Chapter 35- Shadow and Spider-Man

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Rose walked out of school with her hands in her pockets. Flash and three of his "goons" stepped in front of her, and refused to let her past.
"Y'know, it pisses me off when someone tries to embarrasse me," Flash said.
"You say tries like I didn't succeed," Rose replied.
"Do you really think I won't hit you cause you're a girl? My family has money, and this shit-hole of a school needs that money," he explained.
"Daddy's money doesn't make you a good fighter, so let's see who gets hit," she retorted.
Flash made a gesture to the other teens, and they surrounded Rose.

Rose noticed a particularly nice black car pull up, and looked at the driver. The one sitting in the seat was Happy, the one who rode on the private jet with Rose. She stared for a second, and didn't notice Flash throwing a punch to the left side of her face. Do to her vision in her left eye being messed up, she didn't completely dodge it. Rose took an awkward punch to the top of her head, and had to take a few seconds to regain her balance. One of Flash's goons kicked her down, and her hands scrapped against the concrete. Rose rolled forward to dodge another kick, and pushed off the ground with her hands. She flipped upright to land on her feet, and put up her hands up to fight. The teenagers seemed really impressed by this move, but still moved forward in a hostile way. Right before Rose went to land a punch on one of them, Happy got out of the black car.
"Hey! All of you stop!" Happy demanded walking over.
"Back off old man, this doesn't involve you," the one Rose was about to punch spat.
"Well I'm not going to stand by and watch you all beat each other up, now you all should be heading home," Happy said looming over Flash.
"Fine, let's deal with her another day gentlemen," Flash said walking away.

"Hey kid you alright?" Happy asked Rose.
Rose dusted herself off, and looked at the peeling skin on her hands.
"Yeah, thanks for that," Rose answered, making sure to slightly change her voice so Happy wouldn't recognize it.
"Next time tell someone alright?" Happy said walking back to the car.
Rose nodded, and saw Peter and Ned walking out of the building. Rose ran up to them, and gestured towards the car.
"Yo who's riding in that car? There aren't many people around here with one of those," Rose said putting her hands into her pockets so they couldn't see she was in a fight.
"Oh uh actually... that's for me," Peter said scratching the back of his neck.
Rose just stared for a second, waiting for an explanation.
"Look don't tell anyone, but I have an internship at Stark Industries," Peter said in a quieter voice.
"Wait really? Damn Parker that's impressive, well have fun with whatever you all do there," Rose said with a smile.
Peter nodded and walked away, and Ned turned to Rose. They said goodbyes, and both left. Meanwhile Rose's mind was starting to put a certain picture together.


Spider-Man was following someone he believed to be part of some criminal organization. They went into an alley behind a bar, and entered through a back door. After the man didn't come out for nearly half an hour, Peter debated going in. Eventually he took the mask off, covered the rest of his suit in normal clothes, and walked in. On the other side of the door was a stair case that led down to a metal door guarded by a man in a grey suit.
"What's your business here?" The man asked.
"My friend told me to meet him here," Peter replied.
"You got cash?" The mask questioned.
"Y-yeah, can I ask why it matters?" Peter asked.
"Bets are half the fun, and since your new here I suggest watch where you step or you might turn your shoes red," the man snickered as he opened the door.
Peter thanked him, and walked in. Peter immediately noticed the elevated old beat up boxing ring in the center of the large room. It was surrounded by tables with beer bottles covering them. The room was packed, and Peter struggled to make his way towards the center. Men and women were yelling, drinking, and passing money back and forth. Some were all dressed up in suits and dresses, others were in stained t-shirts and jeans. Peter looked for the man he was following, and froze when he saw the man entering the ring.

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