Chapter 28- Same Power, New Skill

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Electricity shot through Rose's skull, her muscles tensing against her will. For Rose, everything went dark. She was dragged into her own mind, into another world.

Rose looked around her mind, and saw nothing. It looked to be an empty void, but there was a floor underneath her. Rose wandered aimlessly, not quite sure if it was real or not. As she walked she eventually saw what looked like floating TV screens, each displaying a different memory like a movie.
"What is this place?" Rose asked herself as she scanned the many memories.
Rose turned around to see some of them decaying, and it was getting closer to her. She started running away from it, but the decay got faster and faster.
"No no no no no," she muttered as she ran as fast as she could, her breathing quickening.

Rose saw a blue light in the distance, past all the decaying memories. Something about this light felt alien, but familiar at the same time. Her legs ran faster, the decaying still speeding up. As she approached she saw the Tesseract sitting on a black pillar. Rose reached out and carefully picked it up. She collapsed to the ground and held it close to her chest with both hands, more tears than she's ever cried falling down her cheeks.
"I'm scared, I want to go home! I want to be home with Aaron! I want to talk to Amanda about stupid gossip that doesn't matter! I want to train with the Avengers!" Rose cried, holding the Tesseract closer.
As she cried the Tesseract began to glow brighter. She pulled it away from her chest and looked at it, and saw her reflection on it. Her blue eyes and hair were glowing just as bright, and she heard a voice in the distance.
"Escape , I don't care if you have to kill me to do it. You're an Avenger, you can save other kids like us."
"Markus?!" Rose called, her tears still falling.
"It's is my necklace, my only belonging Hydra didn't take from me. My grandma gave it to me."
Rose remembered the necklace and reached her hand into her pants. Rose pulled out a necklace, and held it in her hands. The charm was a golden crescent moon, surrounded by a silver octagon the size of a quarter. Rose looked at the octagon ring round the outside of it closely, and saw tiny words engraved into it.
"The past may hurt, but never forget it," Rose read aloud.
Rose pulled the black, elastic string over her head. The cold metal touched her chest, and she stopped crying.
"I promised Markus, and I always keep a promise."


The scientists watched Rose yell in pain as her memories were wiped. Seconds in and they saw her eyes and hair began to glow a bright blue.
"What the hell is happening?!" The Man Downstairs yelled.
"I don't know, but her energy levels are skyrocketing!" One of the scientists yelled.
Some started to back away, one even ran out of the room. A black circle began to grow in between Rose and the table. It grew quickly, but stopped when it reached big enough to circle Rose. There was a thin line of blue and grey clouds surrounding the black circle. Rose seemed to fall into the hole, the restraints around her hands and legs detaching from the table and falling off her. Once she fell through, it immediately strunk until it closed.


Rose closed her eyes, and reopened them when she felt something cold underneath her. She looked around to see herself in a forest, snow falling from the sky. She touched her cheeks, and felt the lines of dried tears. The Tesseract was no longer in her hands, and the necklace wasn't around her neck. Rose panicked a bit, and reached into where the necklace was before. Sure enough it was there, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Rose carefully put it around her neck, and looked around at her surroundings. The sun was rising on a horizon she couldn't see. The leaves of the trees swayed lightly, and created the only noise she could hear. Her body ached, vision in her left eye being too blurry to use from how swollen it still was. Her clothes still stuck to her chest from all the dried blood.
"Ok so I'm in the same condition I was in when they tried to wipe my memory, so he couldn't have been long," Rose thought as she sat up.

Rose sat in the snow, not knowing what to do. She didn't know where she was, she could barely stand, and her dream was really messing with her mind. Eventually she slowly stood up, relying on the trees for support. She lost feeling in her bare feet from the snow, and her thin torn clothes didn't keep her warmer for much longer. She walked very slowly for about ten minutes before her legs completely gave out and she fell. She only had enough energy to flip over onto her back, and watch the snow slowly fall onto her and sunshine sparkled against the untouched white powder.
"It's beautiful, I don't mind dying here," Rose though as she closed her eyes.

"Jesus Christ what the hell happened? Hey kid, you awake? Well she's alive at least, but I doubt she will be for much longer. I don't know if I even have enough bandages to patch her up."
"Hey dad what's taking so long- ohh my god."
"Get back to the car and start warming it up. I'll carry her."
"Yes sir!"
"Don't die on me kid, that will really ruin my day."


Pain. That was the only word to describe how Rose was feeling. Every inch of her body hurt, breathing was a chore, and whenever her blood pulsed a new wave of pain took over. As she opened her eyes she noticed something was covering her left one, so she kept it closed. She felt something soft underneath her, and looked down to see some sort of bed. A blanket lay on top of her, it appearing to be some sort of quilt. She looked around and saw she was in a small room, the window covered by some green curtains. The dim room felt safe, a feeling Rose hadn't felt in a long time.

Rose slowly moved her legs over the edge of the bed, and stood up. Her legs were shaking, so she had to lean against a wall. She carefully made her way to the door, when she noticed she was in different clothes. She had a T-shirt on with the name of a band she didn't recognize, and baby blue pajama pants on. Rose slowly opened the door, and peaked down the hallway. There was another door at the end of the hallway, one a few feet down from her door, and a staircase at the other end of the hallway. Rose walked towards the staircase, leaning against the wall the entire time. Once she made it to the staircase, she shifted her weight to the railing and walked down the stairs. Each step took focus and time, the pain in her body not helping.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around. There was a kitchen to her right, a dining table four feet in front of the stairs, and an area with a couch and a chair on top of a shaggy rug. There was a stone-lined mantle, with a fireplace in the center and a TV on top. A man and a woman sat at the dining room table, taking about something Rose didn't hear. Rose stepped off the stairs, and the hardwood floor beneath her creaked. The man and woman looked up at her immediately.

"Oh sweetie why are you out of bed?" The woman asked getting out of her chair.
Rose didn't move, and tried to speak. Her voice seemed to die, no words coming out. The woman helped Rose walk over to the table, and he sat down across from the man.
"Well kid you gave us quite the scare, we didn't even know if you would survive," the man said with a warm smile.
"You actually healed up quickly, must be nice being young," the woman said trying to lighten the mood.
"W-where am I?" Rose's voice was extremely quiet, and it felt like someone stabbed her throat.
"About a 45 minute drive from Hebron," the man said.
"C-country?" Rose barely got out.
"Newfoundland, Canada," he replied.
"Canada? Why did they take me all the way to Canada?" Rose asked herself in her head.
"How did you not know the country?" The woman asked Rose.
"I-," Rose tried to speak but started coughing.
Rose didn't notice that she was swaying back and forth, but the two people clearly did. Before they could ask if she was alright, Rose blacked out.

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