Chapter 32- Wakanda

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Rose walked through a city she didn't know, past people she didn't recognize. She walked into a small alleyway, and sat down. She rubbed her face with her hands, and sighed.
"So what do I do now?" Rose asked as he rested her head against the wall behind her.
Rose pondered what to do, and stayed there for longer than she thought. She looked at the sky and smiled at the stars.
"Damn, the sky here is so clear," Rose said in nearly a whisper.
Rose stood up, and stretched.
"Maybe Rogers can tell me what to do, but where the hell is he? He's clearly in hiding, and I doubt he's moving around if Stark can't find him. So he has to be in a place that technology can't reach... damn that doesn't narrow it down enough," Rose realized as she kicked the ground in annoyance.

Rose paced back and forth thinking, trying to figure it out. Then, it hit her like a train.
"Wait, the king of Wakanda said that all their vibranium went into Black Panther's claws. My knife was made of vibranium, and if it was that valuable they would be searching for that. Also Rogers' shield was made of it, so they must be lying about how much they have. Rogers met T-Challah and somehow made an alliance with him after they fought. There were also rumors in Hydra of a hidden city in Africa. This is either my greatest idea or I'm going crazy," Rose thought as she ran deeper into the alley.
Rose ran up to the back door of a library, and tried to open it. The door was locked, so her hair and eyes began to glow. A small portal opened up in front of her, and she stepped through it. She came out on the inside of the door, and slowly walked through the library.

"Alright I just need a world map to figure out where I'm going, then I might be able to create a portal there," Rose thought as she searched through the shelves of books.
Rose managed to find a map in the non-fiction section, and searched Africa for Wakanda. She spent the rest of the night trying to figure out how far exactly she needed to travel, and where to place her portal. She didn't even notice the sun coming up, and heard someone enter the building.
"Hey! Who are you!"
Rose ran through the building, someone yelling at her to stop. She locked herself in a closet, and whoever was there kept banging on the door.
"Open up! I'm calling the police!"
Rose sat on the floor and closed her eyes concentrating. The person could be heard fiddling with some keys, and started to unlock the door.
"Wakanda Wakanda Wakanda," Rose told herself over and over.
As the door opened, Rose felt herself fall through the floor.

Rose hit some ground, the grass underneath her was long and dry. She opened her eyes and stood up. She looked to be in some sort of savanna, and a few hundred feet away there was a small village. She walked towards it, and saw the village had rhinos in pens.
"What kind of village tames rhinos?" Rose asked herself as she got closer.
After a few minutes of walking she reached the village, when a tall dark man with blue clothes wrapped around his body approached Rose. He held out a spear to her neck, and ordered for her to stop.
"What business do you have here?" He questioned her.
Rose slowly pushed the spear to the side with one finger, and held her hands up to show she wasn't a threat.
"This Wakanda?" Rose asked.
"What do you want with our home?!" He asked, moving the spear back to her neck.
Rose stared at the spear, and back at the man.
"Vibranium spear? So I am in Wakanda. I am 0625, what's your name?" Rose asked with a smile.
"W'Kabi, now tell me your business here," W'Kabi demanded.
"Alright Mr. W'Kabi, I don't want to hurt anyone. Is Steve Rogers in your city?"
The man stared at Rose with wide eyes, and pressed the tip of the spear against her neck. It was only enough to draw a single drop of blood. Rose didn't move, and stayed out with her hands up.
"I need to talk to Rogers, please let me talk to Rogers," Rose begged as she got on her knees slowly.
The man kept the spear to her neck, and his stare seemed to soften.

"What authority do you have?" He asked.
"None over you, I am simply an ally of his," She replied putting her hands behind her head.
"How do you know of the city?"
"I heard rumors growing up, and I learned that your king lied about how much vibranium your country had. I took a wild guess, and here I am," she explained, knowing she had to be honest with him.
"Who spread the rumors, and how did you learn about the vibranium?!" He questioned, clearly defensive.
"Hydra, Hydra spread them. Hydra also had a vibranium weapon," she explained.
The word Hydra seemed to make the man stop, and he pulled something out of his pocket. He talked into the small device in a local language, and turned back to Rose.
"Repeat your name," he said.
"0625, but others know me as Rose."

The man put the device away, and kept Rose at the tip of his spear. They stayed there for minutes, Rose knowing it was better to not move.
Rose turned her head to see Steve walking over. W'Kabi pulled the spear away, and left her and Steve alone. Rose got off the ground and thanked him, before turning to Rogers.
"You're not dead?" Steve asked walking over.
"Somehow," she replied, walking beside him.
"Why are you here of all places?" Steve asked her, both of them walking away from the village.
"Oh I'm on the run from Hydra, so I wanted to ask if you had any idea what I should do next," Rose answered.
"How did you even get out here?"
"I have ways of getting where I want to," She replied with a cold tone.
"Oh I have something to show you, Bucky found it in the Hydra base we explored," Steve answered.
"Oh where is Barnes? Is he alright?" She asked looking at Steve nervously.
"He's on ice until we can figure out how to get the Hydta issue out of his head."

Rose nodded, and Steve pulled something out of his pocket. It was a dark grey hard drive, no bigger than her thumb, with a white rubber-like string attached to the end in a loop. He held it out to Rose, and so she took it carefully. The hard drive had a piece of masking tape on it, with the words Subject 0625 written in sharpie. She looked at the hard drive, then up at Steve.
"Did you look at what's on this?" She asked.
"It's videos, that's all I know," he answered.
Rose put the loop of string around her wrist, and held the hard drive in her hand. Rogers suddenly stepped in front of her and put his hands on her shoulders. He forced her to took him in the eyes, and she immediately went quiet.
"Listen, I know you came here so I could tell you what to do. I told Tony that we are willing to make up, and that the Avengers will come back together if they are needed. All I can say is you also need to keep that promise. Other than that, you have to figure this out on your own," Steve said, releasing her shoulders when he finished.
Rose watched him walk away, and she stood there.
"Go be a kid, go to school, live your life. That's the
best advice I have," Steve said before he left.

Rose looked down at the hard drive, then back at Steve. She turned around, and walked into a portal.

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