Chapter 55- Come Back Stronger

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One night Rose finished up with helping Candace clean the living room, then quickly retreated to bed. She had been exhausted as her body healed up quickly, so it wasn't uncommon for her to do that. Candace turned to Aaron, who was typing on a laptop.
"I think Rosetta needs glasses," she admitted.
Aaron looked up, "What?"
"I tossed her the remote to put it away, it should have easily been in her peripheral, but she just didn't see it. Since she's going back to school soon, might as well get it checked."
"If you think so, but I can't take her to the eye doctor until the weekend."
Candace waved her hand, "I'll take her tomorrow, I get off early."

So Rose ended up going with Candace to get her vision checked, she swore it was fine even if she was well aware her left eye was severely messed up. The older woman was secretly hoping this would help the teenager trust her more, an odd sort of bonding moment.
"Mrs. Coleman," the male doctor was looking at his clipboard, "Rosetta's right eyes is perfectly fine, but her left one has been damaged in some sort of way. Any idea what caused it?"
Candace glanced at Rose, who had been messing with the strings on her hoodie. She looked up at the adults, who were looking at her.
"Oh I got punched in the eye," she finally explained.
"That would do it," the doctor sighed, "Well glasses or contacts can help, but if you probably need to get surgery to fix that permanently when you are older."
"Can she get a prescription?" Candace asked.
He nodded, "Yeah, your insurance will probably cover it. With all this Blip nonsense I'm sure you could get a pair of glasses by them."
"Thanks for your help."


Rose clutched the straps of the dark red backpack Aaron let her use for school, walking into Midtown High. Her hair was dyed brown, she managed to get new brown contacts, and she had a new pair of black rimmed glasses with thin rectangle shaped frames. There were a handful of new scars shown across her face and body, not to mention the bags under her eyes from exhaustion (Rose always told herself she needed to fix her sleep schedule). The hallways were filled with students she had never seen before, but there were about half she knew she walked past at least once before the Blip. She walked into her first period class, sitting in the back as always.
"Hey loser," MJ was next to her, she apparently also got Blipped away.
Rose turned to look at her, "Hey, see you were also in the unlucky 50%."
"Yeah," the other teen leaned back in her seat, "Do you know about anyone else?"
"Parker Blipped, no idea about Ned."
"I saw him when I was getting my books, what are the odds we all got hit?"
Rose shrugged, "Low."
"Does that mean we're lucky that we're all unlucky?"
The Avenger let out a single laugh, "I like that way of thinking MJ."

MJ's eyes examined Rose for a second, the other teen took notice.
"You alright?" Rose asked.
"You disappeared right before the Blip, Ned told me you got strep throat apparently. I was curious if it came back when you were blipped. Oh and you look like shit, covered in scars and all that," MJ rambled on.
Rose waved her hand and slumped into her chair, "When I came back I was in a rough patch, hence the scars. But no, I'm not sick anymore."
"Well at least you didn't die like Iron Man or something."
Rose's breath hitched, she pushed her glasses up to try and hide it, "Yeah... could have been worse."


"Rose!" Ned exclaimed as she sat down at the lunch table, "Why haven't you answered your phone?!"
Rose dug through her bag as she went to grab her lunch, pulling out a dead smart phone in a black case.
"Oh," she mumbled, "Forgot that was in there, I'll charge it later."
"You have glasses," Peter acknowledged.
Rose pulled out a granola bar and chuckled a little bit, "Yeah my vision is fucked in one eye, just never noticed I guess," she totally noticed.
Ned leaned closer to Peter and Rose starting to whisper, "What was it like Peter? Did you come back from the Blip and run right back into battle?"
Peter pushed his best friend away, "I don't want to talk about it man."
Ned threw his hands up, "Fine fine, but you better tell me one day."

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