Chapter 30- Dead and Alive

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"Liz, Rose, dinner's ready!"
Liz paused the game and stood up.
"Let's go eat," Liz said sticking out her hand to help Rose stand.
Rose nearly collapsed from pain, the thing the video game almost made her forget about. Somehow they got down the stairs, and Liz helped Rose sit at the table. Mary brought out some food from the kitchen. The man she met earlier, which she assumed was Mary's husband Thomas, came out from what looked to be an office.
"Hey Rose, you're looking better," Thomas said.
"She's really good at Mystify Magic," Liz said with a smile.
"I don't understand what's so fun about those games," Mary sighed also sitting down.
"So Rose, once the roads get cleared we can get you to a hospital. It's been snowing a lot recently so we are kind of stuck here," Thomas began to say.
"Why does she need to go to a hospital?" Liz asked tilting her head.
"Rose do you feel a stabbing pain in your chest?" He asked looking to Rose.
"A-a little," Rose replied tapping her chest.
"As I guessed, she might have a broken rib. Well at a minimum it's definitely fractured. Those can take weeks to heal," he explained to Liz.
"After dinner I'll give you my phone so you can call your dad, but I wouldn't strain your voice too much," Mary said to Rose, who was starting to zone out.
"Oh, ok," Rose said in a quieter tone.
"Why were you half-dead in the middle of a forest?" Liz questioned Rose as she took a drink of water.
"Elizabeth you don't need to be so straight forward!" Mary scolded.
"What?! I know you both want to know as well," Liz said with a huff.
"It's ok," Rose said putting up her hands to stop the yelling.
"Alright then kid, answer the question. Oh and I know you told Mary that an animal attacked you, but I can tell those weren't from a wild animal. I served in the military, I know a beating when I see it," Thomas said staring Rose in the eyes.
Mary and Liz both went silent, and Rose's nervous face changed quickly to a cold and serious one.

"Just a misunderstanding," Rose said to Thomas, her face and voice serious.
"What kind of misunderstanding leads so someone beating a teenager until they are brought to the brink of death?" He questioned.
Rose couldn't speak much more, her throat was starting to burn. She simply took a quick drink of water, and went back to talking.
"They weren't going to kill me," Rose replied.
"What do you mean? You almost died because of  how badly you were beaten," Thomas pointed out.
"I almost died because I ran from them, they would have kept me alive," Rose started to explain.
"So why escape?" Liz asked, her mom gesturing for her to be quiet.
Rose shrugged and took another sip of water.
"Death is nice sometimes," was her response.

"Let's stop the depressing conversations, so Rose why did you dye your hair blue? I've always wanted to dye mine but I'm not allowed to until I'm older," Liz asked, clearly upset about not being able to dye her hair.
"It's not dyed," Rose said, her voice starting to give out.
"It's not?! You can have naturally blue hair?! I thought that was only in anime," Liz exclaimed.
"Y-yeah..." Rose replied not knowing what to say.
The family and Rose ate dinner, Rose ate very little though. Whenever she ate, her throat felt like someone stabbed it from multiple angles. She cursed herself for speaking so much, so when silent for another few hours.

After dinner, Liz dragged Rose back upstairs to keep playing the game.
"Liz come downstairs!" Mary called.
"Why?!" Liz replied, yelling out the door.
"The NA is on the news!"
Liz shot up and gestured for Rose to follow.
"Have you heard of the Nameless Avenger? They are so cool and mysterious," Liz said to Rose as she happily skipped down the hallway.
Rose could barely keep up with her injuries, and wondered why she was on the news. They walked down the stairs, and Liz stood behind the couch watching the TV. On the TV Tony Stark was at some press conference, taking about the current state of the Avengers.

"Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes continue to evade capture, their current location and plan is unknown. Sam Wilson and Scott Lang have been arrested. Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, and ClintBarton have also not been arrested," Tony said, seeming to take this seriously for once.
A reporter's hand immediately shot up, and Tony signaled for them to ask their question.
"A few weeks ago the Nameless Avenger was confirmed to be real when they were wanted alongside Steve Rogers. While the public was unable to see their face, they still caught the attention of millions. Can you tell us what has happened to the NA?" The reporter questioned.
Tony seemed to go quiet, it was clear her didn't like the question. Regardless he answered it.
"The Nameless Avenger was pronounced dead early this morning."
The entire press conference went silent. Liz and her parents were just as quiet, focused on the screen. It was a good thing they didn't notice the smile creeping up on Rose's face.
"They were arrested alongside Wilson and Lang, but a 3rd parry helped them escape. It was later discovered that is was a kidnapping, the NA even sent out a sort of S.O.S. No evidence of where they are has been discovered, so they were pronounced legally dead. However the search for their body continues," Tony said, his voice showing his sadness.

Rose looked over at Liz, who looked like she was going to cry. Liz noticed Rose glancing at her, and tried to manage a smile.
"I really wanted to meet them one day, but I guess that can't happen now," Liz said with a fake smile.
Rose put a hand on Liz's shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. She tried to say something nice, but her throat didn't allow it.

"Who was the NA?" Another reporter asked.
"The NA was stubborn when it came to helping people, and refused to leave the fight at Sokovia when they learned they could help. After the fight they asked that we keep their identity and abilities a secret so they could try and live a normal life. After that they still supported the Avengers but didn't fight again until Berlin. I take full responsibility for their death, as I took them out to Berlin in order to try and convince them to sign the accords. As they arrived Barnes escaped custody, and the NA greatly trusted Rogers. Even with a bullet in their leg, they fought. While they were in prison, somebody convinced them that they were going to break the NA out. They ended up kidnapping the NA. That is why I will respect their wish and keep their names and face a secret," as Tony told Rose's story, she suddenly felt awful.
Tony blamed himself for her death, and her words caused that. Even if she went back to him, he would still feel horrible for causing her to go through all the shit with Hydra. Rose turned back to Liz, who looked even more sad.
"L-lets go back to Mystify Magic," Liz said to Rose as she turned around.
Rose nodded, and went upstairs with Liz.

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