Chapter 26- Welcome "Home"

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"Hydra?" Rhodey asked sitting in the hospital bed.
"That's what she said, clearly she didn't want to," Tony said sitting in a chair next to the bed.
"Is it possible?" Rhodey asked.
"Hydra made the Maximoff twins with the scepter, so it doesn't surprise me that they used the Tesseract the same way," Tony explained.
"God that kid is full of mystery, but I guess I owe her a thank you now," Rhodey said with a smirk.


Rose sat on the floor of her cell humming a tune. She was in a prison in the middle of the ocean meant to contain powerful people called the Raft. She didn't really care, she would escape soon. Instead of metal bars there was a wall of bulletproof glass. The walls were white, and she was put into grey clothing. Her food was untouched, and eventually a guard walked past.
"Are you not going to eat?" The man asked.
"Not hungry," Rose replied.
"You're in prison, you understand that right? You don't get to pick and choose things," the guard reminded her.
"I know, now can I go back to enjoying myself?" Rose asked closing her eyes again to continue humming.
The some of Steve's group of rebels were in this prison. Rose hoped he was finishing the mission he started, something to do with stopping other Winter Soldiers from being released.

Rose assumed she would be there for a while, until a new guard stopped at her cell.
"I'm breaking you out of here," the guard said, Rose unable to see their face.
"Well do your thing, I'll be waiting," Rose replied going back to humming.
She didn't know what was happening, but she had a bad feeling in her stomach. When the cell door was opened, she hesitated to walk out.
"How do I know I can trust you?" She asked.
"I- we don't have time for that. We have to go now," the guard whisper-yelled.
"Fine, you win," Rose said putting her hands up.
Rose cautiously walked out, and followed the person.
"Where's my bag and knife?" She asked.
"I believe it's in possession of Tony Stark," the guard responsed leading them to a back room.
"Ok so why are you breaking out a 15 year old?" Rose asked.
"You'll see," the person responded.
"If it's for my powers I can't use them with these bracelets on," Rose said holding up her hands.
Tony managed to convert the massive power-canceling cuffs into smaller bracelets. They were strong and she couldn't break them.
"I know, that's just fine."
The person pulled out a shot of some kind and tried to hit Rose with it. Rose dodged it and tried to open the door. It was locked, so she tried to yell for help. The person kicked them down and covered her mouth. They fought for a few minutes, the needle finally penetrating Rose's leg. She kept fighting, but soon got tired. Before she passed out she slammed her wrist against the floor. Whenever she tried to remove the metal bracelets, they sent a signal to the guards of the prison. The women cussed some words that Rose didn't even know existed, then she passed out.


Rose had a habit of waking up without opening her eyes. She developed this to take in her surroundings, without others knowing she was conscious. She woke up, but kept her eyes closed to figure out where she was.
"Ok so that 'guard' hit me with a tranquilizer," Rose thought to herself.
Rose felt her surroundings, and knew exactly where she was. The cold metal table, the worn out leather straps on her hands and feet, the damp cold air, it was all too familiar.
"Took you long enough," Rose said as she opened her eyes.
"Subject 0625, welcome home," a woman's voice said.
"What do you want?" Rose asked turning her head to see the woman.
"Oh we have some fun plans for you," the women said walking up next to Rose.
"Enlighten me," Rose demanded.
"Well first we have to discipline you, but I'm not in charge of that. After that we will, and I quote from you, 'make me a mindless puppet like the Winter Soldier'. Does that ring a bell?"
"I said that 8 years ago correct?" Rose asked.
"Wow you have a good memory, too bad we have to erase that," the women said with a snicker.
"I thought my father said to not use that method," Rose pointed out.
"You know better than anyone, he's dead now. You even stole that knife of yours off his corpse. If you kept him alive, we wouldn't be doing this," the woman explained walking back over to the door.
Rose replied with silence.
"This is all my fault, I can't let them brainwash me. I need to escape, but what if I can't? What if they turn me into their weapon... I know, I'll kill myself. It's better than killing innocents against my will," Rose was lost in thought, not even caring about the Hydra soldiers dragging her away.

The soldiers took her to another room, clearly some sort of sell. A different version of the power-canceling bracelets were on her wrists. They tied her hands together with a chain, and lifted them up over a hook attached to the ceiling. Rose hung a few inches above the ground, and she looked around the cell. It was relatively clean, but was definitely old. There was a little light coming from down whatever hallway led to her cell. She was still in the grey clothes she wore in the prison, but they had been cut and torn. She hung her head, contemplating her next move.
"Ok so this must be the discipline, so now I must wait for the pain," Rose thought as she closed her eyes.


Rose woke up to pain in her gut. She opened her eyes to see someone kicking her gut. It was someone in a Hydra uniform, they looked to be a teenage boy.
"Morning to you too," Rose said to him.
He looked up at her, and back at her stomach, which was just around his eye level. He punched her, then kicked upwards and hit her in the chest. His Hydra mask covered his face, so Rose couldn't see him.
"Not a talker, I can respect that," Rose said bracing herself for his next hit.
The soldier hit her again, ignoring her words. While he was pulling his leg down after he kicked her, Rose swung forward and kicked him back.
"What the hell?!" The soldier asked standing up.
"Oh he can speak," Rose taunted.
"Shut your mouth traitor," He responded.
"What are you 16, 17?" She questioned.
"My information doesn't matter, only my determination to help rebuild Hydra to its former glory," he said walking back over to Rose.
Rose rolled her eyes and sighed. She did notice his voice wasn't as strong and determined when he explained why he was there.
"So are you here willingly?"
"Of course I am."
"No your not."
The teenager froze for a second, clearly thinking about her words.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked.
"I wasn't, plus your horrible at lying," she said with a smirk.
"Speak again and I'll hit you harder," he said cracking his knuckles.
Rose began to laugh, and the boy hit her across the jaw. She spit blood in his face, and slowly looked back up with a smug face.

The beating continued for what felt like hours, the young soldier using her like a punching bag. Rose knew she should save her energy, and didn't fight back after her first kick. Eventually the door to the cell opened, and the boy walked out. Someone else walked in, and threw water on Rose.
"How are you feeling?"
Rose looked up, blood, sweat, and now water running down her face. Her vision was still too blurry to see the person, but she could tell they weren't a lowly soldier.
"The silent treatment? So childish," they said shaking their head back and forth.
The man walked over to her and pulled out a knife.
"That boy did well, but he could've done better," they said with a snicker.
Just as Rose's vision cleared up, she felt a knife pass across her leg. It wasn't a deep cut, just enough to draw blood. She felt the warm liquid run down her leg, and drip off her foot. She hung her head down, too exhausted to even bother trying to see who was talking to her.

"Listen, I'm the one in charge here, and honestly I don't want to wipe your memory. It would be easier for everyone if you gave up and stopped fighting," they said, wiping their knife on Rose's shirt.
"Never," Rose replied, barely able to speak.
"I figured you say that, running around with the Avengers probably put that stubbornness into your head," they said as they left the cell.
"I have no clue who they were, but they weren't wearing the Hydra uniform. They must be in a position of power, so I should stay on their good side," Rose thought as she wrapped her uninjured leg around her cut to try and stop the bleeding.

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