Chapter 9- New School

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Rose followed the mutant to a car. He gestured for her to get in, so Rose got into the passenger's seat. She sat in, and put her backpack at her feet. Scott noticed she looked uncomfortable.
"Everything alright?" He asked as he turned on the car.
"I've been dragged around like a toddler in the span of 3 weeks," Rose explained.
"I guess that's a fair point," he said.
Rose rested her head against the window of the car.
"So what is a mutant?" Rose questioned Cyclops.
"Someone who is born with unnatural abilities," he replied.
"So if you weren't born with powers, then you aren't a mutant?" She asked.
"Well then this will be interesting."


Rose woke up when she felt the car stop. She opened her eyes and looked out to see some sort of mansion. She got out of the car, and grabbed her bag. She was led around the back of the mansion to an older man in a wheelchair.
"Hello, you must be Rose," he said with a smile.
"And you are..." Rose began to say.
"Professor X," he said.
Rose was left alone with Professor X. She looked around to see other people. Most had something that clearly set them apart from "normal" people. One had wings, one had all white eyes, a few just looked normal.
"So can you give me a demonstration of your abilities?" He asked Rose.
Rose held up her hand and shot out a small, quick energy blast. It traveled around 10 feet, before disappearing.

Rose was told what she would be doing at this school. She would be taking normal classes, along with training her powers. Another student led her to a dorm she would be staying in. There were two beds in the room. Half of the room had pictures and decorations, and the other half was completely blank. Rose sat down on the bed on the blank side.
"Am I high? I feel like I'm living a fever dream. Nobody tells me anything, and they are dragging me around like a toy being passed around between children. One second I'm being tested on, the next I'm in a Shield training camp, and then I'm in a school filled with mutants. I guess it does make my life more exciting," Rose thought to herself.

Another girl entered the room. She had a bright smile on her face, brown hair, and green eyes.
"Oh are you my new roommate?!" She asked excitedly.
"Uh, I guess," Rose said with a shrug.
"I'm Amanda," she said sticking out her hand.
Rose stood up, and shook her hand.
"Rose," she said with a cold tone.
Rose's cold demeanor wasn't what Amanda expected. Rose wasn't necessarily mean, she just seemed like her mind was filled with other things.
"So what's your power? Mine's the ability to bend light," Amanda said walking over to her side of the room.
"The simple version is I'm a battery filled with cosmic energy," Rose said with a cold tone.
"Oh that's cool. So why are you here? I'm here because I lost control, and blinded somebody," Amanda said with a sad tone.
"To train," Rose said taking off her backpack.
"Oh are you joining the X-men?!" Amanda asked with excitement.
"Hm?" Rose hummed.
"They're a group of mutants that fight evil mutants," Amanda explained punching the air.
"No, I just want to get stronger," Rose said standing up.
"Oh that makes sense. Where did you get that uniform? I like the colors of it!" Amanda said pointing to Rose's Shield uniform that she tore the Shield logo off.
Rose didn't have a chance to change yet, and forgot she was wearing the uniform. She actually quite liked it, as it wasn't baggy and didn't get in the way. It had a belt with a holster to the side she put bandages in. She had already taken the gun holster off, as she never used firearms. Her sheath was still strapped onto her right thigh, and the knife never left it. Her blue hair was up in a ponytail, and she looked like she was ready to fight.
"It was thrown on me," Rose said.
"Umm... ok," Amanda said not understanding that.
Rose took her hair tie out and put it in the front pocket of her backpack. She was pulling out clothes from her backpack, when she couldn't help by ask questions about Amanda.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" Rose asked with her back to Amanda.
"Well we are going to be roommates so we shouldn't be mean to each other. I also just like getting to know people," Amanda said with a smile.
"Hm interesting. By the way, you're a horrible liar. I know you can't bend light," Rose said zipping up her backpack with a pile of clothes in her hand.
"W-what do you mean?" Amanda asked nervously.
Rose went on a tangent about how light works. She eventually reached a point describing how light bending would have to work. She explained that Amanda doesn't have the physical requirements to pull off that feet.

Amanda stood in shock. Rose began to take off the belt on her uniform, waiting for a response.
"Given your body, I assume it has to do with plants," Rose said.
"Y-yeah... I can make plants grow rapidly," Amanda said looking at the floor in shame.
Rose nodded and unstrapped the sheath from her thigh. Amanda sat on her bed in shock.
"How could you tell just by looking at me?" Amanda asked twiddling her thumbs.
"I've spent my entire life around people with unnatural abilities. After enough time and observation, you pick up on patterns. My predictions aren't fool proof, and I can make mistakes. That is why I asked you why you were nice to me. Your tone, body language, and eye movement changed, indicating you were telling the truth. That meant you were lying before," Rose explained.
"W-wow, I can't hide anything from you," Amanda said with an awkward smile.
"My question is, why lie?" Rose asked as she put a blanket over herself to change.
"My power isn't very interesting compared to other people's. Bending light is cooler. The teachers know, but none of the students," Amanda said.
Rose began to change behind the blanket. She didn't say anything.
"You don't have to hide behind a blanket. I'm a girl too you know," Amanda pointed out.
Rose stopped and froze. She already had the shirt on the top half of her chest. She threw the blanket on the bed as she pulled the shirt over her stomach. Amanda looked in shock as she looked at Rose's stomach. It was covered in scars. Some were long, some were small, some were dark, and others were barely visible. Rose pulled the shirt down completely covering her stomach.
"How did you get those?" Amanda asked worriedly
"The world wasn't kind to a mutant like me," Rose answered, finishing changing.
Rose knew full well that she wasn't a mutant. She wasn't born with these powers, but was tested on. She was the only person who survived that experiment, and came out with those powers. After she survived, those who created her needed her to be strong. She was trained everyday to be the strongest she could be. Those scars were simply collected over these years of this life.

Rose snapped out of her memories.
"Do me a favor and don't mention this to anyone. I have no desire to explain it," Rose said changing her pants.
"Alright, but only if you don't go telling everyone about my true power," Amanda demanded.
"Fine," Rose said strapping her sheath back onto her thigh.
"What's with you and that knife?" Amanda asked.
"It's worth a lot, both in value and to me," Rose said.


Rose sat down at the desk for her class. While the teacher was talking, Rose opened her textbook, and began to read ahead. She couldn't help but teach herself it, and got lost in her thoughts figuring it out. She quickly realized it was about mutated genes, and how they can cause mutants. Rose was flipping through the textbook absorbing the knowledge, when the teacher called on them.
"Why aren't you reading along with the rest of us?" She asked.
"I didn't know I had to," Rose said looking up.
"You won't learn the subject if you skip ahead," the teacher said.
"I think I just did," Rose said.
Rose used her past knowledge to figure out the details of this subject. Rose always wanted to learn about her power, and so learning about mutated genes helped her with that. That's when she learned about mutants, and how she wasn't one. The teacher gave her a pissed look.

"Ok then, here's the test. If you're so confident that you don't need my teaching, take it," the teacher said as they slapped a paper on Rose's desk.
Rose shrugged and picked up her pencil. She began to fill out the test, as students were trying to hold back laughter. The rest of the class continued working as Rose worked on the test. 10 minutes after she got it, she raised her hand.
"If you have a question, I won't answer it," the teacher said with a smirk.
"No I'm done," Rose said.
The teacher walked over and snatched the paper from Rose. She pulled out a red pen, and held it over the paper. As she scanned over the questions, she never used the pen. After she finished checking it, she looked up with a surprised face.
"You got a 104%, somehow you got the bonus right too," the teacher said with pained voice.
Rose didn't react. The teacher expected her to have a taunting look on her face. Instead Rose carried a blank expression.
"How did you do this?" The teacher asked.
"I read the book, applied past knowledge, and problem solved," Rose said.
"Well... see me after class," the teacher said.
Rose was confused. Did she do something wrong? She came to learn the subject, and did just that. First day in this place and she already pissed off a teacher. Why were people always getting mad at her?

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