tried," Rose shrugged.
"Well might as well help me build this thing while we wait," Ned said setting the Deathstar down.
Rose and Ned went to work following the instructions and putting the plastic pieces together.

Once they finished, Ned held it proudly in his hands. Rose sat on the floor leaning against the bed frame.
"I bet Peter will regret not being able to help with this one," Ned said with a devilish smile.
"Whatever Parker is doing it-," Rose was cut off by the window in Peter's room slowly opening.
Spider-Man crawled through the window, and stuck to the ceiling. He removed his mask and held it in his hand, revealing Peter's sweaty and bruised face. He closed the window with his foot, and continued to crawl on the ceiling towards the door. He closed the door all the way, and dropped to the floor. Ned and Rose were completely silent. Ned was wide eyed and at a lost for words, and Rose held a hand over her mouth to try and stop herself from laughing. Peter turned around to face the two, and Ned dropped the Deathstar right next to Rose.

"Peter what was that?!" May yelled.
"Uh nothing!" Peter yelled back.
"You're Spider-Man," Ned said in shock as he stood up quickly.
"Shh," Peter said putting a finger over his lips.
Meanwhile Rose turned to the scattered legos, and began to sweep them all into one pile with her hands. Peter tried to calm down Ned, and explained that he forgot he invited Ned over. He then made eye contact with Rose, who seemed perfectly calm.
"S-so?" Peter asked, his heart racing that not one but two people learned his secret.
"So what? I knew it, you're Spider-Man. I was on the fence about it though, but I guess I'm not now," Rose responded.
"Wait how did you know?" Peter questioned.
"I'll explain another day, it will make a lot of sense then. Right now Ned looks like he's going to explode with questions," Rose said looking at Ned.
The rest of the night Ned was constantly asking Peter a million questions while Rose did her best to put the Deathstar back together. Admittedly, she did a poor job.

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