Chapter 33- New Name; New Life

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Rose walked out of her portal, and appeared in the lounge of a building. Not just any building, Avenger's Tower. Moving boxes were everywhere, most of the furniture was gone.
"So Stark's leaving this place? That's kind of sad, but I'm here for my shit," Rose mumbled.
Rose remembered the person who kidnapped her said that her stuff was in possession of Tony, so she was trying to get it back. Rose walked through the tower, keeping an eye out for all cameras and security tech. Every step was careful, so she didn't set off any alarms. Eventually she found the storage room, and started looking through boxes and shelves. As she searched, a computer voice began to speak to her.
"The police have been informed of your break-in, and are on their way," a feminine- robotic voice said.
Rose heard the sound of the door locking, and picked up her pace. She eventually found a box labeled The Nameless Avenger: Handle With Care!Rose ripped open the box and pulled out her backpack. She dug through files about her until she found her sheath. Her knife wasn't in it, it wasn't in the box entirely. She could hear people enter the building, so she closed the box back up.
"Dammit where's my knife?!" Rose thought as she ran through the storage room.

Rose pushed some shelves in front of the door, and ignored the footsteps getting closer. She threw some things at the cameras so they couldn't see her face, and learn she was alive. As she searched the room, she found another door labeled vault.
"I bet the knife made of ultra rare metal is in there," She realized as she noticed the keycard lock on the door.
"This is the police, we are coming in!" Someone outside the door called.
Rose focused all her energy, and created a portal on the door. She stepped through it, and seemingly walked straight through the door. She looked around, and saw she wasn't in the range of any cameras. She crouch-ran behind a few more boxes, and found one labeled Vibranium.

Rose tore open the box, and froze. Her knife was carefully wrapped up, but so was Captain America's shield.
"H-how? Why? No... he would only give it up if he felt he didn't deserve it. What the hell happened at that Hydra base?" Rose muttered as she unwrapped her knife and stuck it in her sheath.
Rose create a small portal underneath her feet, and she fell through. The police broke into the room, and looked around for the intruder. The cameras couldn't see their face, and their head was hidden behind boxes and shelves in all the footage.

Rose landed roughly on a rooftop, and tried to push herself up. Her arms began to shake, and she collapsed again. Her eyelids grew heavy, and the concrete rooftop suddenly felt much more comfortable. This was how she learned creating portals drained her energy, especially traveling across an ocean multiple times in one day. Skipping sleep the previous night of sleep didn't help.


Rose slowly woke up and groaned as she sat up. Her body ached from sleeping on the rooftop, but she at least had sleep. She stood up, stretched, and saw her backpack was on her back. She tapped her thigh, and smiled when she felt her knife. She climbed down the fire escape, and hopped down onto the ground. Her body still ached from the night before, and the pajama pants and t-shirt she was wearing were getting dirty. Rose ducked behind a building and dug through her backpack. Surprisingly all her clothes were there, even her uniform. She changed into her jeans and hoodie, then walked out to figure out where she was. One thing was for sure, she was in Queens New York. She pulled her wallet out of her bag, and found it was completely empty (not that there was much in there before).

Rose was broke, recovering from being tortured, hungry, and a wanted criminal that people declared dead. She wandered through the street with no destination in mind, and she passed a clothing store. She looked at the glass, and saw her reflection. She noticed that her left iris looked slightly misshapen, the entire eye looked glossy, and the edges of the eye were red. She touched the area underneath as carefully as she could, and went back to walking. Rose covered her right eye with her hand so her vision relied solely on her left eye.
"Oh shit, my vision is actually pretty blurry. I suppose I should be glad I can still see out of it, Markus really did hold back," Rose thought as she unconsciously touched the necklace's charm resting on her neck.

Rose looked around and recognized the buildings around her. Without thinking, her legs took her to the area of the city she always like to hang around. She debated seeing Aaron, but decided that there was no point to go into a store with no money.
Rose turned around to see Aaron walking out of a store with plastic bags in his hands. He caught up and walked next to Rose.
"My store's been boring without you," he said.
"Oh sorry, I went on a trip," Rose explained with an awkward smile.
"Oh cool, also I have a pretty important question for you," Aaron began.
Rose gestures for him to ask, as she had nothing else to do.
"Look I know you're homeless, you're awful at hiding it. Anyways I want to make a deal with you. How about I let you sleep on my couch, and in return you go to school and help out in my store occasionally. Does that sound fair?"
Rose stared at Aaron blankly for a minute. She couldn't understand why he seemed so concerned about her wellbeing.
"This sounds like I benefit from it more than you," Rose replied.
Aaron shrugged, "Maybe, but I've been thinking about this for weeks so clearly I thought this out."

"Can I ask why you care about me so much? Like I get I've been shopping at your store for a while, but that alone shouldn't make you care so much," Rose questioned in a more serious tone.
"No kid should not only have no family, but also wander around the streets of New York all day. Oh and if you don't go to school you won't be able to get a job," Aaron explained.
"So...pity?" Rose asked tilting her head.
"Compassion would be a better word, so do we have a deal?"
"...yeah alright."


Aaron led Rose into a small apartment. It had one main room with a kitchen and living room, a small hallway that had a door on each side on the hallway that led to a bathroom and bedroom. On the opposite side of the main room from the hallway, another door led to a small office. The apartment was less than a block away from Aaron's store, and every room (except the bathroom) had at least one window without a screen. Outside of the window in the bedroom was a fire escape that led into the alley below and window in the office let you see the street below.

Rose still didn't know if she could trust Aaron, so she learned every inch on the apartment so she could run if she needed to. Aaron walked into the office, and came out with some papers.
"So what's your full name?" Aaron asked placing the papers on the counter.
"Wait this is my chance to change my name..." Rose realized to herself.
Aaron grabbed a pen from a small drawer, and held the tip over the paper.
"Rosetta," she said.
"Last name?"
"Don't have one."
"Alright then I'll put mine."
Rose froze. Taking someone's last name felt like stealing to her. Last names was something Rose always had respect for, and so someone giving her theirs was odd.
"Yours?" She questioned.
"Coleman. I'm signing you up for high school and you need a last name there," he said writing something on the papers.
Rose didn't reply and just stared in confusion.
"What? The deal was you go to school, you will be put in halfway through the school year though. I'm sure you'll do fine," Aaron replied to her confusion.
"What's the name of it?"
"Midtown High."

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