Chapter 56-Returning to Work

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Ned ran up to Rose, who was about to get ready to leave school. She turned around and stopped walking, adjusting the straps on her backpack.
"Apparently the school managed to organise a trip to Europe for those of us that got blipped, are you in or what?" Ned asked.
"I'm good," Rose replied.
"Huh?!" Ned exclaimed, "It's Europe! And we all get to go together!"
"I've already been to Europe," Rose retorted.
"I was born in Germany," she sighed.
Ned's eyes widened, "You never told me that!"
"You never asked."
"Well consider it, Peter has some fundraiser to go to so he asked me to tell you."
Rose spun on her heels and began to walk away again, "Fine."

As Rose walked down the sidewalk, her phone began to ring. She pulled it out and saw the contact Kylie calling her. She clicked the green button and answered it, holding it to her ear.
"Rose! Hi!" Kylie sounded the exact same as before the Blip, so Rose assumed she also died in the snap.
"Hey," she causally responded.
"Can we meet up soon? I just figured since y'know... haven't seen you in a while and half of the population literally died," Kylie was heard moving curtains or some cloth around, "Also you haven't answered my calls what the hell?!"
"My phone was dead," Rose answered, "But give me a time and date."
"Tonight, at the under pass we went to at Liz's party?"
"Sure, why not."


Rose walked to the underpass, Aaron had been excited that she was going out of her way to meet up with old friends and let her go. Kylie was sitting on the ground on her phone, she was still a teenager and still wearing that red beanie. Rose's foot crunched against pebbles, garnering the attention of Kylie.
"Hi!" The blonde waved with a bright smile, "You have glasses now."
Rose walked over, looking down at Kylie who was sitting on the ground, "Yeah, so why'd you ask to talk to me? Don't you have other people to talk to?"
Kylie patted the ground, gesturing for the other to sit down, "Uh.... no not really actually. Most of them are adults now, and the others I wasn't really close with before I fucking died."
Rose sat down, "Really? We met at a party and you don't have many friends?"
"You're one to speak," Kylie taunted, "You were at that party and you might be the most introverted person I've ever met."
"Fine fine," Rose wasn't entirely concerned with continuing that conversation, "So... how's things going for you?"

Kylie took a deep breath, "Well my younger brother is now technically older than me, I missed five whole years of his life."
Rose laid on her back and put her hands behind her head, "Oh, I didn't know you had a brother but I'm sure that's awful."
"Did you miss anyone's life?"
"My guardian got married, his wife seems nice."
Kylie looked at Rose, their eyes meeting, "Guardian?"
Rose let out a small laugh, "He sort of took me in like a stray dog, found a homeless kid on the street and gave me a couch to sleep on. Come back and he's got a new college degree, house, wife, and still thought about what he would do if I came back."
"What happened to your-," Kylie slapped her hand over her mouth, "That's a rude question! Sorry sorry, I know how annoying it is when people ask about your family all the time."
Kylie sighed, "My dad divorced my mom and opted to simply pay child support, people always ask why he's not around."
Rose pulled her hood over her head, "Well since you told me so fair is fair-."
"You don't have to if you don't want to," Kylie cut in.
Rose waved her hand, "You'll find out eventually anyways. My dad died when I was ten, never knew my mom."
Kylie gently shoved Rose, "Hey we both got daddy issues! Look at us, the dynamic duo."
"Yeah, look at us go."
"Our college essays are going to be incredible."


As Rose walked back to Aaron's house, she noticed a package sitting on the porch that wasn't an issue before. She reached down and picked it up as she walked inside, assuming it was for someone else in the house. The box wasn't heavy by any means, but clearly had some weight to it. Rose examined the box and found a note written in pen on the bottom.
For Rosetta Coleman
Rose had no idea who would send her something, so naturally she was hesitant to open it. She snuck down into her bedroom, placing the box on her bed.
"Probably a bomb, or a tracker, or microphone, camera, I shouldn't open this," some may call it paranoia, Rose called it being cautious.
The Avenger opted to put the box in the closet, proceeding to climb into bed and sleep.

Well... try and sleep, until the sound of something vibrating came from the closet. Rose shot out of bed and grabbed her knife, assuming the worst. She opened the door and grabbed the box, cutting it open as quickly as possible. To her surprise, Rose saw some sort of pager sitting in the box. There was a white Shield logo engraved onto the back of the black metal, a clip to attach it to a belt. She carefully picked it up and examined it, looking at the text on the screen.
come to the ring
-Director Fury
Rose turned the device off, was it actually Fury? And the only "ring" she could think of was the one she used to fight in as Shadow, the only thing that kept her from starving to death on the streets. Rose grabbed her mask from her black backpack, which remained packed in the corner of her room at all times. She pulled her hair into a ponytail, put on her black baseball cap, and created a portal in the middle of the room. Rose clipped the pager to her belt loop and walked through.

Rose walked onto a rooftop, ensuring nobody would see her. She climbed down the fire escape to the back of a bar, walking through a metal door. Once Rose entered the building she noticed the dust in the air, thankful to be wearing a mask. She walked down a small flight of stairs, stopping at the second metal door. Normally a man with a checklist would be standing there, she would give him the name Shadow, and he would let her in. But here she stood, looking at an empty corridor, no other person there but her. It was an odd melancholy sort of feeling, even if Rose knew it was for the best. The ring was where criminals gambled, drugs were sold, and people were beaten to death for other's amusement. She pushed the emotions down though, they weren't what mattered in that moment. She adjusted her mask, and walked into the room.


Nick Fury stood by the side of the old fighting ring in a black trench coat, it looked as though it would collapse at any moment.
"Hey Fury."
The Shield Director turned around, locking eyes with the Nameless Avenger.
"Do you know that we've had our eyes on you for a long time?" He asked.
Rose shoved her hands into her pockets, "Elaborate."
"One of our agents did an investigation into an underground circle of 'fight clubs', supposedly the creator was a big fan of that old movie," Fury began, pacing around the ring , "While watching a fight, someone by the name of Shadow flawlessly won every time. They considered approaching you, they wrote about you in their report. But after every fight you disappeared too quick, and then one day you showed up at our doorstep. Of course we didn't know you were both the same person at first."
Rose didn't respond with any physical cues, walking around the ring in the opposite direction of Fury, "This place kept me alive, but I'm assuming the Blip ruined the business?"
"That is correct, the owner of the bar got arrested for something completely unrelated. They searched the building and found it pretty quickly."

Eventually the two walked around until they met each other, the stared in silence for a second. Eventually Rose pulled the pager off her belt loop and held it up, tilting her head.
"Enough of the small talk Fury, what's this?"
Fury pulled a similar pager out of his pocket, "This is how Shield agents are contacted, it cannot be traced nor tapped into."
"So I'm a Shield agent now?"
"I wanted to talk to you about that, how long do you have?"
"Meh, however long you'll take."
Fury smirked, "Well then, I'll get straight to the point. I want you, along with Spider-Man, to be the leaders of the next gen Avengers."
Rose scratched the back of her neck and laughed, "That implies I'm going to continue being an Avenger, and that is a bold assumption Fury. That is not even including the legal mess I'm in with the Sokovia Accords."
"Since when have laws stopped you?"
"Never, but what about you?"
Fury reached out and placed a hand on Rose's shoulder, "I got a loophole for that, one that the UN will be too fearful to challenge for a while. I need a simple answer, can I rely on you here and now to be an Avenger? If you are done with that life I'm going to need the Pager back."
Rose looked around the room, clipping the small black device to her belt loop. Fury nodded, turning to leave.

"When I call, I expect you to answer. I don't care if you're in school, if you're sleeping, if you are at someone's funeral, you answer. Understood, NA?"
"Understood, Director Fury."

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