Chapter 14- New Allies

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"So they dragged you along?"
Rose opened her eyes again. Standing next to the tree she was under, was Nick Fury.
"Stark actually," Rose sighed.
"I assumed as such. You all need to stop Ultron, I am actually here to talk to Stark about that," he said.
"I'm working on that right now, if you don't mind," Rose said looking him in the eyes.
"I'll get out of your hair, if you can promise me one thing Rose Knox," Fury said.
"Depends," Rose replied.
"Try and stay out of the Avenger's arguments," Fury said.
"I don't understand," Rose said tilting her head.
"Stark and Rogers like to argue over almost everything, and the others like to take sides. They can come together when it matters, but the rest of the time it's a different story. I'm sure you've seen it firsthand," Fury remarked.
Rose nodded, and Fury continued.
"I would be more confident if they had a neutral third party to keep the peace," Fury explained.
"Why me?" Rose asked.
"You are already filling that role, I see a lot more than you know. All I'm asking is you keep doing that," He informed her.
"What if I need to take a side?" Rose asked.
"Then take one," Fury said walking out from under the tree.
"He wants a peacekeeper? Alright Fury, I'll be your middle-man," Rose thought to herself.

Rose kept trying to feel the scepter's energy signal, but couldn't find it. She felt a breeze pass her, and her hair hit her face. She opened her eyes, and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Why can't I feel it?" Rose muttered.
Rose decided to take a break and get some rest. She began to walk back towards the door, when she heard someone arguing. She peaked around to see Cap cutting wood, and Tony arguing with him.
"Damn, Fury was right about them," Rose thought.
Cap got so mad that he ripped apart one of the logs. Rose decided to leave them, as they probably didn't want a kid getting involved. That didn't stop her from listening to their conversation.
"I messed up ok! Ultron is my fault, and I want to fix it."
"Tony it's hard to trust you when you keep so much hidden from us."
"I know, but there was no way we could have known he would escape. He was supposed to help bring peace, not all this!"
"Not only that, you brought an innocent child into this fight!"
"Have some faith in her, she isn't a helpless toddler like you say. Why are you so protective over her?"
"She's a kid! And kids shouldn't have to go through all of this!"
Rose couldn't stand the arguing. They were arguing over her, and she wanted them to stop.

"You are calling me the child?" Rose asked walking out into their view.
"Were you listening to us?" Tony asked.
"Hard to not here the YELLING!" Rose replied.
They both seemed ashamed about it, and went quiet.
"Look, I've survived on my own for long enough. Don't worry about me, and focus on the actual fucking problem," Rose said to both of them.
"We don't need a lecture from you," Tony said.
"Hate me all you want, but you are the one who dragged me out here," Rose reminded him.
"Look Rose, if you want to go home you can leave," Cap told her.
Tony seemed to agree, and Rose shook her head.
"Sorry but I'm staying," Rose said.
"You could die," Cap told her.
Rose's face went cold. She looked at Cap.
"What do I have to lose?"

Rose walked back inside, leaving them in silence. Her words about them needing to work together seemed to hang in the air. Their argument turned into a normal discussion. Rose stepped inside to see Hawkeye's wife cleaning some dishes. Rose walked over and pulled up her sleeves.
"You're letting us stay here, let me help," Rose said.
She thanked Rose, and Rose got to work cleaning them. While Rose was working on the dishes, she felt the scepter's energy. Rose dried off her hands, and ran outside. She kneeled down and placed her hand onto the ground.
"Found you."


The Avengers all met up, except Thor who left to find out some "answers" about his hallucination.
"Ultron is going to use a device called the Cradle to crate a new body. He can then merge it with the stone's power and the Vibranium," Bruce told everyone.
"He's in South Korea," Rose added.
"We also know exactly where," Tony said.
"Well let's get going as soon as we can," Cap instructed.
Everyone nodded and went to suit up. Rose got into the Quinjet and began to modify her uniform. She used some dye she found back in New York to change all the blue into black. Her now grey and black uniform fit her much better. Rose put on her mask and tied up her hair. Soon everyone was in the Quinjet, and they took off.
"Did you change your uniform?" Tony asked.
"Yeah, hated the blue," Rose said.
Tony looked at her blue eyes and blue hair.
"Ironic," he mumbled.


"We are almost there! They are in a moving truck!" Tony called out.
"Widow, Hawkeye, and Rose will be the one's dropping on the truck. Tony and I will provide support from behind and in front. Banner stay here and pilot the jet," Cap instructed.
Rose didn't question why she was being put into battle when Cap was so against it.
"They have a hostage, Dr. Helen Cho," Bruce said.
"Rose you get the Dr. we'll focus on Ultron," Hawkeye said.
Rose nodded, and the hatch to the Quinjet opened.

Right underneath them was a moving truck. They all jumped onto the roof of it.
"They're here for sure," Rose said feeling the massive amount of energy.
Black Widow and Hawkeye both seemed to have their own plans. Rose pulled out her knife, and cut a hole in the roof. Directly underneath was Dr. Cho. Rose kept her legs on the top of the truck, and lower the rest of her body down so she was upside down. She looked around and saw the Cradle. There was a body being created in it, with the stone in its forehead. Ultron had a new fancy body, and was fighting off Black Widow. Wanda read his mind, and saw Ultron's true plan. Ultron planned to eliminate all life on Earth. Rose watched as Wanda, and her brother, turned against Ultron.

Meanwhile Dr. Cho was solely focused on creating the body. Rose grabbed her arm, and pulled her close to her.
"Oh no you don't!" Ultron yelled at Rose.
Ultron grabbed Rose's arm, and pulled her completely into the truck. Hawkeye nearly had the cradle out, when Ultron derailed an oncoming train. The twins ran out to help Captain America stop it and save the passengers. Ultron gripped Rose's arm tighter and tighter.
"Look at the child squirm. Are the Avengers so desperate for help that they came to you?" Ultron taunted.
Rose used her other arm to shoot a powerful blast at Ultron. It melted a good side of his metal head, and knocked him back for a second. Rose grabbed Dr. Cho close to her. It was awkward given Rose wasn't done growing, but she ignored it. Rose shot a blast of energy from her free hand, propelling them out the hole in the roof. The truck was still moving, and Rose shot the opposite direction. They flew off the road, Rose shifting their bodies so she took the blunt of the fall. When they hit the ground, Rose's body helped cushioned Dr. Cho's fall. Dr. cho's eyes seemed to change into a more normal color, rather than the bright blue they were from being mind controlled

"Where am I?! Who are you?! What happened?!" She asked frantically.
"You were mind controlled by an A.I, and we came to save you," Rose explained catching her breath.
"Your eyes! Are you mind controlled too?!" Dr. Cho asked seeing Rose's bright blue eyes.
"No! Now look I'm not done saving you-."
"A-a child saved me?" Dr. Cho asked.
"Yes I'm a kid! Now we need to go!" Rose said.
They ran towards the train that was derailed. They managed to stop it, and people were getting off. The Quinjet pulled up, and everyone got in. The Cradle was in there, along with the body inside of it.
"T-they took Natasha," Hawkeye panted.
Everyone was quiet, then they looked to the two new faces.
"Who are they?" Tony asked.
"I'm Pietro Maximoff," the man with silver hair said.
"I'm Wanda Maximoff. Ultron plans to eliminate all life on Earth, and we couldn't let that happen," Wanda said.
"We're sorry for what we did before, we were lied to," Pietro said.
"Well you're on the right side now," Cap said patting him on the shoulder as he walked past.
Rose grabbed her backpack that she left on the jet. She pulled out her blanket and curled up on one of the chairs. She was listening to everything they were saying, she just wanted to get comfortable.

After they were done discussing how to get Black Widow back, everyone decided to take a break as they flew back to Avengers Tower. Rose was still huddled up on the seat, her mask still on. Pietro sat next to her.
"Why are you still wearing that mask?" He asked with a Sokovian accent.
"I like it on," Rose replied.
"Were you the one who cut my chest?" He asked.
"Sorry not sorry," Rose replied.
"No need to apologize," he reassured her.
"So you can move fast?" Rose asked.
"That's the simple version yes. What are your abilities?" He asked her.
"My body generates cosmic energy, and I can release it in controlled blasts. I also can detect powerful sources of cosmic energy, like you," she explained.
"So that's how they always knew where I was coming from," Pietro muttered.
Rose nodded and was glad someone didn't ask about her age for once.

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