Chapter 57- Time To Make A Name For Yourself

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Rose sat at the table with Aaron and Candace while they ate dinner. Rose could tell the adults seemed nervous, looking back and forth between each other. She got tired of waiting, so she carefully set her fork down and look up.
"So," Rose began, "What's going on here?"
Aaron was clearly caught off guard, "U-uh well... Rosetta we-."
Candace leaned forward and spoke to make up for Aaron's stuttering, "We think therapy would be a good idea for you."
Rose leaned back a bit and nodded, "Ah, I see. Well I appreciate the offer, but I'll pass."
"Please consider it," Aaron chimed in, "We don't want to force you to do anything, but I really think it would help you."
"Help with what?"
The couple exchanged a nod, turning back to the teenager sitting at the table with them.
"I know you have nightmares Rose, I have heard you wake up at night in a panic," Aaron explained.

Rose let out a single laugh, "Everyone gets nightmares Aaron, I'm not special."
"It's happened more than once."
"It's happened too frequently."
The Avenger stared in silence, blinking as she processed the information, "How frequent is too frequent?"
Candace seemed to think for a second, "Hmm... once a week? I'm no expert, but when I get nightmares it's only once every two or three months."
Aaron seemed to agree, looking towards the younger for a response. Rose began to laugh, a crazed laughter that seemed to hold far more sorrow than it let on.
"Is something wrong?" Aaron questioned.
"No, no it's just funny," Rose muttered, "I don't the remember the last time I didn't have a nightmare. I guess I forgot my dreams are considered nightmares and not just the type of dreams everyone has."

Before anyone could say anything, the sound of something vibrating popped in. Aaron checked his phone, but there was no one calling. Rose reached into her pocket and pulled out the pager.
Avengers Facility #003
Rose sighed and put it away, "I gotta go, Avenger business apparently."
Aaron stood up quickly, "You are still doing that?!"
Rose stood up to match his stance, "Why not?"
"You're a teenager Rose! I thought you gave it up after the Blip!"
"Aaron I don't know where you got this information."
"Common sense?!"
"Aaron!" Candace snapped, "Calm down. Rose, where are you going and how will you get there?"
"First question: a facility in upstate New York. Second: my powers. Now I need to go or Fury will be pissed," Rose was already pulling her sneakers on.
"Who is Fury?"
Rose looked at Aaron, "Honestly I don't really know at this point. His organisation was infiltrated and destroyed, and now he just is there. Look I'll come back the second I can, it'll be fine."
"It's a school night."
Rose tilted her head, "And? Some things take priority over calculus."

Rose ran out the back door grabbing her backpack, ending the conversation there.


"You're gonna get me in trouble," Rose sighed walking up to the facility, although she noted someone was waiting outside the gates.
A Shield agent was sitting on the roof of a car, although she didn't seem to care for the "trouble" side of things. She stood up and climbed into the drivers seat, the teenager following and getting into the passenger side.
"Shield does not have authority in that facility," the woman began as she started up the car to drive, "That was only a checkpoint for us to meet. From now on expect more obscure locations across the globe, although from what I've heard getting there shouldn't be an issue for you."
"This is true," Rose replied, "who are you by the way?"
"Agent Hill, Director Fury is busy at the moment."
Rose slowly nodded, "So... what now?"
"Your uniform, we have a new one for you. It is a bit more professional than the Shield one you dyed black," Hill explained holding up a silver briefcase.

After a bit the car parked on the side of the road, and Hill turned to look at Rose.
"Alright, take the uniform and get out," she instructed, "Director Fury will be contacting you within the hour. That will be your first mission."
"Wow that's a bit rude," Rose said light hearted, "Thanks I guess."
She jumped out of the vehicle, waved goodbye to Hill, and teleported to the field she had been practicing using her powers in.


Some of the grass in the field had been scorched from Rose, mostly from her trying to "fly". She had also noticed that if she used her powers enough the brown hair dye she used would literally burn off, and from all the teleporting, it was already starting to happen. For the time being she sat down and opened the case, pulling the clothing out. There was a black shirt made from thin slick fabric, there were no sleeves and the collar went a little over an inch up the wearer's neck. Rose set it aside, grabbing the pair of pants. Black cargo pants with pockets all along the legs, meaning she no longer needed to use the belt from her old uniform. There was a pair of socks made from the same material as the shirt, along with a new black mask. Finally there was black sneakers that had no laces so they could simply put pulled over her feet, and the padded soles made it so she could walk nearly silently. The Avenger began to get changed to try on the clothing, noticing it all fit her perfectly. She tucked the shirt into the pants and jumped up and down, noticing how light the clothing felt. She made sure her knife was strapped onto her thigh, satisfied with the uniform.

As Rose rotated her shoulders preparing to test the outfit with her powers, she caught a glimpse of black on her shoulder. She looked at the Hydra brand in her skin, cringing a bit at how she somehow forgot about it.
"I can't walk around with this showing, this is why I always have sleeves," Rose realised, glancing back at the suitcase.
There was dark grey fabric lining the interior, nothing expensive but it would work. She used her knife to cut out a thick strip, returning her weapon to its sheath. She grabbed the cloth and using her right hand and teeth, tied it around her upper arm. It looked like a tourniquet of some kind, and although it was tight, Rose made sure it didn't cut off any circulation.  As Rose was packing her normal clothing into her backpack, the pager went off again. She grabbed it and read the top text, London.


Rose followed the instructions on the message, walking into an old warehouse in London and going to a door on the left. When she walked in she found a few Shield agents seemingly packing up some sort of temporary base, with Fury standing at the door waiting.
"You took longer than expected," the director commented.
Rose rolled her eyes, "Sorry that I can't just head to an address I've never been to instantly, that's not how this works. I had to find a map in the town square."
The other agents in the room glanced up at the Avenger, one of them whispered something about Rose being "the actual NA." She responded with a glare, causing them to look away. Fury walked over with a Manila folder, giving it to the teenager. She opened it, looking at all the pictures and photos inside.

"We have found that Britain's diplomat for the UN is involved heavily in human trafficking, but we have been unable to get close enough to take him in," Fury explained, "With the Blip the world needs good leaders and you need to make some sort of name for yourself. Everything about this is in that file, the guidelines are simple. You have twenty four hours to bring him to this location, if you try after that the mission is failed and you have to hand the pager over."
Rose read through everything as she listened, "Ok, I'll go do that."
"No more questions?"
"Yes actually," she put the file to her side, "Tell me Director Fury, would you like me to put on a show for the world to see?"
"Yes, give the name The Nameless Avenger some real meaning."


"People across the globe tuned in to watch the news last night. As many know The Nameless Avenger walked into an United Nations meeting that was being broadcasted, looking Britain's ambassador in the eyes. A chase ensued, ending with the blue haired Avenger taking him and vanishing in the back room, where the two temporarily went is currently unknown. The NA dropped a file as they left. Upon further investigation into this file it has been found that he was involved with a global sex trafficking operation, not too long after he was turned in to the authorities from an anonymous organisation it appears the NA is working with. No more details have come out about this mysterious hero, although it seems obvious they plan to become more active after the Blip. What does this mean legally? Are they still an Avenger under the Sokovia Accords? The UN plans to release a statement later today regarding such topics."
Aaron stared at the TV, Candace dead silent. He stood up, turned it off, and took a deep breath.
"Rosetta Coleman what did you do?!"
A teenager popped their head through the doorway, smirked, before running back to her room.

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