Chapter 8- Training Camp

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After a few hours of travel, the Quinjet landed outside a facility. It looked like a military training camp, except S.H.I.E.L.D. The building also had a laboratory, but Rose never got a good look at it. Everyone on the plane with Rose was lead off to another area. They were led to a main building, and there they were informed of what this place would be like. They would be training in not only fighting, but dealing with information, handling the newest S.H.I.E.L.D tech, anything else an agent would need.
"Oh so I'm just going to be another agent, that's just great. I didn't come here for that," Rose thought.

After that, everyone was led to where they would be staying. All people could talk about was the blue haired teenager with the black backpack and sheath on her thigh.
"Hey kid, why the hell are you here?" A tall, muscular man asked standing in front of Rose.
Rose looked up and made eye contact with the man.
"Couldn't tell you," Rose said with a shrug.
Rose turned around to leave, but the man placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Children like you shouldn't be here," the man said.
Other people chuckled as he said that.
"Wow that's the best you can come up with? I've been called many things, child is pretty pathetic," Rose told him shoving his hand off.
"What did you say?" The man asked.
"If you're going to call me shit, be creative with it. Like how the only thing that defines you is your body image, when in reality you're extremely insecure and feel the need to pick on kids," Rose said walking away.
The man grabbed Rose's arm.
"If you're so confident, lets have a fight. It will prove that you aren't cut out for this," the man suggested.
He expected Rose to back down in fear and beg for forgiveness. Rose turned around, pulling her arm from his grasp. She gave a shrug with a smug face.
"Sure, why not?"


Rose learned that people could agree to spar each other, as it was considered training. There were strict rules to this. The main one was that if someone gets seriously injured, both sides are punished heavily. After Rose dropped her stuff on one of the small cots, she began to walk to where she was told to go. It was a gym-like building. There were plenty of rings where people were sparring with each other. Rose saw the man, and walked over. This situation felt all too familiar.
"Looks like the child arrived," the man taunted.
Rose began to stretch her arms and legs.
"There he goes with the worst insults I've ever heard," she said in a taunting tone.
The man scoffed, and Rose finished stretching. She walked into the circle of mats, and one of the men announced the beginning of the fight.

While she rolled to dodge one of the attacks, she realized she didn't know who she was fighting.
"What's your name by the way?" Rose asked as she got up from the roll.
"David," the man replied as he went to sweep her legs.
Rose jumped over his leg, and kicked down as is passed under her. She kicked his leg down, forcing his whole body closer to the floor. Rose jumped off his leg, and jumped onto David's back. Rose spun her body upside down, essentially doing a handstand. She kicked off his back as he stood up. Rose put distance between them, and David got back up. Rose attacked first this time. When she got closer to him, he managed to land a punch on her ribs. Some people looked in shock at the blow she just took. Rose stumbled back, but then went right back into action.
"I'll admit David, you're pretty strong," Rose said as she jumped back to dodge a kick.
Rose rolled to the side, and immediately jumped up to avoid another kick. She was right in front of David by now. She jumped up, and kicked him in the jaw. He stumbled back, and Rose ran at him. She slammed into his stomach, causing him to almost fall. Rose wrapped her leg around his, pulling it out from under him. He fell forward, and Rose got behind him. She twisted his arms in a way so he couldn't use them, and used her legs to keep his down. He squirmed to get free, but couldn't.
"The great thing with this trick is that it works on anyone, no matter their strength or size," Rose said.
Everyone else watched in shock. Rose hopped up, walking out of the ring. She dusted off her uniform, and left the gym.

Needless to say, word of Rose spread fast. People seemed to keep their distance from her, but Rose didn't mind. She was in a camp full of young adults, and she was 14. She didn't feel like she fit in, and was glad to have some space. Everyday they trained, and everyday there was always someone who complained afterwards. People would come back from training with bruises, and a tired face. Rose always returned with bruises, blood on her face and body, but she always had a content look. She never had a smile, but never seemed upset. When it came to fighting, she had to be moved up to a more advanced group. They also had classes about the other stuff they needed to know. Rose had extra classes, classes that she would have taken in normal school. They were all online, and she did them at night. After 2 weeks, Rose was starting to wonder when the training with her power would begin. She came to work on her power, not learn Algebra (although she quite enjoyed math and science).

"Rose Knox, you have a visitor," someone said walking past her bed. Sharing a room with other fully grown women was extremely uncomfortable for her, so she shot up and went immediately. She followed the person who said it, until she was led to the entrance of the building. There someone in jeans, a flannel stood, and red sunglasses stood.
"Are you Rose?" He asked.
"Yeah, who are you?" She asked.
"Walk with me," he instructed walking towards the door.
Rose walked next to him, gripping the straps of her backpack.
"I am from a school that teaches children like you," the man said.
"What do you mean children like me?" Rose asked.
"Those with unnatural abilities. It's called Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters," the man said.
"Ok..." Rose said expecting more.
"We normally don't converse with Shield, but they informed us that they had found a young mutant. We were told a bit about you, and we want you to come to our school," the man said with a smile.
"Then why the hell was I sent to this training camp?" Rose asked with an annoyed tone.
"To, and I quote, 'Keep an eye on her, and train her at the same time'," he quoted, probably Fury's words.
"They really like making my life and inconvenience," Rose muttered to herself.
"Anyways, do you want to attend the school?" He asked.
"First I want to know your name," Rose said.
"Cyclops," he said.
"I know that isn't your real name, but I'll accept it," Rose said.
"Well you caught me, my real name is Scott Summers," he said with a smile.
"Well I'm all packed, so let's get out of here. Somehow I managed to piss of the biggest guy in there," Rose said.
"But you're still in uniform," Scott said.
Rose reached for the Shield logo patch on her clothes. She ripped it off, and stuffed it in her bag.
"Now I'm not."

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